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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. Alexair is correct, if we change it, other people will complain about it. If the default one isnt preferable to you, you'll have to move the camera yourself I'm afraid.
  2. This is a long requested feature and is on our list to implement.
  3. Yep, as initially announced the A300 will also come to Xbox. Shouldn't take much longer 🙂
  4. No worries! Ibiza will be getting a new update soonTM with the updated layout 🙂
  5. Will be fixed in next version 🙂
  6. You have Volanta? Pretty sure thats one of their things
  7. Thanks, will take a look!
  8. This is a known issue, thanks for the report tho 🙂
  9. In theory you are right, however sometimes the A300 shows it age and it just ignores it and plays the sound regardless. Virtually all operators have the "DH -5" in their SOP to stop the sound from playing.
  10. Thanks for the feedback, will take a look!
  11. Yep, as Crabby said, you will need to disarm the slides before opening a door.
  12. It was disabled with 1.0.1 to make sure it wasnt causing bugs; will likely be reenabled in this weeks patch
  13. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  14. Will forward to our sound guy, thanks 🙂
  15. Move your mode selector on the Bravo out of the IAS position and it should work without an issue 🙂
  16. All good Ben, nothing to worry 🙂
  17. Thanks, we will take a look at the anti ice system 🙂
  18. As for the first issue, you can try this: We will add deadzones around the set points in the next version, that should remove those issues. Which tiller axis? From my knowledge, there is only a "Nose Wheel Steering Axis", but that works as expected for me
  19. Heya! The "crouching" you describe can be resolved by realigning the VR window.
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