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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. Thats a question for Microsoft, not for us I'm afraid.
  2. The XP11 ones will work just fine, you can download them here from the forum
  3. Looks to be a permission issue, make sure you have permission to write on your C drive
  4. You can find the base livery here: Community\inibuilds-aircraft-a300-600\SimObjects\Airplanes\inibuilds-aircraft-a306f\texture.freighter Did this solve your issue?
  5. What did you enter for your simbrief ID? The "Simbrief Alias" is needed. Which Axis do you have bound in the MSFS settings? I reccomend the Throttle 1/2 Axis 0-100%
  6. Mmh, that is rather weird! I downloaded Shoreham form the Market as well and it looks like it is supposed to 😕 Are you sure there is no conflicting package? Maybe clearing your SceneryIndexes will help, worth a try anyways 🙂
  7. Thanks, will get that fixed 🙂
  8. What probably happened is that you put one of the IRS rotaries into ATT mode by accident, which would explain all these. INIT B cant be accessed anymore if engine is started. Pitch trim levers wont stay up if IRS is not aligned.
  9. The iniManager just downloads the installer for FSR, make sure your UAC settings allow installations. Otherwise the downloaded installer will be in the temp folder of the iniManager, can manually start it from there as well. AppData\Local\iniManager\app-2.3.0\resources\app\temp
  10. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  11. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  12. Known issue, should be fixed in 1.0.3
  13. Mmh, works for me without a problem.. Is the vPilot client showing a transmission and you cant hear it? Or is there no transmission to begin with?
  14. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  15. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  16. Just a note: Officially sim rate isn't supported by the A300. We are looking into it to make it more stable in the future though
  17. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  18. This was previously requested and put on the internal wishlist already. Thanks.
  19. Thanks, we will see what we can do 🙂
  20. Sorry, I'm confused.. Which animation/knob do you mean? Could I have a picture please? 😄
  21. This should have been in the 1.0.2 patch, you sure this is still an issue?
  22. Yeah, not much we can do here I'm afraid. Cockpit geometry is how it is IRL
  23. Shoul be better in next version (1.0.3) 🙂
  24. TO calculations will recieve an update in the next version 🙂
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