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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. Which version of the Manager are you on? 2.3.0 is the newest version. If not on newest, please remove iniManager folders from AppData/Local and AppData/Roaming, then reinstall
  2. Thanks, we will take a look 🙂
  3. Should be fixed with 1.0.1 🙂
  4. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  5. Would be good to know if this also happens with non iniBuilds aircraft. Depending on that I either move it to airplane or scenery team haha
  6. Let me know if that works for you Crabby or if we need to look into this, thanks 🙂
  7. Deleted Account

    ND Test

    Thanks, will get them added 🙂
  8. Did y'all turn the option on in the EFB? ( Rudder controls Tiller )
  9. Thanks, we will take a look! 🙂
  10. Sim rate isn't officially supported on our planes, will forward though and see if we can do something here!
  11. Thanks, we will take a look!
  12. Heya! Is it possible that you have the Mixture Axis bound to anything on your hardware?
  13. Thanks, we will look into it and try to fix it for the next round of patches.
  14. Heya! Did you enter your alias in the EFB?
  15. Heya! Do you have any scenery installed?
  16. Thanks we will take a look 🙂
  17. Thanks, this is unrelated to the texture pack. We are already looking into it though 🙂
  18. I didn't test it myself yet, I'm rather busy with the A300 at the moment haha
  19. Mh, weird, in that case contact direct support, they can hook you up with download links https://www.inibuilds.com/contact
  20. Thanks, will think of a solution for this!
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