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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. Heya! Can't say I can confirm this. Could you please give me a bit more information? Is this freighter or pax? Which version of the aircraft? PC or Xbox? Any special livery? Does it happen every time for you?
  2. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  3. cconesa, I know you are very passionate about this bug being fixed with this being your 4th(?) post about it. It is still on our list to fix, it will get fixed and as long as it isn't in the changelog marked as fixed there is no need to open up another post that it isn't fixed. Thanks.
  4. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  5. Sorry for the delay in answering, yes, we obviously are monitoring and engaging in this forum. I can confirm this bug on the A310, thanks. FWIW it is not happening on the A300. I can get the ADF to work there at the gate.
  6. Heya! Do you have a picture of the newer used systems by chance? The ones in the GSX profile have all the things listed in this document.
  7. Yes, OMAA will come to XBox/Marketplace soon 🙂
  8. B7 isnt spawnable, because the gate doesn't exist, C48, C49 and the others are not spawnable because there are static aircraft there.
  9. That's a very good question indeed haha Will take a look, thanks 🙂
  10. Mmh, it definitely is a cause for it, however the correct GW displays in the FUEL PRED page, so it also seems to be a bug 😄 We will look into it 🙂
  11. XBox is currently on 1.0.3, while iniStore is on 1.0.9. Yes, the updates have been submitted to Microsoft, yes, we are also waiting for them to be approved.
  12. Thanks, we will take a look 🙂
  13. As I said in the other post as well, sometimes fixing things isn't as easy as it seems. You can be assured that this is a priority for us. If you can't download at all, you can message direct support and they will give you an alternative download method. https://www.inibuilds.com/contact
  14. The update is with Microsoft, we are waiting just as much as you guys are 😕
  15. Heya! I don't have these in my build, did you try a redownload already?
  16. What exactly do you mean with Manual mode? I'm not aware that the FMC has a manual mode.
  17. I will need a bit more information than this. What exactly did you do before this happened? Route/weights/CI etc etc
  18. And you said during cruise the temperature was fine?
  19. Thanks, we will look into it 🙂
  20. As you already got told on the Discord, there is no DME coupled with the ILS...
  21. This is a known issue and I know that you know that we know about this issue already...
  22. How do you initially accelerate the plane? Just press the TOGA button or throttles to 50% and then TOGA button?
  23. No, this currently isn't possible I'm afraid.
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