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Everything posted by Crabby

  1. I will test this out during my flight in a bit. I only tested the inability to set V2 as stated by the OP.
  2. Well, I did that test right after I upgraded to 1.03 using an inibuilds livery. I guess I got nothing for this, other than to say it is working fine on my end.
  3. I just tested. Works fine. Did you guys align the IRS and turn on Pitch Trim, Yaw Damper, and the two ATS switches on the overhead panel?
  4. I have over 20 hours on VATSIM with 1.02. Just finished a flight to TJSJ. Not a problem for me.
  5. Nope, it probably means you forgot to put the engine start switch back to off or continuous relight. The packs do not operate with it is Start A or B. Flows and checklists.
  6. No, it will be out when it's done and ini is happy with it.
  7. One other thing pushing this knob will change from IAS speed to Mach speed.
  8. 1. This should be set to V2 for take off, always 2. You would use it while flying in level change (LVL CHG button) mode. Level change maintains a constant speed during either a clime or descent. For example, during a descent it will pitch the plane down to maintain whatever vertical speed needed to match the selected speed in the MCU. Now you can do one of two things. If you make the selected speed higher, your plane will descend faster and if you make the selected speed lower it will descend slower. You can also use the throttles to make changes to vertical speed in this mode, without changing the IAS/Mach. For example, let's say you set LVL CHG to move from FL360 to 10,000 feet and your speed is set to 300 kts. During the descent if you add thrust, the vertical speed will adjust to maintain 300 kts descending, so the vertical speed will become lower. If you reduce thrust, the opposit happens. 3. You can also use the speed setting to control auto thrust commanded speed on final approach. Think of it as automation that you directly control.
  9. I don't think it is anything to do with the HC Bravo. It is simply sending an electrical impulse into the sim. The sim "set autopilot airspeed hold" is the issue as it then talks directly to the plane. Again, as planes get more complex and the developers need to use more complex and custom sim events, Lvars, Hvars, Bvars etc, the in sim assignment functionality can be a. Not functional enough b. Have "default" assignments that cause issues like is being seen I cannot stress enough that, in my opinion based on way too many years of doing this, a happy sim is a controlled sim. For around 20 dollars (two Starbucks coffees) one can take control of the controls. I recommend Axis and Ohs because I use that. SpadNext is just as good, though I don't know how much it is. I fire my sim up with a new plane knowing that I will not have any control conflicts because my in sim profiles are blank. My first step with a new plane is assign the camera views I want (I don't even look at any provided views, don't care). Next I use Axis and Ohs to create an out of the sim profile the way I want it to be. I have heard folks say they don't think they should have to spend the money or that they should have to spend the time. Well, you will at least spend the time fixing things and time really is money. AAO, or if I used it SpadNext, is a must have/must use add on for me.
  10. Well, I guess I ran into something similar on departure from KGPI. 1. Addon airport 2. I use and will continue to use Navigraph in the sim I was on the RIDDG2 departure to RIDDG. The plane flew the departure with zero issues on NAV. It was at RIDDG where I saw a hiccup. The next waypoint after RIDDG in my flight plan was ANN. My plane crossed RIDDG without turning. I corrected by using the direct to button. Now, I will say this. ATC gave a reroute during cruise and the entry of the reroute and the plane's reaction to it was spot on. What I take away is that I have to stay ahead of the plane, as I would in any plane in real life. I do not know if my use of Navigraph caused this or if it is a bug in the LNAV. I am not going to remove Navigraph to test, so I will just monitor. This has been the only case of weird LNAV behavior that I have seen though a couple of my buddies from the VA reported similar but spurious incidents too. The commonality is we all use Navigraph.
  11. I am content with Navigraph not joining forces. That would be another developer who has to deal with the onerous store crap. Updates would slow down.
  12. Why? It's in the real plane due to the crash in NY.
  13. Not sure about brightness. That normally is something that is set depending on time of day and whatever level is needed. If by barometric you mean HPA or inHg, mine has not moved off of inHg since I got the plane, even with the update. If I missed understood that part, let me know and I will check.
  14. I guess it is back to the FCOM to learn about this.
  15. There was always going to be a "first" because of 1. the way that the sim-profiles work 2. the way that complicated aircraft work. The two, from day one, were always going to be on a crash course of messing things up. Couple this with the simulator deleting my profiles in one of the very first updates, spent 20 dollars and moved my control bindings outside the simulator. I now only have view commands on my in sim profiles and a reverse command. Everything else is safe and protected outside of the sim. But wait! There's more! I can use voice commands to activate events in the sim. I can access the more detailed events that planes like the A400 are capable of. For example, I say into my mic "Align IRS" and all three of the IRS knobs move to the right place. Alas, that is more trickery than needed I guess. The point is, the in-sim system for controllers is far to simple to allow the full use of a controller like the HC Bravo and Alpha. Sure, you can "use" is and assign something to every button on the controller, but can you actually use it. Couple that with the fact that Asobo just willy nilly filled up the controller profiles with what they thought you need and now you have to go back through each one and make sure things aren't cross controlled. Get Axis and Ohs or SpadNext and never deal with crap like this again, on any aircraft default/addon, past, present or future.
  16. I don't use VOR navigation, with the radios, much because of LNAV. However, I believe that you manually tune the VORS using the NAV Radios between the FMC, not on the FMC itself. You would track them using the VOR gauge right under the airspeed gauge.
  17. Not sure what you were trying to do here, but the large text is bleeding and can't be read without scrolling.
  18. Are you using the HC Bravo? If so, go into the sim and check all of your bindings for the IAS position on the top left knob. Apparently MSFS has seen fit to make some "suggested" assignments that cause this behavior. I don't see it because I don't use the sim bindings, and this type of issue is one of the main reasons I use Axis and Ohs. If you don't use the HC Bravo, disregard, but check your bindings and throttle axis assignments. You may find they are double, triple or more assigned to other stuff.
  19. Not sure what you mean. On the chart at D140K (a waypoint that is on the RUS 115 radial at 22.7 miles from RUS) you turn left to D116K then intercept at CF29R. It looks perfect to me. Are you using charts so you can visualize what is in the FMC? I use Navigraph, but there are probably other options for you too.
  20. check this out.
  21. Imagine being in the real aircraft. A lot of the aft overhead panel stuff on planes like this was done by a pilot standing. It is a reach.
  22. You guys have control over this. The first thing I do with every aircraft is set MY views and then command them to the hat switch. Only you can make views that YOU are happy with.
  23. A quick search would have turned up a number of threads on this in the A300 forum. 1. Do you use Navigraph? If so the first entry in the Navigraph hub replaces the in sim navdata. 2. The A300 uses the native sim data 3. You choices right now. 1. Remove the Navigraph in sim data. 2. What I do, manually input the waypoints, speed and altitude restrictions and fly happy.
  24. LOL, you do you then. I will continue to enjoy my "nonsense". You enjoy your CTDs.
  25. Crabby

    Nav Update

    As of now, the aircraft uses the MSFS data. Every once in a while, you will see a micro update from Asobo, out of the blue. That is typically updating the sim's associated AIRAC. Right now, you are beholden to that process. Hopefully, ini sill update the bird to optionally use Navigraph.
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