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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. Thanks, will take a look!
  2. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  3. Cargo door speed selection will come to the EFB soon, independent ones I'm not too sure as it would cost double the performance then. But we shall take a look if feasible 🙂
  4. This should already have been changed, can you confirm it is still an issue on 1.0.3?
  5. Thanks, sounds reasonable, will take a look 🙂
  6. Turn your selection knob out of the IAS mode and it should no longer do it.
  7. No, we don't have that unfortunatlely - not currently anyways. It would probably be possible. Be asured though that we are very aware of this issue and are trying to fix it once and for all. It just is not very easy for us to reproduce. It would be really helpful if people encountering this issue could list their hardware as well as all plugins they use when this issue occurs.
  8. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  9. If we put it to "off" as default, another groups of users will have issues, depending on their hardware. We unfortunately can't make it perfect for everyone 😕
  10. Heya, we'd need actual areas and comparison pictures to confirm your thinking, thanks.
  11. There is no V1 sound, so that must have come from a different plugin maybe. Will take another look at the callouts volume, thanks!
  12. Yep, as Joe said, known issue, will be fixed in the next patch.
  13. Yes, thanks guys, we are aware of this issue and are looking to rectify it for the next patch.
  14. Thanks, will take a look!
  15. This won't be possible unfortunately, because if you change the fuel, it always goes to 0 for a split second, which would kill the engines.
  16. Thanks, will take a look in that case 🙂
  17. If I remember correctly, this is as per real aircraft, but will take another look into the FCOM.
  18. No, those will still be needed for the Xbox version, so we can't just remove them.
  19. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  20. Would need specific cases where this happens, thanks.
  21. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  22. Can not confirm this, for me the values change; however N1 also rises, which it shouldn't so will take another look.
  23. Yep, pretty sure we had a report on this before and the Squib test on the engines only works if AC has power.
  24. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  25. Make sure that you dont have any default light bindings that could interfer here.
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