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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. Heya! This might be due to our custom code, in which other aircraft does this work? Also in PMDG/Fenix? If so its probably something we can add 🙂
  2. The implemantation for the simbrief import is very easy. You can DM me your simbrief username and i can check it on my end if you´re maybe doing something wrong. I know it is hard to believe that it is out of our hands as it works fine for other planes, but you´ll have to take my word for it.
  3. Alright, I got clarification, the sound should also play when AP is on 🙂 Added it to our internal bug list, thanks for reporting! 🙂
  4. Heya! This might be by design, as the AP doesn´t need a reminder that it is close to reaching the TOC 😄 I´ll get clarification for you though 🙂
  5. It´s those pointy sticks in the middle of the throttle - according to this picture 🙂
  6. Heya! Of course, we´re always trying to improve our products 🙂 Please send me your email address in a DM and we can figure something out for sure! 🙂
  7. Heya! I haven´t been on Vatsim in a hot minute, can you please try with these buttons and see if it works? 🙂
  8. Yes, there is a button on the throttles, but it´s hard to access with the deafult camera so we moved it for easier usability 🙂
  9. Mh, I´m sorry to hear that. Could you please do me one more favor and try this with an empty community folder (apart from LAX obviously) and see if the issue persists? You´re seemingly the only person that has this issue and I´d love to fix this for you 🙂
  10. Yup, there are current weight calculation errors when using lbs. That´s already on our radar 🙂
  11. Heya! Yep, this is a known issue and already on our radar 🙂
  12. Heya David! Thanks for the nice words and suggestion 🙂 Only time will tell what the future brings, but I´m sure y'all will love it 🙂
  13. Heya! Thanks for the writeup 🙂 1) Im not sure if the maxed out oil is intentional from our side, as a compromise to not need to refuel the oil after doing some flights, I´ll put it on our internal feedback thread for sure 🙂 2 and 3 are known issues and are actively worked on 4) We had a working terrain radar during the beta, but the performance wasn´t as good as we wanted, so it was omitted for the release build. It might return in the future. 5 and 7) Will add those to our internal feedback thread as well 🙂 6) I don´t think it was possible in the real aircraft, which why it´s not possible in our version. Maybe we can couple it to the PFD brightness though for better visibility, I shall ask and note in the feedback thread as well 😄
  14. Heya! 1) Yup, we don´t have a visual model for them just yet, just wanted to give y'all the functionality of it because many said it was desperatly needed 🙂 2 and 3) Already known issues and are being worked on 🙂 For the IRS alignement please use Instant in the EFB for now and it should work out to around 5 minutes or so 🙂 Thanks for testing and reporting 🙂
  15. I unfortunately can only give you a list of all the LVARs, but I´m afraid I don´t know how to use it, as I never used it myself 😞 But here are the LVARs: https://forum.inibuilds.com/topic/6010-vars-not-working/?do=findComment&comment=22685 Hope this helps a bit at least 🙂
  16. This is very weird as that profile was very accurate during testing. Are you by chance pausing the sim during the flight? There currently is a bug that fuel gets consumed during a paused sim.
  17. You´ll have to. There is no way to do this with the default MSFS keybindings as we use custom systems.
  18. Yes, correct, we´re still investigating on that front 🙂 Sorry for the delay!
  19. Heya, welcome to the forum 🙂 I´ll need a bit more information to help please. Can you show me your cockpit while this happens? 🙂 And also the external cam with the compass? Thanks in advance 🙂
  20. Heya! Yeah, we are currently investigating pressurisation issues and I think you gave us another puzzle piece with pausing the sim 🙂 Thanks for reporting 🙂
  21. I shall ask and get back to you on that 🙂
  22. Heya Saman! Nope, I think you might have found a bug 🙂 I can replicate this behaviour. I´ll ask one of our pilots if thats true to life and if it isn´t I´ll add it to our internal bug list 🙂 Thank you for reporting 🙂
  23. Heya! No, it shouldn´t do that. Which command do you have bound for freelook? It shouldn´t matter anyways, as I tested it both with hold and the toggle, but just curious 😄 Have you maybe bound another function to the middle mouse button?
  24. Heya! The autopilot buttons won´t work without use of LVARs and AAO / spad.next as it´s custom code and not accessible through default MSFS commands. It´s already noted on our wishlist though, that this could maybe made easier in the future 🙂
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