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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. There is a tutorial series on our YouTube channel.. It was made in XP, but is still relevant here.
  2. Heya! Can you manually trigger that event? Or does it also not show up in there even if you can/do? I must admit i never used the insim logbog as I found it never tracked correct.. I'm still at 68 hours even though i flew for more than 1000 already haha
  3. Heya! Mh, I don't really think this is a plane but rather a sim issue. Especially if you didn't see it in the A310..
  4. Yep, known issue, time compression currently isn't fully supported on the A300. This may change in the future, but for now no ETA I'm afraid.
  5. Yeah, that does look a bit strante. Dont think it has anything to do with kg/lb as both is in kg.. Anyways, we will look into it πŸ™‚
  6. Community\inibuilds-aircraft-a300-600\SimObjects\Airplanes\inibuilds-aircraft-a306
  7. Heya! I don't think this is unreasonable. The engines on the A300 are notoriously overpowered. I'll loop it through the devs though and we shall see what they make out of it.
  8. ItΒ΄s global, but disabled as of 1.0.1 to exclude it being the culprit for crashes. It's not yet working, but will work in the future πŸ™‚
  9. Thanks, we shall look into if we can improve this further πŸ™‚
  10. Deleted Account

    toggle fuel

    Yeah, you are right, it doesnt seem to do anything. Pretty sure it used to call the fuel truck, but that doesnt happen anymore.. We will take a look πŸ™‚
  11. Its per model (R or F) however got disabled with 1.0.1 to make sure it wasnt the cause for a crash. Will be reenabled in the future πŸ™‚
  12. Yep, that is exactly the issue, already being tracked though, still thanks πŸ™‚
  13. Heya! This sounds like an issue we are already tracking, are you using FSUIPC by chance?
  14. Known issue, please disable the MSFS damage simulation for the time being.
  15. From what we know so far, this is not dependant on liveries and will happen seemingly at random. As I said before, we are looking into it though and it will hopefully be fixed for the next patch.
  16. Correct, put the mode selctor out of IAS and you should be good to go.
  17. What seems to be the issue?
  18. My apoligies, yes, this is the correct path for MSStore
  19. Known issue that is actively getting looked into, thanks for the report though!
  20. Thanks, will get that fixed πŸ™‚
  21. Forwarded to our sounds guy, thanks πŸ™‚
  22. Ha, that's understandable, we will look into it πŸ™‚
  23. Thanks, will look into it πŸ™‚
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