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Everything posted by Eddie

  1. Hello, Please ensure there are no conflicting bindings across your controllers. Please also ensure that all assistance options are disabled too. Thank you πŸ™‚
  2. Hello, Apologies for the late reply. Can you please provide me with your discord username? Thank you
  3. Hello, Apologies for the very late reply. We have no plans back-porting this scenery to FS2020. Thank you
  4. Yes; this is a known issue that will hopefully be fixed soon.
  5. Hello, Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) is unavailable temporarily. Description: We are unable to implement custom TCAS logic in WASM currently due to a simulator bug that leads to erroneous targets being shown which in turn lead to false advisory alerts. Workaround: None at this time. We will implement when fixed in base sim. As mentioned above, nothing we can do on our end for now. Once the above has been resolved, we will of course resolve it. Apologies for the inconvenience and thank you!
  6. Hello Christopher, Apologies for the very late reply. Can you confirm whether or not this has been resolved? Thank you
  7. Hello, Yes. You can control the lighting amongst other things using the flight attendant panel as seen in that trailer:
  8. Hello, The manual comes with your installation already. You can find it in: inibuilds-aircraft-a300/Resources/Documentation Thank you πŸ™‚
  9. Hello Cristian, Apologies for the late reply. I'll pass your suggestion on to the team. Thank you!
  10. Eddie


    Hello, You can read a comprehensive description as to what it means here: https://www.flaps2approach.com/journal/2015/11/6/control-wheel-steering-cws-explained.html In short, it is an alternative autopilot "mode". A little more advanced than that however; I recommend checking the above link for more information. Thank you
  11. From what I can recall, LatinVFR has not made an A300-600? Please attach a screenshot of the search results after inputting "a300". Thank you
  12. Hello, Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) is unavailable temporarily. Description: We are unable to implement custom TCAS logic in WASM currently due to a simulator bug that leads to erroneous targets being shown which in turn lead to false advisory alerts. Workaround: None at this time. We will implement when fixed in base sim. As it stands, there is unfortunately nothing we can do. This is also mentioned here: https://forum.inibuilds.com/topic/24363-lets-talk-inibuilds-a300-600r-airliner-updates-for-msfs2024-msfs2020/ Apologies for the inconvenience! Thank you
  13. Hello Matej, This is a community forum and therefore replies by us are not guaranteed, that is why direct support is there. Regardless, apologies for the late reply. Your post was made during the holidays and it seems it went under the radar once we got back in office. What is your Discord username and I can look into it. Thank you
  14. Hello, Apologies for the late reply. This does indeed not look right. I am however not seeing the same on my end. Have you tried reinstalling the scenery? Thank you
  15. Hi there, Has this been resolved or still an issue? Thank you
  16. Hello, Should be resolved in Sim Update 1 that is currently in open-beta testing. Thank you
  17. Please refer to my message above. We do not have any control over these products in any shape or form. Many have suggested to Microsoft to back port the aircraft to FS2020. It is up to them if they want to do that or not.
  18. Unfortunately no. It may be fixed in the Sim Update 1 that has been just released for beta. Have yet to check it out.
  19. That is no longer necessary. Only input the ID in the EFB.
  20. Hello, YBBN is a FS2024 exclusive product and we currently have no plans of back-porting it to FS2020. Can you please provide references regarding the lights? Thank you very much
  21. Hello, Finally indeed! I'll let the team know about the issues you list. Please do update me if anything else shows up πŸ™‚ Thank you and enjoy!
  22. Hello, Please try reproducing this in the Sim Update 1 environment that released last night. It is currently in beta opt-in, if you don't wish to go through that process, try again once it's been pushed to the live environment. Hopefully that should resolve the issue you describe. Thank you
  23. Hello, I believe the new marketplace will allow developers to ALSO upload content for free which would mean we'd upload additional livery packages for free. I am however not 100% sure about this new system and how it'll function, therefore that is all speculation for now. As for variants, yes, the "base" package you can purchase includes the -900, -1000 & 900ULR. Please note that the 900ULR will not be available on release day, but will come as a free addition to base-package owners at some point in the future. Thank you! πŸ™‚
  24. @XWind Studios
  25. Hello, Please ensure you have aligned your ADIRU switches on the overhead panel to the NAV position. Please also ensure you have cleared any potential discontinuities. Thank you
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