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Everything posted by Eddie

  1. Hi there, I'm not exactly sure what the issue here is. Could you please clarify? Much appreciated Thank you
  2. Hi again, Try removing the scenery entirely (uninstalling it) and clearing you scenery indexes. To do that locate your folder by following the path below. (MS Store) \AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\SceneryIndexes (Steam) \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\SceneryIndexes Then delete the contents inside but leave the folder intact. Reinstall the scenery now and launch MSFS. This should hopefully resolve the issue. Please let me know if it doesn't. Thank you
  3. Hi there, This is a WASM crash, you can read more about it here: I was not able to reproduce the result unfortunately (tried twice). Apologies for the inconvenience Thank you
  4. Hi Are you referring to GSX pushback or the default MSFS vehicles?
  5. Hi again, As mentioned, please attach a screenshot of your in-game FPS counter so we can take a look at it together. We have many users with similar specs that experience better performance, so there's always other factors that may be at play here. Thank you
  6. Hello again, I understand however it is a little more complicated than that and the process is lengthier than our own products since this is a Microsoft default aircraft. It'll come as soon as possible, no date for now unfortunately.
  7. Hello, This is already known and a fix will be released with the next update. Thank you for reporting this nonetheless (and very sorry for the late reply).
  8. Hi again, apologies, must've missed your reply notification. Is this still a recurring issue?
  9. Hello! This is better off suggested over at the MS forums as they're the ones that make any decision relating to default MSFS aircraft 😁 Thank you
  10. Hello Lars, Apologies for the late reply. Unfortunately this is classed as a "WASM crash". You can read more about it here: I apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you
  11. No worries. Glad to hear! πŸ˜„
  12. Hello, we're aware of the issue however no timeline on when a fix will be released. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you
  13. Hi, try setting your turbulence settings in the MSFS Options to low or medium and try to reproduce again.
  14. Hi, I was able to reproduce this yes, I've let the team know. I recommend you let WT (WorkingTitle) know on their forums/discord about this issue as we're using the standard G3X made by them. Thank you for the report regardless!
  15. Hi there, Odd, no issue on our end: Not entirely sure what could be causing this. I want to say a livery issue but that wouldn't make much sense. Please try re-installing the aircraft if the issue persists. Thank you
  16. Hi Pedro, I understand your frustration, however thousands have no issues. It is better to try to resolve this together rather than dismiss the issue as an issue on our side. Any more details from your side would be appreciated. What kind of controller are you using, what exactly happens? etc etc. Here's a guide as well just incase you might have missed it: Thank you
  17. Hi there, How reproducible has this been for you? Have you tried again, same issue? Thank you
  18. Eddie


    Hello, This is a WASM crash, please read the attached thread: Apologies for the inconvenience. Thank you
  19. Hi, This is a WASM crash; you can read more about it in the following thread: Apologies for the inconvenience regardless. Thank you
  20. Eddie


    Hi, I've passed your suggestion on to the team. Thank you!
  21. Eddie


    Hi there, Not something that is currently planned but I can pass the suggestion on to the team πŸ™‚ Thank you
  22. Hello, We tried to reproduce this to no success. Audio seems fine on our end. Would you mind recording a video of the issue and posting it here? Google drive or YouTube upload works fine. It'll help us pinpoint the issue a little easier. Thank you!
  23. Hello, Are you still experiencing this issue? Thank you
  24. Hi, The option to add your ID has been removed from the MCDU and will now only be needed on the EFB (in the form of your ID numbers). Thank you
  25. Hi again, We are not able to reproduce this. My personal binds work fine for all the commands you listed. I recommend re-binding or redoing your controller profiles for the A300 as a form of "resetting" them. If that doesn't work, reinstalling the aircraft should fix it. Thank you
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