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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. Best to try to contact them through their website 🙂 https://sierrasim.net/wp/contactanos/
  2. Let me know if it wasn't that issue please 🙂
  3. The plane will also automatically activate the approach mode once all necessary steps are taken as well. If there are speed restrictions on the descent the plane will also follow those and reduce speed as necessary.
  4. If Couatl64 causes the crash, it is not our fault, but GSXs
  5. Would need actual confirmation on this.. 😄 And if it keeps happening screenshots / videos of the cockpit.
  6. Only simbrief import, no charts on EFB
  7. Yep, this is a known issue, will be fixed with the next patch 🙂
  8. This should have been fixed with 1.0.2, confirm this is still happening on 1.0.3?
  9. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  10. Was the MCDU still working at this stage?
  11. Heya! This should definitely not happen and you're the first customer to report this issue. Please make absolutely sure there is no issue with your hardware, or maybe any additional hardware that you might not be aware of (gamepad etc)
  12. Thanks, we have people looking into it, if they don't find anything, I'll send you a logging enabled version to get to the bottom of this 🙂
  13. Heya! Try deleting the ThrottleData.ini file in the work folder of the aircraft, reset your axis to the "normal" (not 0-100) ones and recalibrate in the EFB. Theoretically that should solve your issue 🙂
  14. 1) will take a look, thanks 2) It's definitely there, you are actually hearing it at 3) haha It's possible that it is omitted if it is at the same height as another call, try setting DH to 180 and see if you can here it then 3) see above; put DH to -5 in the window on the FCU to remove the call
  15. This is by design, but as you are not the first person to ask for this, we will see if we reintroduce this.
  16. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  17. No, there is currently nothing you can do. Our planes don't really support time acceleration I'm afraid. We are looking to change this in the future, but it is not a priority item I'm afraid.
  18. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  19. Heya! What axis do you use to steer? Did you try it with keyboard bindings to see if the wheel turns at all when it doesnt do it with the axis?
  20. I'll forward it to the devs for consideration, but no promises on this I'm afraid 😕
  21. Thanks, will take a look 🙂
  22. Try this email! Tienvip26842@gmail.com We already have a dedicated team working on GSX profiles 🙂
  23. Heya! We are already tracking this bug, thanks!
  24. Thanks guys, we will take a look 🙂
  25. Nope, that should be all 🙂
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