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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. The A300 currently uses default sim navdata. We will add Navigraph support in a future update.
  2. Microsoft. We send them the fix already and are waiting for them to implement it.
  3. A310 is currently broken, we already send a fix to MS for them to implement. As a workaround, set your Windows time to a date before December 24th, that should work.
  4. For the first issue, you should just be able to move your camera, no? What exactly more do you need from a manual perspective? 🙂
  5. Should be fixed with 1.0.1 Can you please test and report back?
  6. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  7. Thanks, will take a look here as well 😄
  8. Should be fixed with 1.0.1 Can you confirm?
  9. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  10. Should be fixed with 1.0.1 Can you check again?
  11. This is potentionally fixed with 1.0.1 Lemme know if you encounter this issue again 🙂
  12. No, nothing like this is currently in the work. An FCOM is probably what you are looking for, there are some floating around on the internet, should be able to find one with google.
  13. Thanks we will take a look if we can add this 🙂
  14. Someone on the discord posted this for this issue, lemme know if this helps!
  15. Did you enable the option in the EFB? ( Rudder controls Tiller )
  16. Hey all, should be fixed with 1.0.1. Can you please test and report back?
  17. Thanks, already had reports of that and already looking into it 🙂
  18. The A300 doesn't use Navigraph Navdata currently
  19. Thanks, we are already looking into this 🙂
  20. Would you mind sharing the solution for other people who run into the issue?
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