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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. Heya! Can´t replicate this, aircraft levels off for me at FCU alt. At which airport/arrival does this happen?
  2. Heya, nice find, can replicate this. Will add it to our internal bug list 🙂
  3. Heya! can´t replicte this at all, at which airport is this happening?
  4. Yup, we are aware of the fuel consumption issue. Thanks though 🙂
  5. If I understand you correctly, our current way is still wrong though, as we turn the Pump Off again, with another press; this also shouldn´t happen, correct?
  6. Thanks for reporting, I´ll add it to the internal bug list 🙂
  7. Heya, sorry, I can´t really help you with that, as I don´t use Pilot Edge and due to the cost barrier I also can´t easily access it. I asked around in our testing group if someone uses PE, but so far no one came back to me 😕
  8. Mh, that is weird indeed. Please create a direct support ticket over at https://inibuilds.com/contact. They´ll sort you out 🙂
  9. Heya! Thanks for reporting those, I shall point them out to the modellers and we see where it goes from there 🙂
  10. Heya! No, this should not happen. Can you please uninstall the Manager, then remove the iniManager folders from \AppData\Local and \AppData\Roaming, reinstall and see if the issue persists?
  11. A new version to fix this is in the making, should hopefully be out over the weekend 🙂
  12. Deleted Account


    Heya! Nope, this is the only way currently; however we are already looking into giving a seperate value for ZFWCG in the EFB 🙂
  13. Heya! No, this is currently not planned; but it already is on our internal feedback list as a wanted feature 🙂
  14. Oh well, worth a try i guess haha
  15. It does not for me, hence the video is needed.
  16. Heya! No, this is a known bug and already fixed in the Beta releases of this plane 🙂 I would advise against using it on your version.
  17. We forwarded this post to the developers, they should answer here once they have time 🙂
  18. Yeah, the request goes through the sim afaik. You can try with my simbrief username and see if it goes through, then you won´t need to make a new account. I´ll DM you 😄
  19. for testing my community folder is always empty
  20. As I said before, there is no way for us to produce a build that logs what goes wrong. The code just imports a XML file and imports the fpl from there. If you can open this website and it shows you a file then there is nothing stopping the A310 from importing the flightplan https://www.simbrief.com/api/xml.fetcher.php?username=XXXXX (XXXXX = your username obviously)
  21. Heya! You can set a custom path in the options of the Manager 🙂 Just click on the three dots and search for your custom path 🙂
  22. Heya, sorry, your post must have gotten deleted during one of the spam attacks. I´ll post the answer again: "Overpowered N1 in reverse is a known limitation on MSFS, you'll find that most aircraft with in-sim engine modelling will have excessive reverse thrust"
  23. No, there is not really a way unfortunately. Our coders would need to be able to reproduce the issue, which they aren´t.
  24. It´s a bit weird, cause when we tested the profile we found it to be very reliable, even on long distances. Did you pause the sim by any chance during your flight?
  25. Heya! Are you using our custom Simbrief profile? You can find it here 🙂
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