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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. I'm afraid if that's the case then you'll have better luck trying to ask on the MS Forums / submit a ticket through Zendesk 😕 There are no known issues due to precompilation on PC. No other programs are running that could have an influence?
  2. Heya! The work folders being empty is by design as the plane comes precompiled (same with the ATR probably) Do you have anything inside your community folder? If so, could you please try with an empty one?
  3. Heya! What platform is this on?
  4. So you got an Email but there is no link/button in it? Or you didnt get an Email at all? Checked your spam folders?
  5. Heya! Still waiting for DD to approve them 🙂 The ones from us should already be approved.
  6. 1.1.7 is the correct one for the enhanced, the normal one should be on 1.1.10 if you update to the AAU2 beta (which includes the fix for the lights)
  7. Heya! Your request was already approved. Check your other Email b**@o***.n*, there should be a link in there 🙂
  8. Heya! It's a bit of a double edge sword. If we increase the speed, people might find it hard to achieve a balanced flight as we'd lose fidelity. We can look into it if more people want us to do it though 🙂
  9. It only happens after take off as the airfield is out of range before take off. It´s generally possible to listen to more than one frequency; you can turn VHF 2/3 off though. Volume is a known issue, which we unfortunately can't really fix though without interfering too much with the default radio.
  10. Thanks, we will look into that. Gladly pass along the other areas where this is happening 🙂
  11. Heya! Which runway is this happening on? You got a screenshot / approximate location?
  12. I don't know what you'd want to fix, as everything is working as expected.
  13. ATIS frequency off N12 is 122.800 Change our frequency and it will be gone
  14. Deleted Account


    I just flew past it no issues. However I did notice some jittering when being farther away from it, even though it wasn't at the speed you mention. I'm not 100% sure if this is a sim or plane issue though; I'll put it on our internal list for investigation. adfrmi2.mp4
  15. The sounds are better in that build in my opinion 🙂
  16. Heya! Are you already on the AAU2 beta build?
  17. Deleted Account


    Heya! I'm assuming you're on the ground when seeing this behaviour?
  18. All community made liveries for the MSFS A310 are only available through the iniManager 🙂
  19. Did you install any mods / addons for the A310? Please try with an empty community folder.
  20. So while testing the update on my Xbox I was now able to reproduce the big default terminal building; we don`t quite have a fix for it yet, but at least we can reproduce it now 🙂 So a fix shouldn't be too far out - Sorry for all the issues!
  21. Heya! Both of these are down to Asobo as both are outside of your custom scenery area.
  22. No.. the Jetblue hangar wasn`t touched - it also wasn't in the first update tbf, so I really don't know why it keeps disappearing for you 😕 Just to make sure, you do have the file "jfk-scene-jetblue.bgl" in your "Community\inibuilds-airport-kjfk-newyork\Scenery\airport-kjfk-newyork\kjfk-scene" folder, correct?
  23. Order Transfers always take a bit; but I`ll chase them for you. Submitted with same Email as you use here on the forum? Other than that I don`t really know what could be wrong. You can try to clear your rolling cache / delete your scenery cache/index, restart and see if that helps 😕
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