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Everything posted by Eddie

  1. Hi there, Please try force re-download of the aircraft first and let me know if you continue to have the same issue. Thank you
  2. Hello, The team is aware of this. Thank you for the report!
  3. Hi there, Have you made sure the default OMDB is uninstalled through the Content Manager? If yes, please clear your indexes. To do that locate your folder by following the path below. (MS Store) \AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\SceneryIndexes (Steam) \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\SceneryIndexes Then delete the contents inside but leave the folder intact. It is worth re-installing the scenery again after this step. Launch the simulator. Let me know if this resolves it. Thank you!
  4. Hi, Those liveries were created for the older model. We haven't had the chance to create any new liveries for our new model and nothing is planned currently. Third party ones should start appearing on websites like flightsim.to soon. We may revisit this in the future. Thank you!
  5. Hi Bob, The free compatibility update is still in the works. Soon hopefully 🙂
  6. Hi there, Please try force re-download of the affected planes.
  7. Hi, Please try force re-download of the affected streamed content.
  8. Hi, Thank you, passed on to the team. 🙂
  9. Hello, Yeah there's definitely something not right here. I have, like mentioned, tried what you mentioned but it seems something is making the simulator ignore the chock logic entirely. Have you tried using the A300 in an empty community folder to rule out any potential conflicts? Thank you
  10. Hi again Adrian, Have you made sure to disable the default KJFK as well as re-installed the iniBuilds KJFK and cleared your scenery indexes?
  11. Hi, Apologies for not getting back to you. Been a very very busy month for us and all we ask is for your understanding. I've tried reproducing the issue and haven't come to the same conclusion. The chocks won't engage in your instance due to the aircraft already being in motion, which is obviously a problem. Either way, the team has been made aware despite not being able to reproduce and will be addressed in a future update. Again, apologies for the very delayed followup. Thank you
  12. Hi there, Apologies for the inconvenience. The team is already aware of this 🙂
  13. Hi there, Thanks for the report. I've passed this on to the team 🙂
  14. Hi, yep. We've noted this. Looking into it for a future update! 🙂
  15. Hi, From what I understand, this impacts all content that is locked within the simulator including standard, deluxe and premium content. So nothing third party as that will be installed locally unless the developer chooses to use the streaming functionality as well (not sure how that will work if the product is sold on a third party marketplace). Microsoft has already made a statement regarding this issue and are working towards something that will make the community happy. Thank you
  16. Hi, The A350 will be exclusive for MSFS2024 with no plans for MSFS2020 support currently.
  17. Eddie

    Tiller not steering

    This seems to be a known sim issue. You can try force re-"downloading" the streamed files:
  18. Hello, Try clearing you "work" folder for respective aircraft you're having issues with. That is found here: Steam: %APPDATA%\Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024\WASM\MSFS2024\ MS Store: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\Microsoft.Limitless_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\WASM\MSFS2024\ Thank you
  19. Not yet. I believe once the marketplace is available, you'll be able install things locally.
  20. Hi there, Apologies for the late reply. This is purely due to streaming issues MS server-side. Not something we have control over. Worth to ask though, have you gone into "modify" when selecting the -200? All variants are under the one A330 that shows up in the aircraft list. Thank you
  21. Hi there, Yes the team is aware 🙂
  22. Hi there, Thanks for letting us know. Passed on to the team! 🙂
  23. Hello, Thanks for the report, passed on to the team.
  24. Hi, Due to the nature of the encrypted/locked files Microsoft have shipped, it is not possible to access the base files and make liveries off of them. There are requests for paintkits/access on the MS forums. Until they get addressed, I have no answer to your question. Hopefully sooner than later we'll see liveries start popping up once/if file access is granted. Thank you
  25. Please check the ThrottleData.ini file (open with Notepad). Check for specifically [throttle] reverse_on_axis = true If it says false, change it to true as above. Reverse thrust should then work after a sim restart. ------------------------------- The ThrottleData.ini file can be found in the respective aircraft's work folder at the following paths. For e.g. the A400M's work folder will be inside ...\microsoft-aircraft-a400m\work at the below paths: FS24 Work Folder Paths Steam: %APPDATA%\Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024\WASM\MSFS2024\ MS Store: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\Microsoft.Limitless_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\WASM\MSFS2024\
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