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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. No, sorry, I don't understand this critique. Please explain to me what more you want to see. For me the bulb is fully illuminated.
  2. Welp.. 😄 Can confirm, will fix 🙂
  3. Do you have any of the Piloting assistances turned on by chance? If so, turn them off please.
  4. From the screenshot I'd say you retracted the Flaps/Slats too early, but it is hard to say 😄 A video would be better to troubleshoot here
  5. Yes, there will be an option for realistic cargo door times in the future 🙂
  6. Yes
  7. Yep, thanks, will be sped up in v1.0.3 🙂
  8. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  9. Yes, it has never not worked for me either and something trivial like this would 100% not slipped through QA. If you start playing with LVARs, things might not look as they are supposed to look.
  10. Thanks, will crosscheck with our internal documents and change if true 🙂
  11. Aaah, I see. I figured you meant that one, but the inner/outer confused me too much haha And yep, can confirm this, when using the mouse dragging the animation is in fact reversed, thanks, will get it fixed 🙂
  12. Heya, sure! Turn off all the assistances in the Piloting section as shown here:
  13. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  14. Our internal target is end of the week, but this is not a promise
  15. Should be fixed in next version 🙂
  16. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  17. Thanks for that, will take a look here and see if we can add that one 🙂
  18. Yep, when you give fuel instantly after engaging the starter, it'll hot start.
  19. Honestly a bit offended by your first sentence, no idea what would give you that idea. Will take a look and fix, thanks.
  20. Thanks, will take a look! 🙂
  21. MX is currently disabled, will be reenabled with 1.0.3. File will then be in the work folder.
  22. The disarm all doors functionality is already on the wishlist and will probably come. As for the door disarming.. Sounds more like a scenery issue when the jetways already connect before the engines are off.. 😄 Would you mind telling me though, at which scenery this happens for example? Maybe we can inhibit the jetways moving on its own
  23. Window shades will probably come in a future update, door locking will realistically stay an EFB only feature. Pilots dont lock the doors on PAX planes.
  24. None of these functions are officially supported, use at your own risk. We are however looking to improve this in the future.
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