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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. I will need a bit more information than this. What exactly did you do before this happened? Route/weights/CI etc etc
  2. And you said during cruise the temperature was fine?
  3. Thanks, we will look into it 🙂
  4. As you already got told on the Discord, there is no DME coupled with the ILS...
  5. This is a known issue and I know that you know that we know about this issue already...
  6. How do you initially accelerate the plane? Just press the TOGA button or throttles to 50% and then TOGA button?
  7. No, this currently isn't possible I'm afraid.
  8. Yes, you can move the seats already 🙂
  9. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  10. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  11. Of course.
  12. Deleted Account


    Yep, we are already looking into this 🙂
  13. That is already there. There is a little needle in the gauge that shows the current position.
  14. We are looking into this already obviously, but sometimes fixing something like this might seem easier than it actually is. If you want to have the debug build, please do send me a DM on here and I'll hook you up. You can always contact direct support and get a temporary download link for your products there as well. https://www.inibuilds.com/contact
  15. Yes, we are looking into this 🙂
  16. Yep, will be added with the next patch 🙂
  17. As I'm sure you know, it is not up to us how fast these updates arrive on the Marketplace. We are obviously going to push all our updates to the marketplace as well.
  18. Will look into the 3.00 missing in the flightplan, however I can't reproduce the DCT TO issue, you have any steps for me to reproduce it?
  19. Probably only with a third party add-on like GSX. Doesn't come natively with the A300.
  20. Thanks, we will take a look 🙂
  21. Heya! I can forward that the template should get changed 🙂 FWIW, the SYNC button automatically inserts the weight as well 🙂
  22. Heya! Still definitely working for me! Are your batteries on? Or maybe do you need to service the APU in the EFB?
  23. @pmplayer We think we fixed it with 1.0.9 now, if you don't mind, could you please try again?
  24. Weird, could you please give me your order number and I will forward it for you 🙂
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