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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. But you do understand that I can't help you if you can't give me the add-ons you use, yeah? I am not interested in any scenery add-ons as they are rather unlikely to cause the plane to fall out of the sky, but rather functionality add-ons like FSUIPC.
  2. Could you please press CTRL + I when the iniManager is open, switch to console, then start a download and send me a screenshot from the output of the console? Thanks 🙂
  3. This is correct. We use the insim navdata.
  4. Yep, that should be no problem. You can set whatever path you want in the iniManager 🙂
  5. Iirc the LITE versions have no airport walkers and shorter passenger paths to save some FPS 🙂
  6. CFD visualisation in the Assistance Options 🙂
  7. Other than uninstalling FSUIPC.. afraid not, no.
  8. So can I close the thread? 🙂
  9. Thanks, will forward to the painter
  10. What is not explained in the videos that you need to know how to fly the plane?
  11. No, it is not linked to livery but the plane as a whole. It only differentiates between Pax and F
  12. Heya! The first one is a GSX limitation, as it can't open doors with a custom LVAR. We will look into the other three 🙂
  13. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  14. Heya! Are you sure that these are facing the wrong direction? eg do you have any reference? I would assume that it is correct so pilots know where they are when they turn off the runway? Or do all of those signs say something runway releated?
  15. Thanks, we will look into if we can improve the colors
  16. The railway wasnt fully modelled to save performance. The bits of rail in your last picture will be removed in the future
  17. Please don't mix A300 with A310 topics.. The cabin wouldn't depressurise in that case, at least not rapidly, but when the start rotary is on start a/b the bleed air will be used for the start of the engines.
  18. Definitely won't promise anything like this, but put it down for consideration for the team 🙂
  19. Thanks, we will investigate some more
  20. I'll forward to sound guy and we shall see what he makes out of it 🙂
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