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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. Thanks, will take a look at those XP issues for the next patch 🙂
  2. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  3. Heya! Thanks for the report, we will check this and rectify if needed 🙂
  4. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  5. You can try to remove them temporarily from your community folder and see if it works then. Or maybe you can try to enter the same airport pair multiple times and see if the FMC is just a bit slow
  6. Heya! Yeah, the compiled WASM files will be automatically moved to the packages folder from MSFS, should be around 200MB 🙂
  7. The posts were not deleted, just moved to the correct subforum. This is the general section, not the A300 section. I will move this post as well. For your issue, yes, this is a known issue, will likely be rectified in this weeks patch
  8. Yep, known issue, thanks for the report though 🙂
  9. No problem for me anymore, got any scenery maybe?
  10. Heya! Just tested this at PANC as well, my engines didn't turn off.. Just to make sure, do you have any keybind on your yoke etc for mixture? If so, remove that while flying the A300
  11. No, that sounds like a bug, will take a look 🙂
  12. Go to your GSX installer, click Config and then this button
  13. Yep, the "scenery" one can be deleted 🙂
  14. Perfect, thank you 🙂
  15. Thanks, will also take a look at this 😄
  16. Mh, could this maybe be a different (older) gauge? Cause ours also says OIL and not PRESS on the left But you can also see it in this video, so we will take a look 🙂 https://youtu.be/-U60iLommyI
  17. Yep, can replicate this, will write down and see if we can do something here 🙂
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