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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. Yes, you can remove the tablet and no, no other anachronisms.
  2. Thanks, forwarded it to the team 🙂
  3. Not in GSX, I meant in the iniManager
  4. When I press the RSK next on ONDRE, this window appears Weird, that it wouldn´t for you. However, I can replicate the FMC crash, when entering those numbers into the VIA GOTO field (which btw, is used to enter waypoints, which somewhat explains why it crashes - it should however just output NOT ALLOWED) and this should be fixed 🙂
  5. Heya! Looks more passable on my end, can you tell me your graphic settings please? Check here and here. Agreed, this one should be added, will forward this 🙂 Terraforming around tunnels / bridges is very hard, but we will see if we can improve these area a bit I don´t have those floodlights, check that you maybe don´t have a second DTW scenery in your community folder? Can also be turned off through the iniManager 🙂 You have any more of these? I found the one in your screenshot at the B/Y crossing, that one should be fixed. Good point, will also forward this one 🙂 Thanks for reporting all these, would love to hear back from you on points 1 and 4 :]
  6. I´m guessing this is with the "Additional GSE" option turned to Off in the iniManager, correct? Cause with everything turned on I have container carts sitting underneath them, with it turned off, they are floating for me as well though
  7. Heya! Nice find, will add it to the list 🙂
  8. Could you please show a video of this happening? This sounds very weird 😮
  9. Heya! Do you have a specific route this happens on, or always? We had a report like this before, but I was never able to replicate it 😕 When are you arming P DES?
  10. Generally your ATHR will have a good speed to fly. Usually though, it will be 250kts till 10000ft, then around 280-320kts until the switchover point, then cruise at around M.79-M.81
  11. You can check the patch notes here: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/release-notes-1-29-30-0-available-now/560975 But I´m afraid this might be one for the MSFS forums. Very weird behaviour indeed
  12. But the installation finished correctly now?
  13. Heya! Normally you don´t have to be fully established even. After arming LAND mode you should be able to turn on the second AP. Did you enter the ILS frequency in the pedestal and switch the Mode Selector Switch on the FCU to ILS?
  14. Heya! If I understand you correct, this should be possible to do with a press off the "Next Page" button 🙂
  15. Heya! As it is being developed by one of our partners - iBlueYonder - we unfotunately can´t give an ETA. But rest assured, it´s still being worked on 🙂
  16. Heya! I forwarded this to the community team 🙂
  17. Heya! Sorry it took so long / is taking so long, but we´re still looking into adding this as a feature; I do not have an ETA for you unfortunately.
  18. Maybe the files under AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages?
  19. Heya! Do you maybe have conflicting scenery? Here is the area in my sim and I unfortunately can´t see any other taxiway signs 😕
  20. Thanks, I´ll bring it to the attention of our texturing team 🙂
  21. Heya! Where is this please?
  22. No problem at all 🙂
  23. Heya! Could you give me more information on this please? Maybe even possible steps on how to reliably reproduce this?
  24. Heya! Does this message appear on first click of the Buy Button or at the end of the order process?
  25. We have multiple testers with GSX and none had an issue like this. However, could you please try with an empty community folder and try again? 🙂
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