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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  2. No, it wasn't accidental. The A300 doesn't have an ice probe like the A320.
  3. Mh, can't reproduce this, for me both lights look the same, can you please share screenshots?
  4. Can confirm this bug, will take a look 🙂
  5. How long do you wait once youre in the black screen with the loading screen stuck in the middle?
  6. Always depends on the CI, would need exact flight plans with CI, weights etc. to see if anything is wrong though
  7. I don't seem to have any issues during the go around. Make sure to hit the TOGA button again when commencing the go around.
  8. Yep, this is already on our list 🙂
  9. Will put it on the wishlist 🙂
  10. Yep, I can recreate this, will take a look 🙂
  11. How do you think we could improve this? I'm open to suggestions. Those two things do overlap in the real aircraft so there is only so much we can do.
  12. I can confirm this behaviour, but I actually don't know if there ever was a sound haha Will look into it 🙂
  13. Yes, it was not in the changelog for either of those versions, it is still on our list.
  14. With implemented I mean functional to your needs eg showing the actual number in the LVAR. Obviously I know what V-Speeds are, but I don't understand why you need the LVARs to be functional to your needs. Do you have your own FMC unit?
  15. Sure, but I'd need to know this to give support I'm afraid.
  16. Yes, this bug has been around since version 1.0.0 and we unfortunately are still not able to nail it down as its hard to impossible to recreate with a logging build 😕 But we obviously still haven't given up and are trying to fix it 🙂
  17. As MD82 said, the old FMC didnt have an option for that.
  18. Did it show anything on the maintenance page?
  19. Oil level does rise again when the engines turn off as the oil from the engine flows back into the reservoir/swamp/pan (whatever it is called in a turbine engine :D) This change is only for the values on the EFB, before the patch these would go back up to 100%
  20. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  21. Mh, weird, I also can't replicate this. But what you are describing sounds very much like a WASM crash. We will look into it 🙂
  22. Ah, sorry, I see the issue. The changed quickviews were only applied to the Pax version.. Sorry about that! Will change them for the Freighter for the next patch 🙂
  23. Heya! What is the usecase for this? What are you trying to do, that isnt working because these LVARs aren't implemented?
  24. You have any kind of reference for this?
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