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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. Yep, not implemented in the MSFS version yet, should come in Q1 '24 along the PW engines though πŸ™‚
  2. Yes, as it deselects the chosen STAR in that case. As Crabby said, RWY first, then STAR please πŸ™‚
  3. Heya! Yep, I would agree this looks like a bug. Could you send the full route, CI, FL please?
  4. Yep, thanks for the report, looking into it - as Josh said πŸ™‚
  5. Known issue, will be fixed next patch πŸ™‚
  6. Thanks, for me it is not putting in the SID at all, will take a look at it!
  7. Then it'll most likely be fixed in the next version πŸ™‚ If not, please open up another thread, thanks!
  8. It looks to me like the plane was "stuck" at 5000ft and thought that was the CRZ level. Would be interested to know if you can recreate this and maybe show a video of it.
  9. It worked in V1.0.0 - we disabled it in 1.0.1 to see if it is related to crashes of the plane. Will be re-enabled in the next version.
  10. Yep, currently time compression is "use at your own risk" basically. We will update in the future for better compability, but no ETA on that.
  11. Heya! We are tracking this issue already and probably have a fix for it in the next version, if it is the same one. The you use FSUIPC by chance?
  12. I would agree with Crabby that it is likely a binding problem. Either that or the AT was configured wrong. Either way, without a video this will be rather hard to troubleshoot.
  13. Heya! This is actually the same in the real aircraft. It skips some numbers as those are not assinged to any ILS in the world. As Crabby said, there are only 40 channels in total, and those are all covered.
  14. If the checklist form the manual isn't enough for you, I can either recommend the YouTube series we did for the A300 (back in the XPlane days) where everything is meticiously explained or just follow the insim checklist, which shows you where everything is located. If you need more help than that - or rather with something specific - please don't hesitate to reach out here and I'll do my best to help πŸ™‚
  15. Heya! Yep, this is a known issue, as some already said, please disable the MSFS damage model for the time being.
  16. You can also check out our own YouTube channel, we made multiple video series showing how to fly the plane πŸ™‚ Granted, those were made for XPlane, but they work mostly the same
  17. Heya! Could you please be more specific? Which runway and what SID is this happening with?
  18. Thanks for the report, will look into and fix it πŸ™‚
  19. Heya! Yep, we are aware of the cabin lights not being that visible, thanks for the report tho πŸ™‚
  20. Thanks, we will compare with FCOM and change if necessary πŸ™‚
  21. Not yet anyways.. But yes, for the moment it is advised to not use the Navigraph navdata when flying the A300 as things like this can unfortunately happen.
  22. The unnecessary chippyness aside.. Yes this is already known and we are checking if we can do something about it πŸ™‚
  23. Heya! I'm guessing youre using a Honeycomb Bravo? Make sure this knob isn't on the IAS setting πŸ™‚
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