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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. Known issue, already getting looked into, thanks 🙂
  2. Both of those are already under consideration, thanks 🙂
  3. Thanks, known issue, already looking into it 🙂
  4. Heya! Yeah, that shouldn't happen. Is this on a 3rd party livery by chance?
  5. Heya! It is per model, but disabled currently to check if it caused one of the crashes. Will likely be reenabled in v1.0.3
  6. Thanks, will get that fixed 🙂
  7. So just to confirm.. Our plane works correct and we dont need to change anything? @Agent_Wurst
  8. Ground handling is something we are already looking into 🙂
  9. Deleted Account


    Heya! Do you have any reference for this by chance?
  10. Thanks, we will take a look 🙂
  11. Thanks, I'll let them take another look with reference to this post 🙂
  12. ALTGR + Left Mouse Button
  13. Heya! You have any reference for this by chance?
  14. Yep, fixed in next version 🙂
  15. To be more specifc, try the "Simbrief Alias"
  16. As Helibrewer said, this is to be expected when the plane get loaded automatically by our system. If you load manually and load nose or aft heavy you will get a different THS.
  17. Yep, known issue, will be fixed next version 🙂
  18. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  19. Thanks, will take a look if fixable 🙂
  20. Thanks, we will take a look at it 🙂
  21. Could you please try this without your TCA being connected and see if the engines still die?
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