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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. Yes, temporary files will be downloaded to the C drive and then deleted afterwards.
  2. Activations can be refreshed with a direct support ticket, https://www.inibuilds.com/contact We will fix the issue with the AIRAC (and others reported) in this week 🙂
  3. Should work again now, please try again and let me know 🙂
  4. Yes, it will get fixed with the PW update 🙂
  5. This bug should have been fixed with 1.0.8. Please update and try again.
  6. Yeah, there was no change between 1.0.7 and 1.0.8 Disheartening to read though, that it still is not fixed 😞 So I guess let's start again.. Could you please try if the issue also happens, if the A300 is the only thing in your community folder? I know this will be painful, but we have to start somewhere 😕 --- @kasen The plane hasn't even been out for two months yet and the 7 updates should show everyone that we are working hard to fix every bug. Reading something like your post just rubbs me the wrong way. Our entire testing team is trying to recreate this bug as best as we can and we even fixed some instances of it happening already. But what we can't reproduce, we can't fix, which is where we need the help of the users that experience the issue. If you don't want to participate in that, fine, but you just can't allege us of not giving a damn, cause that is not true at all.
  7. As y'all might have noticed, 1.0.7 was released today. We didn't put this bug in the changelog, because we aren't 100% sure if it actually is fixed, but we changed some things around that could have been the culprit for it. So if you please could do some more flights and check if it actually is fixed, that would be appreciated @pmplayer@kasen
  8. 1.0.7 is now available for download 🙂
  9. Unfortunately not, no.
  10. The DH window also uses RA
  11. Yup, already fixed and will be in the next patch 🙂
  12. Ah, cheers, thanks. Yeah, we will add a note to the Manager that you'll need to uninstall first and then download the update. Sorry for the inconvenience!
  13. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  14. I think we are actually missing both the DME and NDB antennas, thanks, will also add those to the next patch 🙂
  15. Sorry, but that didn't answer my question at all..
  16. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  17. Sounds like a WASM crash, what did you do before this happened?
  18. Mh, that is really weird. Cargo and Pax use the same files, so there is no reason one should work and the other one shouldn't. What you can try please is clear your A300 work folder, uninstall the plane, rename your Community folder to "Community1" or whatever, create a new Community folder and only install the plane into it. Then there really shouldnt be anything there to stop the Pax from loading
  19. Buying through the Manager can be hit or miss, we are investigating this. Purchasing through the website should work better. https://store.inibuilds.com
  20. Thanks, will get this one fixed 🙂
  21. Please try to delete your sceneryindexes and see if it shows up then 🙂
  22. Sorry I never replied to this. Thanks for the intensive research. We will look into the snow effects lowering the FPS 🙂
  23. We might consider this, but no confirmation for now - same as for the freighter.
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