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Everything posted by Eddie

  1. Hi, The A220 is still a Synaptic Simulations project. This question is better for them regardless of our contribution. Thank you 🙂
  2. Hi, That link is still valid, I suspect your account may be barred from re-joining or this may be some kind of technical issue. Please reach out to direct support, provide your Discord ID and explain the problem there too; https://inibuilds.com/pages/contact Thank you
  3. Hello, Please check again if the option is now available. Let me know if not. Thank you
  4. Hi again @Hifi flyer! Just checking in. Did you end up getting this resolved? 🙂
  5. Hello, Please make sure the iniManager is closed and then try deleting the appdata folder for it: X:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\iniManager Launch the iniManager in administrator mode after that. If that still doesn't resolve it, it may be worth a complete reinstall. If THAT doesn't solve it, please reach out to direct support https://inibuilds.com/pages/contact Thank you 🙂
  6. Hi, please contact direct support if the issue remains. https://inibuilds.com/pages/contact
  7. - Removed previous thread for showing personal information - Hi, Have you tried again later? Still same issue? If so; please try re-installing the application entirely. Let me know if that resolves it!
  8. Hi there, Please try clearing your scenery indexes; To do that locate your folder by following the path below. (MS Store) \AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\SceneryIndexes (Steam) \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\SceneryIndexes Then delete the contents inside but leave the folder intact. (The indexes will rebuild on next load of FS) This should solve the issue. Let me know if not.
  9. Hi there, That is a question best suited for Noriega Designs. You can contact Mario over at https://mariosplanes.com/index.php/en/contact-en Thank you!
  10. Clearing your scenery indexes: To do that locate your folder by following the path below. (MS Store) \AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\SceneryIndexes (Steam) \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\SceneryIndexes Then delete the contents inside but leave the folder intact. (The indexes will rebuild on next load of FS) This should solve the issue.
  11. Please ensure you have no assists enabled as well as the turbulence setting down to, preferably, medium/low/off. Let me know if this resolves the issue 🙂
  12. Hello, Due to the nature of how the aircraft is structured for MSFS2024, older liveries will not work unless specifically converted to the new format. We have updated most of our in-house liveries on the iniManager for this reason. However, older liveries should work with the compatible version that we pushed for MSFS2024. Are you using compatible or premium edition? Thank you
  13. Eddie

    Lights !!!

    I understand the frustration but we really can't put any "pressure" on MS. Their schedule is entirely up to them depending on what they want to release or update, and now with FS24 brought into the loop, it's almost double the work-load (presumably) of said schedule. I wish we could hit the publish button ourselves but unfortunately it isn't that easy. I am still hopeful it's sooner than later. Thank you
  14. Hello, Any specific variant you seeing this on? I've looked through all of them and I'm not seeing this at any point during the day-cycle. What camera-mode you seeing this on? Showcase, exterior or from the internal camera and glitched outside the model barrier? Thank you
  15. Eddie

    CTD mcdu

  16. That is information that'll come at a later time 🙂
  17. Eddie


    When the update is ready. That's about all I can say. 🙂
  18. Hi! Glad you managed to sort it out. It would be immensely appreciated if you could share what you did incase someone else has this issue going forward. Thank you!
  19. Hi there, Yes this does seem like a simulator lighting thing. Not sure if this is by design or not. Have you had the same issue with other aircraft?
  20. Eddie

    CTD mcdu

    Hi, This "bad advice" has fixed issues for numerous other users. Besides, thousands have had no issues at all with minor bugs here and there that have already been patched and awaiting a push from Microsoft. Its important to provide as much information from your side so we can help each other to crack down on the issue you're having. If you installed the simulator the first 3 days of its launch, please re-install it (as per Microsoft request) as it may have downloaded corrupt data. As for the issue you're having above, what airport were you looking through so I can try to reproduce. Thanks
  21. Hello, The reason for the very limited amount of third party liveries is due to the the files being encrypted this time around. The community has found ways to work-around it but its a lot more tedious than doing it for FS2020. Microsoft is aware and is working towards a better solution. I will however pass on to the team that the community is requesting some A320 liveries 🙂 Thank you
  22. Hi again, I have tried reproducing the issue you're having and with no luck. I hate to say it but it may indeed be some kind of issue on your side. Of course if I notice anything in the future, I'll let the team know immediately! Good luck! 🙂
  23. Eddie


    Perfect, glad to hear that you've found the issue. Might be a good idea to let FBW know about this 🙂
  24. Hi Stacy, Not yet, no. Hopefully very soon we'll be releasing the compatibility update as well as the premium upgrade/version. 🙂
  25. Hello, This is a known issue and a fix is in the works for a future update! 🙂
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