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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. Mhh, curious one! Could you please delete the iniManager folders in AppData/Local and AppData/Roaming, reinstall and see if this issue persists?
  2. Could you show a screenshot of the EFB (with a opened chart for the airport youre currently at) with the simlink program open please?
  3. Thanks, we will look into these 🙂
  4. Heya! Do you have any real world experience with the airplane or any references to your claims? I don't want to sound dismissive, but I think it is easy to understand that we cant just change somthing because one personf said they found something unrealistic.
  5. Heya! You're the first person, who reported GSX crashes with our plane. So generally I'd assume the issue is somewhere on your end. If you do have 2.9.0 installed, I think it might be worth a try to uninstall and reinstall GSX to see if that solves your issue.
  6. There was one user that uploaded his AAO config here already, and I would assume that the brakes work for him. I'm unfortunately not that current with AAO, so my help is limited in that regard, maybe download his profile to see how they mapped the axis?
  7. Mh, thats rather weird then. Any other add ons?
  8. Ha, yep, you are right, we will change it back 😅
  9. Perfect, thanks yall 🙂
  10. Yeah, I also dont see this on my end either. Please try uninstalling, deleting the sceneryindexes, then reinstalling.
  11. Do you have Nool installed as well by chance? It looks like they are overlapping
  12. The file as in a single file? Please delete all of them.
  13. Known issue, waiting for MS to apply the supplied fix.
  14. Known issue currently, waiting for MS to apply the fix we send them.
  15. We probably wont do a complete new video series, as we did one back when we released the A300 for XPlane. That would can be used for the one in MSFS as well though. Only real difference will be the EFB.
  16. Realistically I don't think this will be changed, however i put it forward for consideration 🙂
  17. Thanks for the suggestion, we will look into it 🙂
  18. Good news, all of your wishlist items are already planned for a future version 🙂
  19. Thanks we will look into it!
  20. Do you have a seperate Rudder and Tiller Axis? If so, I'm afraid this is a known issue and there is nothing that you can do other than removing one of those axis for the time being.
  21. I'll forward this to our modellers, but it might just be perspective in the MSFS picture. Thanks anyways 🙂
  22. Heya! 1,2,4 and 6 are known and being worked on, 4 being long term 3 I can't really confirm, our test pilots said it autolands better than the actual plane. 5 Ill forward to our sounds guy 🙂
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