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Everything posted by Eddie

  1. Hello, Please try reinstalling the scenery then closing the iniManager and re-launching it in administrator mode. I just double checked on my end and both options are clickable. Let me know if that sorts it. Please note it is now 1 AM for me; further replies may be delayed until tomorrow. Thank you
  2. Hello Mattheo, We will simulate the wing-flex as close to reality as we can 🙂
  3. Hello, No need to worry! It's there 😉
  4. The crash on return-to-menu is known and should be fixed with sim update 1. I don't think MS/Asobo has given a set release date for said update but I'm hoping sooner rather than later 🙂
  5. Hello, Apologies for the late reply. This is a known issue and has been fixed pending an update push to the simulator from MS/Asobo. Thank you
  6. The A300 should be available on the marketplace for FS2020. Searching for it doesn't show any results either?
  7. Not sure. It seems it may have been a one-off issue in the past. I do not believe any updates have been pushed addressing this, no.
  8. Hello, Crashes obviously shouldn't be occurring when doing that; I recommend doing the following: What you mention should be fixed is actually expected behaviour. We have modelled the Honeywell MCDUs which do not let you make changes on TEMP flight plans, unlike Thales MCDUs. Each change must be inserted first on the Honeywells. Thank you
  9. Hello, We need some screenshots of the following whilst in cruise to verify: MCDU Perf Page + PFD FMA: To verify if the proper PERF mode (i.e. CRZ) is engaged. T/D and marker only shows up in CRZ PERF mode. (img1) MCDU Fuel PRED page: Verify the ZFW/ZFWCG fields are properly filled in. Without this data the VNAV calc may also fail. (img2)
  10. Hello, The compatibility update is in the form of a separate aircraft installation, so yes, entirely marketplace dependant I'm afraid. Hopefully the marketplace will be out soon! Thank you
  11. Hello, Can you two confirm whether or not this is still recurring? Thank you
  12. Eddie

    The Beluga speed

    Hello, Apologies for the late reply. This has already been fixed and is just waiting to be pushed to the simulator through an update. Cannot comment on an ETA but hopefully sooner than later! Thank you
  13. Eddie

    AN-124 Ruslan

    Thank you everyone for the suggestion! Thank you for the detailed follow-up @Kumpelblase It's nice to see the passion you all have! Since the AN-225 is a Microsoft product, we are not allowed to "use it" to recreate a similar aircraft in that sense. That is why suggesting this to Microsoft is the only option. If they decide "hey let's also make the 124" then we may do so. It is all up to MS/Asobo. Thank you!
  14. Very odd. Please send a screenshot of your community folder and we can go from there.
  15. Eddie


    Hi there, When it comes to default aircraft, we have to abide by strict sound loudness meter guidelines, and a lot of the heavier, bossier noise you'd expect to hear is substantially reduced to adhere to said guidelines. This means us & MS/Asobo will unfortunately not be refining them in that sense. Apologies for the inconvenience! Thank you
  16. Hello, That does look like quite an adventure 😅. Not entirely sure what could be at play here. I'd suggest a reinstall of the scenery and ensure you have a suitable GSX profile. Alternatively you can reach out to MK Studios for support https://ticket.mkstudios.pl Thank you
  17. Hello Tomi, Please submit a transfer request here: https://forms.inibuilds.com/order-transfer This will allow you to transfer your order from the marketplace to our iniManager. That way you can gain full customizibiulity on all aspects of the airport such as; static aircraft, custom cars, GSE Models, ski-jump animation & 3D people. If you however prefer to keep the scenery solely through the marketplace, let me know and we can trouble-shoot further. Thank you 🙂
  18. Hello, Before we try to trouble-shoot further, please try re-installing the aircraft. Very odd that only one variant is posing an issue. Let me know what the results are after said re-install and we can go from there. Thank you
  19. Hello, I've attempted to reproduce on my own system as well as others and can't seem to get the same result. There could be some connection issue with the servers that are preventing this at the time you are trying to import. Perhaps try to force a re-download of the aircraft package. And if you haven't tried, using only your simbrief ID (NUMBERS); if you have tried this, try emptying it to reset it, then input the ID numbers again.
  20. Hello, We have a fix for this in testing. I will personally ping you both here once it's been pushed. No ETA yet but sooner than later. Thank you
  21. Hello, Apologies for no response, your post was made during nighttime of our community team. Nonetheless, you have ensured your card was in fact charged? Thank you
  22. Hi there, I'll forward the suggestion to our livery artists. It is unlikely to be fulfilled soon as they are very busy working on the plethora of liveries for the upcoming A350. I'm hoping someone will release one through fs.to sooner than later! Maybe I'll give it a try myself 😉 Thank you!
  23. Hello, Apologies for the late reply. Not really sure what may be going on here. I would suggest a reinstall of the scenery. If that doesn't solve it, let me know. We have not seen any similar issues in testing prior to release. Thank you
  24. Hello, What are you referring to?
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