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Everything posted by Eddie

  1. Hello, Yes the A350 specfic RA callouts will be added in a future patch, hopefully soon 🙏
  2. Should be fixed now with 1.0.3 🙂
  3. Hello, Has this been resolved for you in the 1.0.3 update?
  4. 1.0.3 has resolved this issue 🙂
  5. Eddie

    Livery Issue

    Hello, We fixed a mirroring issue with the later version that no longer causes this, that is why. We just released version 1.0.3, hopefully making its way to the marketplace as soon as possible. I would consider having your order transferred to our iniManager to avoid delays if you'd like 🙂
  6. Hello! This has been noted and we are working on adding a toggle option in the OIS! 🙂
  7. Hello, Thank you, I'll let the team know 🙂
  8. Hello, Thank you, informed the team. 🙂
  9. Hello, Thank you for the report. Passed along to the team! 🙂
  10. Hello, Please make sure you have tried the following: Clearing your Scenery Indexes - To do that locate your folder by following the path below: MSFS 2020 MSFS 2024 Then delete the contents inside but leave the folder intact. The indexes will rebuild on next load of FS. This should solve the issue.
  11. Hello! If I have come across this way, I do apologize as that was never the intention. Could you please point me to where you feel I have been passive aggressive? Thank you 🙂
  12. Yep, we did indeed identify a TCAS issue; has been logged and we are working on a fix. Thank you so much for your patience.
  13. We have indentified something similar and working on a fix already; so yes, avoid TCAS for the time being 😉 Thank you so much for your patience. I know this is not very fun having to deal with these issues. We're working on it!
  14. Hello, Thank you for the report! We'll look into it with a fix hopefully very soon! 🙂
  15. If the product is unusable for you and you have reported the issues you are experiencing and tried all trouble-shooting steps we provide; I see no other way for you to use it until we fix said issues. I do not claim anything is enough. I understand its extremely frustrating. The team is very much hard at work on squashing these very very annoying WASM crashes and are hopeful we'll have them resolved soon. You are not ignored. You are heard. Our community team isn't very large so we cannot give an immediate response to a post as we monitor both our Discord and this forum, but we try. I again ask for your patience, which I know is something you are reluctant on giving and understandably so, but we are working on it, I promise. Thank you
  16. Hello, We are aware of the state of WASM crashes and are working very hard on addressing them as soon as possible. Me replying to you us our form of communication. I can assure you the team is very much aware and trying their hardest to resolve them. Thank you
  17. This is a forum intended for members and staff to assist where they can. We have a direct support (Contact – iniBuilds Store) line where you are guaranteed a reply so yes there is support. We have not abandoned anything. Any reports posted with logs have been taken into account and most likely already fixed. No one is dismissing customer complaints at all. We are taking all feedback, both constructive and even the not constructive. Thanks
  18. Hello, I've passed this on to our team. Thank you
  19. I'm unfortunately not as smart as the technical guys in our team when it comes to this, but, from what I understand, the way a LIVE taxi cam would work would to literally stream the simulator environment twice, once as the main simulator that you see on your screen and once more as the taxi camera, both at the same time; basically running two instances of the simulator. Not sure how that can be done without absolutely destroying your PC but I'm sure at some point the guys over at Asobo will figure it out, and when they do, we shall implement it as well! 🙂
  20. Eddie

    Printer ?

    Hello The printer is currently INOP. We will however make it functional in a future update 🙂
  21. We have had many submit their apologies and share proof of being our customer which in turn I have personally unbanned them for. And let me ask you this; if you are not a drug dealer, would you hang out with drug dealers while they were "dealing"? If you have been banned, drop me a message on the site with proof of purchase of any of our products and we'll take it from there - same goes for you @Mrjosh999 Thank you
  22. Hello, Thanks. And yes, the flashing lights are still scheduled for a fix. Most likely in for the next patch. I'll pass along the other feedback as well 🙂
  23. I shall give it a try! Will report back when I have 🙂
  24. The WASM folders are independent of that. There is a guide linked above on how to do this.
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