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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. Shouldn't be much longer, no specific ETA though
  2. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  3. This is not our decision to make. The A310 is not our aircraft, it is Microsofts. If you want updates, you will need to go through Microsoft.
  4. Will forward, thanks 🙂
  5. Mmh, thanks, we will investigate 🙂
  6. Will put down for consideration, but no promises 🙂
  7. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  8. Heya! No, this is currently not possible, but it is already under consideration 🙂
  9. No promises, but will put down for consideration 🙂
  10. Known issue, will be fixed
  11. Those are the default MSFS pilot models, won't be changed I'm afraid.
  12. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  13. This crash actually has nothing to do with our aircraft, as the module path doesnt link to any of our files.
  14. The links above were automatically updated for 1.0.2
  15. Heya! For me, there very much is a clickspot here But also if you were actually in TEST mode, your fuel meter should look like this: I would advise a reinstall and maybe try with an empty community folder.
  16. We will see what we can do 🙂
  17. Thanks, will take a look!
  18. Correct, if doors not disarmed, slides will deploy - as per real aircraft
  19. Regardless of brightness, it shouldn't bleed through the door. Will take a look!
  20. This is actually the CFD visualization, that can be turned off in the assistance options.
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