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Everything posted by Crabby

  1. That is what I currently use. There have been issues with some setups that are mentioned in the forum where the rudder overtakes the nose wheel steering on the tiller. I had not experienced this because I have set up dead zones on my rudder, so I can taxi out and not make an inadvertent input. However, if I conscientiously apply full rudder one way or another (like a flight control test) on taxi, I see what was talked about. I was perusing the Lvars to see if there was a direct ini Axis that could be used instead of the sim axis.
  2. You are both right and wrong. Right in the sense that Navigraph is updated quicker and as a paid service there is a higher expectation and delivery of accurate data. Wrong in the sense that the sim navdata does update eventually and it is rare that you would happen upon a wholesale change of procedures and navaids (like happened last year in Mexico City). My hope is that ini allows the use of Navigraph in the near future. Right now, when I have run into a problem, I just add the SID waypoints and restrictions manually.
  3. I have all my addons on a different NvME than my sim and system. I use MSFS Addons Linker for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS to manage and organize everything. I have, on the separate drive, a folder for Airports and that folder then has subfolders for countries and in the case of the USA one folder underneath for each state. Also one folder each for aircraft, liveries, cities etc. However you want to organize to keep your sanity. I use the addons linker to create the symbolic links into my community folder. Before each flight, I "activate" a symbolic link for the aircraft, livery, two airports and any other scenery like a city, that I need for that particular flight. This way some fubar livery or scenery I just downloaded (especially freeware) won't cause my sim to CTD on me. Also, if I get a CTD, I have a very good idea of what the culprit was. It takes me about 15-30 extra seconds to do this before I fire up the simulator. This also allows me to completely empty the community folder in one mouse click. I do this after every sim update and run the sim in what I call "virgin mode" to make sure it all fires up with no addons.
  4. I can confirm that KRNO did not have SIDS listed when I departed there. My request would be that ini put Navigraph navdata (sim and fmc) on the front burner for implementation.
  5. You may want to look at https://flightsim.to/file/66502/inibuilds-a300-streamdeck-xl-plus-profile-aao-scripts You can use the scripts on any device and unless you have Streamdeck that is all you will need from this. I have looked it over and it is very complete and done by a guy that is better than me.
  6. Ok, sorry. I have not mapped the toe brakes to a button in a while. It will either max or none with a button. Next time I am in the sim I will look. Have you tried mapping it to the in sim event? It is something like brakes max effort...
  7. It worked fine for me. I have not tried it since the update on the sim broke things. Too busy flying the A300 anyhow. When will Microsoft/Asobo release the fix? That is on them and a question for them. Frankly, if I had had another avenue, I would never have purchased the A310 on the store. It is the only thing that made me make a store purchase. I avoid the store like it was a plague infested covid leper. Why? What you/we are experiencing on the A310. I was told in an earlier thread that Asobo/Microsoft controls my sim on my PC. To an extent, but only to the extent of updates and servers working and I can fly without the servers if needed. I see too many folks have issues like updates on the store.
  8. The are mapped to an axis. I use the MFG Crosswind pedals. AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET and AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET I don't use the Select Axis box. I use the Select Event Box. See the pic. Of course for the Right brake I use the
  9. Doubtful. MSFS in game control profiles are and always will be limited to what they need for the aircraft they provide. Do yourself a favor and look into Axis and Ohs as well as SpadNext. Best 20 something dollars you will spend on the sim. The work with all aircraft.
  10. I use AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET and AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET for the toe brakes Parking Brake is as in the pictures. Take note that it is the same variable, but I am sending a 1 for on and a 0 for off
  11. I use Navigraph and so far I have had no issues with SIDS/Stars. I have been to KORD, KDFW, KPHX, KSEA, KCLT, KMIA, KSTL, MMMX and others I can't remember right now. 10 or 12 flights.
