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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. I´m afraid that´s only possible with 3rd party software like AAO or spad.next
  2. Heya! This is a bit weird, as we recently patched this. Please uninstall the manager and redownload from the website and try again 🙂 https://inibuilds.com/inimanager
  3. Heya! Here are videos 1 and 2 of the EFB & Approach series 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlzjdBD2j9Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RkK6KNEnq0
  4. There has not been another update for the A310. 1.1.6 and 1.1.7 respectively are still the most up-to-date version.
  5. Shouldn´t be an issue with that one, please contact MSFS forums for further support, as sim crashes before the aircraft is fully loaded are handled by them.
  6. Heya! 1) Yeah, we´re working on that light, it´s too bright when on ground and cant see it when airborne. 2) Yup, that´s how it works IRL as well. If I remember correctly, once slats are retracted the lights turn off.
  7. Your CPU is too old though. Your CPU is from 2009, so under the minimum requirements of the sim. The A310 needs AVX to run, which is not available on your 13 year old CPU.
  8. You can find all LVARs here: https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/ Hope this helps 🙂
  9. The iniManager will get an update soon to fix the issue. Also we are still actively looking into why some people can´t import their flightplan through the FMC. It works for the majority of people already, but obviously we want it working for everyone 🙂
  10. Heya! Yeah, we removed the sound sliders on purpose in this build, however we got multiple reports of people wanting them back. We will evaluate this 🙂 Here is the reasoning from our Sound Dev for removing them fwiw:
  11. Heya! This is super weird that it happens at all three Airports at the same time! I know you said you already uninstalled them all and reinstalled them, but could you please uninstall all again, restart your PC and then only install one of the three again? The Pink objects are indicative of a missing or corrupt texture. As youve correctly said, it is a GPU cart. We didn´t change anything about these in the last updates, so it´s super weird that it would just now randomly start.
  12. Heya! Yup, this is a know issue, thanks for reporting though 🙂
  13. That´s a Navdata issue then unfortunately and nothing we really can do about. You can report it on the MSFS forums though 🙂
  14. Heya! This is a scenery / navdata issue, as I don´t even have a MIMAR Transition. Insert displays fine for me with any other transition.
  15. Heya! Yuup, that seems wrong, thanks for reporting, will put it on our list 🙂
  16. Sorry, could you please show me a picture of the mentioned area?
  17. That´s just the way the A310 FMC draws it. It will actully fly a right turn
  18. The plane doesn´t use NG navdata.
  19. Heya! This is a known issue and currently doesn´t work as intended. It will be looked into for the next build 🙂
  20. ATIS was moved to the tablet to fix the issue with FMC crashes
  21. Heya! I already saw your post on the MSFS forums got some answers for this. I´ll check with our dev, if the A310 actually is able to load the correct angle from the navdata IRL or if you have to edit the angle manually. Ill let you know 🙂
  22. Well, it doesn´t crash the FMC anymore, has the same functionality, so I would call it fixed 🙂 Fixed SimBrief import is not entirely fixed unfortunately. For now it atleast wont get stuck on PENDING anymore, but if it didn´t import the fpl for you before, it most likely still won't unfortunately.
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