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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. Heya! If purchases on the Manager don´t work, you can always use the Webstore (store.inibuilds.com) Also, if you didn´t, please try again in Fullscreen Mode. The Manager somtimes has issues with opening the payment window in windowed mode 🙂
  2. Heya! The Manager should automatically update when open for long enough, I´ll get clarification if the Mac version does this as well 🙂
  3. Heya! Yeah, it seems that the metar station seems to be inoperative currently or they no longer transmit it. That would indeed explain, why the EFB and also MSFS weather wouldn´t be accurate.
  4. Heya! Correct, the Terrain Radar currently is inop. We had it working during the beta phases of the aircraft, but decided to pull it for now due to performance issues with it. If it will come back in the future, I currently don´t know unfortunately.
  5. Heya! Yes, this is already a known issue in our aircraft and we are working on a fix 🙂 Thanks for reporting though!
  6. Heya! Thanks for answering and potentionally helping other users with that ^-^ It should be only a question of when, yes, but unfortunately I can´t share any dates as to when that when is going to happen. I do hope you can enjoy our EGLL in the meantime though 🙂
  7. Heya :] See here please 🙂
  8. Heya! Glad you figured out the issue with the double lines/buildings yourself! Mind sharing what you did? I´m afrad V2 of EGLL hasn´t made it´s way to the Xbox yet. We are currently working together with Microsoft to give all of your Xbox friends V2 (and V3) soon. V1 of our EGLL only had a very basc interior for Terminal 5, which is the one you are currently seeing. The detailed interior you mentioned was new in V2. Hope this helps 🙂
  9. And were they able to back up that claim with proof?
  10. Heya! Which airport is this in reference to? Which gate specifically?
  11. So you want to make the plane less realistic..?
  12. Heya! I was able to change the altitute at NERDU without an issue. How did you try to change the constraint?
  13. Heya! Yes, it does work. The weather needs to be very bad for it to work though. If you set the WX Radar like this, it should work 🙂
  14. It´s all down to taste in the end, but personally I don´t like the very obvious cone of light on the MD82. That doesn´t really look realistic to me. However, we already reworked the lights in our internal version, I hope that you´ll like those more 🙂
  15. That is still not very helpful unfortunately. - Does this happen everytime you try to taxi/takeoff, so at every airport, or just at a specific airport? - What are the weights used in this case? - Is this happening on PC or on Xbox? - Do you have any other mods installed?
  16. Yeah, that will probably be down due to a Navdata issue, as the default sim doesn´t even include LTFM.
  17. Heya! Could you please provide some more information? What was the fuel used in the first case, what were the other weights? Can you reliably reproduce this, or was this maybe a one off? 🙂
  18. Heya! Interesting find, can confirm this, I´ll forward it to the EFB guys 🙂
  19. Heya! You yourself probably wont be able to fix this, but I can forward it to the scenery team 🙂 Which airlines would you expect to go where? Is it like that in real life too, or is it random there?
  20. That sounds like good news indeed 🙂
  21. Yeah, everything looks normal as well. It´s not that uncommon for the A310 to climb with over 100 N1 🙂 Are you OK with me closing this thread or can I help you with something else? :]
  22. Can you please upload a picture of your FMA and FCU?
  23. Recycle Autothrottle here: Engine Control Panel here:
  24. Heya! Here you go 🙂 https://store.inibuilds.com/products/realistic-livery-request https://store.inibuilds.com/products/fictional-livery-request
  25. Heya! What does it say on your FMA? Does it say THR L by chance? If so the "Alpha Floor" activated and the Autothrottle system needs to be recycled in the overhead panel.
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