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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. Yep, already looking into this, thanks 🙂
  2. Sounds good, if the issue returns please let me know 🙂
  3. Probably not, I'm afraid. The animation to load the entire aircraft would be rather long..
  4. Heya This is probably not gonna change. You can enable this mouseover feature if the picture isn't enough for you
  5. Does it work via the website? https://store.inibuilds.com
  6. Heya! Liveries there will only work with XP11 I'm afraid. You can download them here though 🙂 https://forum.inibuilds.com/files/category/264-a300-600rf-on-the-line-v2/
  7. A bit more information would be useful.. Which airport is the one giving you this message?
  8. Heya! You will need to create a new waypoint for that. REF --> Next Page --> Waypoints. Then enter a name (CWYP1 for example) and enter the coordinates. In this case it would be 4300.0S/14100.0E Then click store and you can put the new waypoint into your flightplan.
  9. Mh, I just took a look myself, with default sim navdata I have all the procedures I would expect.
  10. In that case I'm afraid we will need to wait for MS to implement the fix 😕
  11. Heya! No, this certainly isn't intended, will take a look 🙂
  12. Weird indeed, could you please search in your content manager for OMDB and share a screenshot?
  13. Are you using Nool? Is it possible that it is not up to date?
  14. Known issue, please disable the overstress simulation for the time being
  15. Heya! Not trying to sound dismissive, but do you have any reference that would back your claim?
  16. Heya! Click on either Realistic or Fast Button and then the current selection will display here
  17. Heya! Which keybind do you use to control THS?
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