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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. Heya! We will patch some more holes in the next patch that should stop this from happening 🙂
  2. Heya This would only be possible with LVARs and an external program. If you want to do that, lemme know and I'll get the LVARs for you.
  3. Heya! Happy to report that these issues *should* be fixed for the next patch 🙂
  4. Youre in the wrong path in your screenshot. It is not the a300 folder in the community folder.
  5. Heya! Do you have a LEVC scenery? If yes, does it happen with default scenery?
  6. Asobo/MS updates it once a month~ish
  7. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  8. Cheers, will take a look why it inserts the wrong headning
  9. Yep, will be 1.0.2 (or whatever the next version will be called) fix 🙂
  10. Mh, yes, can confirm this happening. Thanks, we will take a look 🙂
  11. Ah, I'm guessing you used to have the FeelThere one installed? Please delete the .dat files in your SceneryIndexes and that should fix the issue! "AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\SceneryIndexes"
  12. Thats up to MS, not us I'm afraid.
  13. Alright, thanks, we will take a look 🙂
  14. Hard to tell with this little information. Mind sharing a video?
  15. Yep, LBS/KG conversion is a known issue right now, thanks though 🙂
  16. Make sure there is no speed set in the FCU. The A300 is not able to do constraints during climb irl. So if you saw this during climb, this is expected behaviour.
  17. Mh, its not doing that for me, mind sharing a screenshot?
  18. Well.. its not fubar, it's already fixed internally 😛
  19. Yep, need to turn this off in the assistance options
  20. Yep, both already noted, thanks 🙂
  21. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
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