  12. Honestly, the only part of the manual I looked at was the EFB section. This came from my A310 pre-release reading of the FCOM. The A310 and A300 have almost identical operation, if not identical. So I honestly don't know if it is in the INI manual or not.
  13. Press on the ALT knob to enter 100s mode then press again to return to 1000s mode. This is the knob you turn left and righ to change the altitude.
  14. Those are what I use for the A300. Just finished a flight. Can you describe what problem you are having. Don't work is not a description. For example, if you don't have my exact controls, as stated above, you need to reassign the bindings in the template to match your controller set up. If you use a joystick, the binding in the template is to HC Alpha yoke. If you tell me what you are seeing, I might be able to help. Don't work is not accurate because they do work when properly set up.
  15. Can this Lvar be assigned to an axis? I am not concerned about the tiller animation yet, just wanting to know if this will turn the nosewheel on an axis.
  16. I see that there have been a few mentions of this, however, how do you explain that a large(r?) number of people don't see this? Many think that hearing "it works for me" does not help, but it does. It means that there is some combination of settings and/or equipment that work. If it is settings, then maybe there is a solution. In Axis and Ohs I use AXIS_STEERING_SET, with the axis reversed and it runs a range of -16383 to 16383 with a touch of dead zone due to noise in my controller. I can taxi all over with my feet on the rudders. My rudders are MFG Crosswind and I have a small amount of dead zone on those too. Most aircraft with tiller also have some degree of nose wheel movement with the rudders also. Granted, I am not sure if this translates to the in sim bindings or not. I have not used them for close to 2 years now. i don't think this is a lack of testing, I think this is an inability of any developer to take into account all the myriad combinations of equipment available. It is an impossible taxk.
  17. Here are the scripts and template I use for the A300. 1. Largely not my work. I modified already released A310 scripts from flightsim.to so they work with the A300 by using a little bit of Excel and xml magic find and replace. 2. The template is for my setup. You can change the buttons/levers as needed for your set up. I use the HC Alpha and Bravo. I have one axis assignment for the nosewheel steering assigned to my T16000 throttle quadrant. 3. I will help you out as much as I can, but I am by no means an expert on AAO, at most I am a above average user of the program. 4. I do not use all of the scripts. The scripts I use are also included in the template file. If AAO asks you to overwrite them do so. You must a valid licensed copy of AAO to use these. A300 Scripts.xml A300-600.tmpl
  18. I will say though that the oil levels don't seem to drop much. I would not expect them to be at 100 after the 8 flights I have done.
  19. A quick google search shows typical life cycle for tires is between 200-300 take off and landings. So even if it were 100 cycles, you are only 1/10 of the way through. It's like having a 60,000-mile tire and trying to see visible wear (assuming balance and rotations are done) after only 6000 miles. This plane flew at least 1 cycle a day. Imagine the need to replace tires 1 or two times a week.
  20. My understanding, and I have been wrong at least once, is that indicates icing is possible and it is up to the crew to activate the anti-icing system as needed, for example in or going into visible moisture (clouds, rain, etc). Icing Conditions (theairlinepilots.com)
  21. Just jumped in the plane. My COM2 is working exactly like COM1. I put a frequency in the left or right and point the transfer switch to which one I want to use with the light above the frequency box indicating which is active. The actually dialed frequency never changes box.
  22. Here is the template I use for the A300. It is for the HC Alpha and Bravo and my T16000 throttle quadrant (for the tiller). The scripts that I use should be included and the whole thing can be modified to fit your particular controller parameters. A300-600.tmpl
  23. stand by...
  24. I haven't used the com2 except to clear it off of unicom. I will take a look when I fly again. My understanding from the FCOM is that it should be identical to the COM1, however I will review that too.
  25. Besides what I listed, I have the T16000 joystick and throttle quadrant. The joystick I use for Airbus ops that have a sidestick. I use the paddle on the back of the TQ for my tiller on all aircraft. Ignore mess on my desk as I am in full work mode at this time.
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