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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. Thanks, I'll forward to sound guy to take a look at it 🙂
  2. Yes, this is known and will be fixed in the next patch.
  3. Because that is not how it works on this plane / an Airbus. You need to click the R-LSK of the waypoint you want to edit, then put in the restiction in the VERT REV A page as people in this thread already said. @Maverick_2000 Can you confirm there is nothing in your scratchpad when you click the R-LSK? Maybe show a video?
  4. Thanks, we will take a look 🙂
  5. Heya! Which procedure out of KIND seems to be a problem? I just tried the OOM5 out of 23R, deleted the MANUAL leg, and it flew it no problem. Please understand that we can't replicate issues if you give us minimal information. For all reports like this we NEED the full route, weights, CI and FL.
  6. For future reference, no need to shut down the engines, you can always enter the CG under PROG --> FUEL PRED 🙂
  7. Should be with next weeks patch, if all according to plan 🙂
  8. Should be fixed in 1.0.2 If it still happens, please report back!
  9. Should be fixed with 1.0.2 Please test again and report back!
  10. Should be fixed with 1.0.2 Please try again and report back 🙂
  11. Mmmh.. To me that shounds like a control bind issue. Could you please remove the Hotas/Yoke/Whatever you have, press the TOGA button and see if the engines also roll back?
  12. If you have any other problems, please let me know!
  13. I think this was fixed in 1.0.2, could you check again please?
  14. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  15. There isn't, no. But we are working on fixing the issue where the rudder overtakes the nose wheel steering, should hopefully be in 1.0.3
  16. The update is still in the works I'm afraid, sorry for the inconveniece 😕
  17. Yep, exactly, user waypoints. I dont have the chart around currently, but it would be in this general format: Place/Bearing/Distance so like CH/180/05 for a waypoint 5nm in a 180° direction from CH. As for the arrival.. That is also probably due to the navdata mod I'm afraid. We currently only support the insim navdata and everything other than that is "use at your own risk"
  18. This can only be "fixed" if we completly rewrite the FMC to accept Navigraph navdata. When or if we do this, I cant say or promise.
  19. Heya! No, that command shouldn't be used like that. Try using the STEER AXIS command instead 🙂
  20. That sounds like a GSX issue. Did you exclude our PHNL in the GSX options?
  21. The IGS13 approach is coded as a GPS approach, which the A300 can't fly and is therefore omitted. When I flew that approach I built the waypoints myself, as they are all in relation to the CH VOR and are easy to do with PBDs 😄
  22. It sounds like another Navigraph incompability with the default navdata (that we use) Please try uninstalling Navigraph navdata and see if the issue persists.
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