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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. Do you maybe have any other hardware or software binds that could interfer with this?
  2. Heya! This is interesting indeed, we didn´t have reports like this so far. Could you please try with unlocked FPS and see if the issue persists? Thanks in advance 🙂
  3. Thanks, I noted this feedback down 🙂
  4. I mean i guess it´s kinda expected behaviour if you have such a bright light in front of you.. You can also turn the OVHD LT Knob on the pedestal to turn on the background light of the Overhead Panel
  5. Heya! Can you please tell me the route you flew + the exact same weights so I can try and reproduce this?
  6. Im sorry, I don´t quite understand your problem. You want to move the dials with the head tracker? Or use other hardware to move them but it´s not working because of the head tracker? Please elaborate 🙂
  7. You can also use the iniManagers Pilot Support page and automatically import and export the flight plans 🙂 In my opinion even easier 😄
  8. If you mean this: https://forum.inibuilds.com/files/file/815-aerosoft-naples/ , it says on the page its compatible with P3D v5
  9. I did it with kg, so maybe there is the issue. I shall try again tomorrow with pounds 🙂
  10. Sorry for the long turnaround time for this! I just completed a flight and set up a new one directly afterwards and I can´t replicate this. I know this is a hassle, but could you please try with an empty community folder?
  11. Share a screenshot pls?
  12. The weight was just an example as to how the wrong value looks like. Yes, its GW. You can also watch a tutorial here:
  13. Heya! You´ll need to press NONE for the STAR, then you can insert it 🙂
  14. Heya! Yes, this is a known issue and already on our radar. Thanks for reporting though! 🙂
  15. Heya! We actually got more reports of people having yellow hydraulics faults and are currently investigating 🙂
  16. It should mark you the value in red that is missing/wrong. Can you confirm this? Should look something like this:
  17. This is all very vague, could you please elaborate?
  18. Heya! This isn´t possible with the default MSFS commands unfortunately. You can try AAO/spad.next though, that should probably work 🙂
  19. Thanks, I´ll forward this to our community team 🙂 No promises though!
  20. Heya! 8. will be added with the next version and I noted down the others in our internal feedback thread, thanks ^-^
  21. Heya! Thank you for the very detailed report, I have added it to our internal feedback thread 🙂
  22. Heya ! Thanks for reporting, will add this to our internal feedback thread 🙂
  23. Heya! Yup, known issue, is already on our radar 🙂 Thanks for reporting though!
  24. Alright, it´s noted on our feedback thread 🙂 Thanks for reporting!
  25. Which ILS doesnt it capture? Is it reproducable?
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