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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. it uses the default MSFS navdata.
  2. It´s probably due to you being offline in the sim / not connected to MSFS servers. Once there is a connection it should work.
  3. As I said, they need to be community made.
  4. as all liveries are community made, you can post them here, but there will be no guarantee any will get made.
  5. As for the CO RTE, if you use the new iniManager v2, under the Pilot Support page you can import your simbrief flightplan, then export it. The Manager will automatically put the file at the correct place for the A310 to access it. It should then load the CO RTE. You can also import the simbrief flightplan directly via the FMC --> Menu --> ACARS --> request simbrief
  6. This probably is due to MSFS servers being down / under load right now. Please try again once they stabilize 🙂
  7. If you are no longer subscribed, simply deleting the two Navigraph folders from your Community folder should do the trick as well.
  8. Did y'all download the enhanced version from the marketplace?
  9. Not at the moment, no.
  10. Please make sure your Navigraph AIRAC is updated to the newest version.
  11. You will need to download the Enhanced version from the marketplace.
  12. In three days you will. I know this is a frustrating answer, but I promise you it´ll be worth the wait. You can expect a product equal to the XP version, even surpassing it in some detail.
  13. Correct, yeah. A more accureate interior might come in a future update, but no promises on that. We always need to find a good balance between performance and detail level.
  14. Please try it again while opening up the Manager as Admin and if that doesn´t work, please contact us via Direct Support and we will go from there 🙂 https://www.inibuilds.com/contact
  15. mmh, that is weird indeed. Please open up a direct support ticket and we will take a look at it from there 🙂 https://www.inibuilds.com/contact
  16. Please write a direct support ticket and we will hook you up 🙂 https://inibuilds.com/contact
  17. Heya, can you check for me please if the Manager correctly identified your XP11 folder in the settings? 🙂
  18. You are on the new iniManager v2? Cause when I click on "My Products" it shows planes as well as scenery. Maybe you need to scroll down a bit?
  19. Yes, this is planned for a future update. I don´t have a timeline for said update unfortunately.
    Beautiful livery, shame its not compatible with Cardas engines tho
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