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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. Change your filepath in the iniManager to something shorter and then copy and paste the plane to your community folder. Known issue with iniManager that we are working on fixing
  2. Navigraph Data will come in the future. Thanks 🙂
  3. Screenshot of iniManager please? For me it is right there:
  4. Mh, can't reproduce this, can you show a video please?
  5. There is a similar issue with ATC Pro we are already looking into, thanks
  6. Yes, once the oil ran out, the engine will stop. You can disable this in the EFB though
  7. Yep, thanks, can reproduce it like this. WIll get fixed 🙂
  8. Can you please check the Windows event viewer what crashed the sim?
  9. Honeycomb bravo? Check here:
  10. Thanks, we will take a look about the switch and check the gauges!
  11. Ah, Navigraph doesn't have our flightplan format, which is weird, cause they have it on Simbrief. I guess you'll need to contact them to add our fpl format to the Navigraph website - or alternatively, just download the fpl file from simbrief
  12. That sounds weird, it should work just fine. Could you please try to delete your iniManager folders in AppData/Local and AppData/Roaming, then reinstall and see if the issue persists?
  13. Thanks, we will take a look! Turning on the A300 is notoriously slow because of no outward ailerons
  14. Can you upload one of those navigraph flightplans please?
  15. Please contact direct support and explain your situation, they can provide you direct downloads https://www.inibuilds.com/contact
  16. Yes, this is already planned and will come in the future.
  17. No, this currently isn't possible. However we already got feedback that people want this and is up for consideration currently.
  18. An update is already in the works 🙂
  19. Thanks, we will take a look!
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