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Everything posted by Crabby

  1. LOL, forest and trees. I have not tried changing FAST/MED or Slow in the repeat area. However, this is exactly how I have it set for the A310 and no problems. Besides any suggestions, I will play with the repeat speeds and see what happens.
  2. I cannot seem to get this smoothed out in the A300. This Axis and Ohs assignment works like a charm in the A310 (obviously with the LVar for the A310). In the A300 the trim, when held, jumps in large increments up or down. It should, "roll", up or down smoothly when held and make little movements when pressed and released. Any ideas?
  3. Another note to INI-Builds. The best list you can provide is a complete list of all the L-Vars. Otherwise, you will be doing a list of 10 for one person, 110 for another, and another for 5. I would just make a pdf with the lvar name and the function.
  4. As note here. After a little looking around the LVARS imported by AXIS and ohs, I used scripts originally for the A310, exported it to an xml file, then used a text editor to change all the A310 references to INI, imported the doctored file and wala, had A300 scripts that worked great.
  5. I see this too. When I was programming Axis and Ohs, I used the A310 as a base. When I moved the tiller I have, the movement shown in the cockpit was backwards so I unchecked reverse on the axis. Taxi'd out to the runway and had to check reverse back on. Visually the tiller operates in the reverse direction.
  6. This would have to do with how much fuel you loaded, not if you put in all the individual waypoint data. Did you dispatch with Simbrief and if so, did you use the simbrief profile provided here,
  7. Servos from the 60s and 70s.
  8. I have not seen this on 3 flights so far.
  9. Asobo has a wonky damage engine. Known Asobo issue. Turn the stuff off.
  10. As stated.
  11. Crabby

    Enhanced version

    That would be an amazing suggestion/answer had my question been “Where can I find the A-310 enhanced version”.
  12. Crabby

    Enhanced version

    Is this installed "on top" of the standard version? In other words, in the aircraft selection menu, should I see something like A-310 and A-310/Enhance or just one aircraft that is enhanced by the download?
  13. Sometimes you just have to talk things out. I figured it out, although I am not getting the animation on the yoke switch. Thanks @gumbyger
  14. Those are the ones I have tried. I just can't make them work.
  15. Has anyone got the script for the elevator trim switches on the captain's yoke? I am positive I am doing it wrong, but apparently lack the brains to figure out the right way. For Axis and Ohs.
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