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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. Heya :] I agree with the first two, but the third one not so much. The pilots of the real one rarely if ever used Antonov Bureau as their callsign, see here for example
  2. Heya :] Im not 100% sure why the setup is different per engine, but the way it is pictured in our manual is the correct way ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. Heya :] First of all, sorry that you experienced crashes! Are you already on the SU12 beta build? I'm pretty sure this specific crash is already fixed on that one, so please confirm ๐Ÿ™‚
  4. Heya :] Thanks for the suggestion, Iยดve put it down on our list.
  5. Update: Full English Cockpit is now in the works ๐Ÿ™‚
  6. Heya :] Your feedback is noted, thank you ๐Ÿ™‚
  7. Heya! No, this unfortunately is not possible.
  8. No, we generally don't give out any ETAs until we are sure we can get the product out in that timeframe.
  9. Heya ๐Ÿ™‚ For future reference, here are the weights. 17400kg (Helicopter) 36000kg (Train) 40125kg (Truck) 62700kg (Firetruck) 140400kg (Boiler)
  10. Heya :] Thanks for the report, Iยดve put it on our internal bug list ๐Ÿ™‚
  11. Thanks for the suggestion, Iยดve put it through to the team ๐Ÿ™‚
  12. Yes, the TCAS one is in fpm ๐Ÿ™‚
  13. What exactly do you need help with?
  14. You definitely can copy & paste in Win11 ๐Ÿ™‚ https://www.makeuseof.com/windows-11-copy-paste-methods/
  15. Heya! There is no speed chart, but the blue marker on the speed gauge is your VR speed. It automatically changes depending on your weight.
  16. Heya! I asked around our dev group and we are actually not sure if AVX is needed; it is possible due to WASM but we aren't sure. Microsoft will be able to give you a definitive answer on this. Sorry for the inconveniece caused.
  17. We don't have a date yet, but I don't think it'll take months ๐Ÿ™‚
  18. We used those parameters during testing and they made zero differences with the CFD modelling. Although the use of CFD allows us to simulate a realistic flight model we appreciate this doesn't appeal to everyone, however, this allows us to make use of the sims built-in assist options. To counteract some of the more unique tendencies of the aircraft we suggest enabling the following found in "Assistance Options>Piloting" turn Auto-Rudder, Assisted Landing and Assisted Takeoff ON.
  19. Heya again! Firstly many thanks to all of you for such great engagement on the product over the weekend! We have discussed the community comments regarding the FM and in particular the difficulties users are experiencing with the take-off roll. We have an number of pilots within our development and testing teams that have experience on tail draggers and light aircraft that have tested the FM extensively. We also discuss flight characteristics with pilots of the specific aircraft we are modelling where possible which we have been fortunate enough to do with BF108. Tailwheel aircraft are difficult to fly, which is why a number of aviation authorities require pilots to have specific endorsements on their licence to fly one. In this instance the requirement to use aileron and rudder, even in still wind conditions, is correct due to the fundamental aerodynamics of a tailwheel aircraft. Although there are many factors affecting the stability of the aircraft, especially with the use of CFD, we have highlighted the main points below. Tailwheel aircraft are dynamically unstable due to a CofG behind the main landing gear. This means any inertia acting on the aircraft will drag the aircraft in the direction the CofG is trying to push the aircraft. The slightest crosswind or torque reaction from the engine will start an imbalance. The factor which is affecting the turn/roll tendencies most significantly in this aircraft is gyroscopic procession. This effect is more pronounced in tail wheel aircraft as the tail leaves the ground. It is also at a critical point in the take-off roll where the aircraft is just reaching full control authority effectiveness, so raising the tail too early can be detrimental to directional control. The aircraft crosswind is also significantly less than most modern GA aircraft. Another point to note with aircraft of this era was they were generally not limited to taking off on specific runway headings. Airfields of the time were generally large areas of open grass with approximate manoeuvring areas defined, this meant that pilots could take-off almost directly into wind. We believe in providing the highest level of realism with regards to flight dynamics and have discussed if using alternative flight models available within the sim would be beneficially. For now, we have decided not to make any adjustments. Our reason for this is simple, one of the attractions to flying tail wheel aircraft in real life is the requirement to learn a new โ€˜styleโ€™ of flying, and we wish to keep that authenticity here. We are also one of a handful of developers using the sims excellent CFD model. This doesnโ€™t mean that other models are wrong, but it is something we as sim pilots will need to adjust to if we want a realistic experience. There are numerous articles and refences online to further explain the unique aerodynamic qualities of a tail wheel aircraft and how to fly them online. We think this video explains most of the tendencies particularly well: https://youtu.be/E3q2Swzi2q8 We do not want to negate any feedback and are testing all feedback / comments and will make changes where necessary, but hopefully this gives some more insight into our thinking / evidence behind our workings!
  20. aaah, gotcha, yeah, that probably should be changed ๐Ÿ™‚
  21. Two questions for you: Where are you collecting those user reported problems from and have you ever flown a BF108 in the real world? I don't want to sound dismissive, but the BF108 handles very poorly in crosswind condition in the real world. Pilots told us, that unless the wind was on runway heading, they wouldnt fly the bird if the wind was stronger than 7 knots.
  22. Heya! Im confused by your statements. Why would pressed be the OFF position? The active step of the priming (ie injecting fuel into the engine) happens when pressing the button, hence ON. Iยดll add prime logic and sound to the wishlist though.
  23. Heya! Thank you for the suggestion, Iยดll put it on our internal wishlist ๐Ÿ™‚
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