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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. Thanks, will see if we can do something here 🙂
  2. Thanks, will look into it! The erratic actions when coming out of pause are fixed for the next version 🙂
  3. The first issue sounds like a hot start, that happens when fuel is introduced too early into the engines. As for the TCA issue, look here:
  4. All of the times I have seen it on the forum here, it is due to the name not entered correctly. Tell him to double check that he entered the "Simbrief Alias" in the field on the EFB
  5. Thanks, will look into it 🙂
  6. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  7. ....... Which ones? How do you expect me to troubleshoot your problem, when you do not give me the needed information?
  8. I'm afraid our planes are not optimised to work with a high simrate. We might look into this in the future. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  9. Thanks, will also take a look here 😄
  10. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  11. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  12. Please contact direct support for all account related queries: https://www.inibuilds.com/contact
  13. As I already wrote you in your DM, please contact direct support for all account related queries: https://www.inibuilds.com/contact
  14. Navigraph can interfer with the base sim navdata, yes. If you have Navigraph installed, that is most likely the culprit.
  15. Heya! Unfortunately we cannot give out any information on Microsoft aircraft. Sorry for any inconvenience caused 😕
  16. To add to that, the maintennce options are actually currently disabled, as we tried to make sure they werent the issue for the crashes in v.1.0.0. They will be reenabled in the future 🙂
  17. That may be a fair point, but currently our plane does not use Navigraph and because of the way Navigraph interacts with the sim, it can override some of the default sim procedures. So you either will have to wait until we implement Navigraph navdata into our plane, or expect some missing/wrong procedures here and there..
  18. Heya! This does in fact sound like a bug! Thanks for pointing it out to us, will get it fixed 🙂
  19. Correct, this is just a note for pilots that icing could occure at the current TAT, not that it is actually happening right now.
  20. Does this happen every time after a flight for you?
  21. This is absolutely not true. Why would you think we exclude a part of our user base? That would make no sense at all.
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