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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. Yes, of course you select the active frequency with the TFR switch. What I meant is that the left field is coded as always being the active one, which is why the ingame ATC switches that one. I do not own the BAe146, so could you please confirm (maybe even with a video) that the ingame ATC switches the right frequency when it´s selected as the active one?
  2. I´ll get it added - I´ll let you know once it´s in there 🙂
  3. Thanks for reporting for sure 🙂 And yeah, if you manage to reliably reproduce it, please do let us know! I´ll play around a bit more with the RSKs and see if i can get it to crash.
  4. Mh.. this doesn´t make any sense to me 😕 With an empty community folder there should be nothing interferring with loading the A310 and giving you those kinds of issues. I unfortunately don´t even have any other steps you could do, as you said you already tried reinstalling, tried with empty community folder, tried with disconnected hardware.. Do you maybe have any kinda Antivirus software running in the background that could interfer with it for some weird reason?
  5. Heya! We´re currently working on an update for the Xbox version, which should arrive Soon™ that should fix those issues 🙂
  6. Gonna bet that the cabin light mod messes with it 😄
  7. Heya! This is the Aerodynamic Visualization. You can turn it off in the Assistance Options 🙂
  8. Heya! Sorry for the delay, I can reproduce this and will add it to our internal bug thread 🙂 Thanks for reporting 🙂
  9. Heya! So I actually ran into this issue myself just now. Do you have any other mods for the A310 or that are A310 related in your community folder? If so, please remove them 🙂
  10. If you could try and reliably reproduce this, it would be a great help at fixing this issue. But for the moment its rather hard for us to nail this particular one down 😕
  11. Yes, we are aware and are still looking into why this is happening. Sorry for the inconvenience caused by this 😕
  12. I looked around through other forums a bit, it seems to be an issue at other airports as well from time to time. Is it possible, that you were flying with online photogrammetry turned on and then it turned off during the flight because you lost internet or something like that?
  13. Heya! Thanks for the report. With copied the secondary flightplan you mean activated it to primary? Cause I unfortunately can´t replicate it like that 😞 Also can´t reproduce it when copying the primary fpln to the sec fpln.
  14. The next LAX update shouldn´t take that much longer, but I don´t have an ETA for you unfortunately. Out of interest, whats your hardware like and what are your graphic settings?
  15. Heya! You mean a profile for GSX? It doesn´t, but Marshallers at the gate should still work.
  16. Thank you for pointing these all out 🙂 I´ll add them to our list and I´d assume they´ll be fixed in the first patch!
  17. Heya! Unfortunately you can´t get the iniManager to allow editing if you didn´t buy it on the iniStore. The iniManager will only be able to display scenery bought through the iniStore. You can however transfer your order into our system and be able to do it after completion: https://forms.inibuilds.com/order-transfer For the moment you can rename some files to get the same effect: To get SD textures go to Community\inibuilds-airport-kdtw-detroit\Scenery\airport-kdtw-detroit\kdtw-modelib texture --> texture.HD texture.SD --> texture To disable some features go to Community\inibuilds-airport-kdtw-detroit\Scenery\airport-kdtw-detroit\kdtw-scene Static Aircraft: kdtw-scene-statics.bgl --> kdtw-scene-statics.disabled Airport Animations: kdtw-scene-anims.bgl --> kdtw-scene-anims.disabled Additional GSE: kdtw-scene-gse.bgl --> kdtw-scene-gse.disabled People & Passengers: kdtw-scene-people.bgl --> kdtw-scene-people.disabled Detailed Interiors: kdtw-scene-interiors.bgl --> kdtw-scene-interiors.disabled Landside Cars: kdtw-scene-cars.bgl --> kdtw-scene-cars.disabled 3D Trees: kdtw-scene-trees.bgl --> kdtw-scene-trees.disabled Winter Equipment: kdtw-scene-winter.bgl --> kdtw-scene-winter.disabled
  18. I would assume that this is somewhat by design, as the Ingame ATC always changes the "Active Frequency". Now of course in your case the active frequency is the one on the right side, but I would THINK that the right frequency is always coded as the standby frequency. I´ll get clarification on this and will put it on our list if it´s not intended behaviour, but from now on I´d just assume that it is 🙂
  19. I just looked it up in the charts again and the ILS Y misalignment is by design. Notice the "Loc Crs offset 2.5°" It´s also not the same heading, its 213° for the ILS Y and 216° for the ILS Z 😄
  20. Heya! It actually is already on our list 😄 Thanks for reporting though ^-^
  21. Heya! Sorry to disappoint, but no, it does not.
  22. Yeah, that could be it as well. Try clearing your rolling cache and try again 🙂
  23. Heya! That is weird indeed! Here is my RWY21L for comparison Can you try deleting your rolling cache and try again?
  24. Heya! With which plane is this? We tested ILSs extensively during Beta and never had any issues like that.
  25. I don´t have GSX, but I´d assume thats expected behaviour as different kinds of GSE Plugins will never mesh good with each other
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