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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. Heya! Right here: https://forms.inibuilds.com/order-transfer For order number just enter 1234 πŸ™‚
  2. Known issue, will be fixed in next version.
  3. As Brian pointed out, plannes for next version πŸ™‚
  4. Heya! I'm afraid you'll have to ask on the Microsoft forums. Any marketing is handled by them and not by us.
  5. Still on backlog, yeah. Sorry it didn't make this patch πŸ˜•
  6. Thanks for testing, would love to know when/if you find out what caused the crashes in the end πŸ™‚
  7. Heya! I know it can be frustrating if a bug was reported, acknowledged and then not fixed, however I can guarantee you that it is still on our radar πŸ™‚
  8. Mmh, have to say I can't reproduce this. Can you please try with an empty community folder?
  9. Thanks for the feedback, we will see what we can do without hurting performance too much.
  10. There is another performance update in the works πŸ™‚
  11. Correct, that's the Aerodynamic Visualization. Can be turned off in the Assistance Options of the sim.
  12. Heya! This is indeed very weird, as AVG shouldnt detect it. You can see so here on Virustotal https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/4797103bcf1ba1ebc8935563ea2d5db2c12d05b6783db63d3c2c20013c96c67e Is it possible to completly stop AVG? Also I deleted your docx file without looking at it, please upload it as a png/jpeg instead.
  13. I was under the assumption I'd get a video still, sorry.. πŸ˜„ Anyways, as this is an issue localised seemingly only on your installation, I unfortunately really don't know to help you anymore. If you really did all the steps I told you to do, there shouldn't be a reason why it doesn't work. The only option left I see is the nuclear option to uninstall/reinstall the entire sim or Windows installation πŸ˜•
  14. As said before, we are aware and have it on our internal list.
  15. Heya! This is perfectly normal behaviour I'm afraid. The engines on any jetliner aren't instantaneous. If you want to see an actual representation as to where the throttle is currently, I'd suggest using the cockpit camera.
  16. Mh.. No VPN active and enough hard drive space available?
  17. Actually we probably figured it out. Could you please uninstall nool and then reinstall the newest version?
  18. Replace this layout file with the one on your drive and it should work. This only is confirmed to be working with all scenery configs enabled. As your file was smaller, Iβ€˜m guessing you turned some options off, could you tell me which those are? And thanks for providing the log, unfortunately there was nothing helpful in there… 😞 layout.json
  19. I already posted a solution on September 9th. For a more permanent solution I need someone to post their console log please.
  20. Heya! Could I get a video of that happening please?
  21. Mmh, yeah, I can confirm this. We will get it fixed for the next version πŸ™‚
  22. The only other solution I can give you is to try it with an empty community folder as there maybe is a plugin that is doing weird things with the plane. Also maybe some special bindings you did in the options menu? What you also could try is to disconnect your hardware during cruise to make sure that a noisy axis isnt interferring with it.
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