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Everything posted by Eddie

  1. Logging out and back in should resolve that iniManager issue. We are looking into eliminating that issue!
  2. Hello, If you haven't been charged, please try purchasing again via the webpage: https://inibuilds.com If you have however have been charged, please contact direct support Contact – iniBuilds Store (since you have no order number, leave blank or n/a)
  3. It didn't make it into the release unfortunately. It's being finalized; hopefully up soon.
  4. Hello This has been reported and logged. Thank you
  5. Hello Séb! Yes, one purchase will give you a native FS2020 version and a native FS2024 version.
  6. Issues with Calibration If you experience any issues with the Throttle Calibration process, you may force-reset the calibration on the EFB via either of the following methods: PC & Xbox: Toggle the 'Reverser on Axis' option between YES and NO a few times to reset the calibration. PC Only: Delete the 'ThrottleData.ini' file to start fresh on next launch of the simulator. This file will be found in the work folder of the aircraft, and the path will vary based on where you purchased the simulator: Steam: %APPDATA%\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\inibuilds-aircraft-a350\work MS Store: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\Packages\inibuilds-aircraft-a350\work Issues with Reversers If you experience any issues with the operation of reversers on hardware with reverse on axis (E.g. TCA Quadrant Airbus Edition), please ensure the following: Reverse on Axis: Ensure you have selected YES on the EFB Throttle Calibration page. Calibration: Ensure you have completed the calibration at least once. This will ensure the creation of a 'ThrottleData.ini' file. ThrottleData.ini : The file can be found at the path stated above. Open with a text editor (e.g. Notepad) and check that it says the following - [throttle] reverse_on_axis = true If it says false, change it to true as above. Reversers should then work after a sim restart.
  7. Please try going to your Community folder, manually deleting the inibuilds-aircraft-a350 folder. Then back into iniManager, click "Uninstall". Then install it again. This should resolve it.
  8. First load takes a long time. Normal
  9. Hello, Have you been charged? If not, please use the webstore: https://inibuilds.com Ensure you are logged into the correct account.
  10. Hello all, Apologies for not replying. More liveries are coming for the A300 premium. We've been extremely swamped last few weeks. I understand that isn't your problem and we are not using that as an excuse, merely letting you know the situation. We haven't abandoned anything. It's coming, along with a paintkit like promised. Very sorry for the inconvenience! Thank you
  11. Hello, Please follow this guide and it should resolve your issue:
  12. Eddie

    OIS not Avail

    "OIS Not Available" means its booting up. Takes 8 minutes as per real life. Once it has, you can select whether youd like instant/fast/realistic.
  13. If we add a cabin to the Xbox variants, you will not have an enjoyable time flying the aircraft. Performance is more important, even if you don't think that right now. We cannot find a viable way to make an aircraft that is the size of the 350 include a cabin model for Xbox. As for Xbox release time, we have submitted the aircraft to MS/Asobo. It is entirely in their hands now. We have no control or say on when it'll hit the marketplace. I am not sure where this "not so great customer service" came from. Thank you
  14. Paintkits are setup in a different way to what our inhouse creators use. I've heard word its close. We apologize for not having it ready in time, but very soon!
  15. Respectfully, whether you agree or not will not resolve the issue. We have indentified a core sim-issue that is affecting this. We will update you all once we know more.
  16. We tried to get it ready for release, it wasn't. It is being finalized. Really is not the end of the world. The lovely painters will get to work very soon.
  17. Again, like I have said above. This is NOT an issue we can resolve. We are waiting for a fix from Asobo.
  18. Eddie

    Installation on MSFS

    First load-in takes a long time, this is true for any WASM aircraft. Please allow up to 15 minutes even; again, this is only necessary the first ever load of the aircraft. We do not process refunds; purchases are final. Addons need to be installed into the Community folder. In the iniManager, navigate to your name in the top left, and under Microsoft Flight Simulator, click the "Scan Now" for MSFS 2020 Community folder.
  19. Hello, Please can you share the route you used. Thank you
  20. Eddie

    Installation on MSFS

    Hello, Have you tried restarting the simulator? If issue still persists, please try uninstalling the aircraft entirely in the iniManager and re-installing it.
  21. Our aircraft are best used with linear sensitivity settings for your axis, with deadzones as necessary for your hardware. To set this, go to your Settings > Control Options > Sensitivity Settings and set it up as shown below.
  22. Attached below is the Aircraft Manual for the iniBuilds A350 Airliner for your reference. iniBuilds A350 Airliner.pdf
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  23. On the iniBuilds A350 Airliner you can set the visual weathering on the aircraft exterior via the On-board Information System (OIS) display. This adds affects of weathering around rivets and general dirt/grime over various components of the exterior that is persistent per variant. OIS Weathering Slider You can control the various levels of weathering on the OIS Aircraft settings page which can be reached via FLT OPS MENU > OPTIONS > AIRCRAFT. (Click to enlarge image) Fixed vs Dynamic Weathering The weathering behaviour differs depending on the simulator in use as follows MSFS 2024 - Dynamic: The initial weathering state is set by the OIS Weathering slider and continues to dynamically increase over time. It will be manually "reset" by adjusting the slider. MSFS 2020 - Fixed: The weathering state is set by the OIS Weathering slider and remains at that that setting until until manually "reset" by adjusting the slider.
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  24. Apologies, thought I had replied to this. Please reach out to direct support and they'll help you out. Contact – iniBuilds Store
  25. Hello, Change your email address for the store or this forum?
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