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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. If you have custom scenery it can also crash the sim. This is due to the fact, that the scenery developer hasn´t updated their scenery yet to remove the custom ILS as per MSFS SDK.
  2. I somehow wanna say, that something in your firewall/router is blocking it; but it honestly doesn´t make sense, as then the ortho streaming shouldnt work as well for example.. The worst part about it though is, that none of our testern can replicate it 😕
  3. Has it ever worked for you? Or do you always get stuck on pending?
  4. Nah, all good. Just means that it got fixed in the meantime, I just didnt knew anymore if it was an original issue in the non beta build 🙂
  5. Heya! I clarified with our coders; the long missing lines is like that in the real aircraft as well. The circled part however is probably wrong on our model and should see a fix 🙂 Thanks for reporting!
  6. I have a ryzen 7 2700x and a rtx2070
  7. Heya! Thanks for reporting, I´ll clarify with our coders if this is erroneous behaviour or not and will let you know 🙂
  8. What a nice (thankfully only visual!) bug. I´ll put it on our internal list, thanks for reporting 🙂
  9. ATC Problems are a bit weird for us - we get reports that it´s not working for some people but none of our testers can replicate it. Please make sure, that you have these settings set accordingly: Note: The red circled items actually need to be set to ON Also make sure, that the volume knob is turned fully on in the aircraft itself. Please let me know, if this fixed your problem 🙂
  10. We have an update for KLAX in the pipeline, I´ll make sure this will be fixed for that 🙂
  11. We´re definitely here to help you and hope you´ll be able to enjoy our product. But with an attitude like that it is really hard to help you. As Alexair said, the engines start for seemingly everyone, but you. Could you maybe record a video of what you are doing?
  12. Ah, yes, sorry for that, forgot to mention the different path for MS Store version 🙂 We updated our FAQ as well now:
  13. Heya! Im on the current Beta version (1.29.30) and I get indications on both SYS 1 and SYS 2. Did you update to the Beta yet?
  14. Heya! Yeah, the folder for the flightplans changed with this update. It now is C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\microsoft-aircraft-a310-300\work\flightplans The export from iniManager will be corrected with the next iniManager version 🙂
  15. I don´t know what you are doing with your A310, but these are my FPS For me the FPS is basically identical in all three
  16. Sure, I´ll add them to the wishlist items 🙂
  17. Yup, what Aburek said.
  18. Yeah, known issue, will be fixed in the next one 🙂 Thanks for reporting though!
  19. Correct 🙂
  20. Use the iniManager v2 Pilot Support function 🙂
  21. Heya! Yeah, this is a known issue; we´re working on it 🙂
  22. Heya! Could you please tell me all the areas pelase? I found some from your screenshots already, but you say this effects the entire airport. So are there any more?
  23. The ATIS and MESSAGES field were moved to the EFB with the Beta to circumvent a commen FMC crash
  24. Heya! One of your axis will be bound to mixture control. If that axis reaches 0, the engines turn off.
  25. Heya! What exactly do you mean with cartoonish? Colors too vibrant?
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