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Everything posted by Crabby

  1. When aircraft are at or reaching their performance limits (in this case altitude), the good side of the envelope and the bad side of the envelope are very close together. In the case you show, going to fast or going too slow does not leave a lot of margin. That is straight and level, it changes even more with turns.
  2. My first thought is that you started the engines with parking brake off. It does not move for me until after I release the parking brake. After pushback, that is the first item to set.
  3. When it comes to navdata and the FMC, comparing to Fenix and PMDG is not the way to go. They use the Navigraph data, not the sim-based data. As seen on other threads, the sim based data is good, but not Navigraph good.
  4. Why can we not put questions/suggestions/complaints about the A300 or any other INI product into the correct forum. We ask developers to quickly respond to our questions, yet we make it harder for them to find them as well as making it hard for other users. I came here looking for feedback on the A300. I went to that forum, read every post and thought "Well done, I now know what everyone else knows". I jump into the general forum to see general stuff and there are very specific posts on products for which there is a forum. It's someone building a garage for you then you park your car in their bedroom.
  5. An unfortunate consequence of using Xbox for MSFS is that you are restricted to putting things on your system that are allowed by Microsoft. In the case of MSFS through the MSFS store. So... 1. There is a limit to the size of a file that can be added to the store. 2. I don't think that a developer would be able to add too many liveries with the base plane and stay below that threshold. 3. Other than what is offered in the base, you will have to pay for everything else at whatever the asking rate is. I have not read Ini's EULA so I do not know if folks are allowed to create liveries for their aircraft and sell them. PMDG, for example, does not allow this. All in all, your universe of available liveries will be smaller and cost some amount of money that PC users do not have to deal with. Not a good thing, or a bad thing, just a consequence that comes depending on what decisions precede it. I thought about using Xbox for MSFS for about 3 seconds. Once I read about encryption and the closed environment, I dropped that thought.
  6. Weird. I don't see this at all using MFG Crosswind pedals and as stated the steering on another controller.
  7. I am not seeing this at all. In a flight now and didn't see it.
  8. Yep, and as was stated, non-normal sim rates are not supported on their planes. Since it is not supported the issue that is seen is normal and not a bug and everyone will see/have it. Since it is not supported you have a few options: 1. Fly 1x sim rate 2. Fly other than 1x and accept that you will have more fuel when landing or plan accordingly. 3. Wait to see IF they support faster than 1x
  9. Works fine for me. Either local issue or operator error. Study level aircraft require a bit of studying. Youtube videos by A330 Driver are a good source. Also search for the FCOM and give it at least a look over. I suggest a deep dive.
  10. @Nico - Gumby @Helibrewer That worked! Thanks.
  11. @Nico - Gumby The change recommended by Helibrewer worked for me.
  12. Glad to hear, though frankly, I would never have noticed it since when I am taxiing I look outside. I only saw it because of when I assigned it. To me it was a minor issue, but saw others focused on it. Off to fly!
  13. Search this forum. I put some links up to the A300 and A310 FCOM I found using the Google search term "A300-600 FCOM".
  14. If I was on a SID with so many restrictions and could not get unrestricted climb, I would climb using LVL CHG instead. That way you would control both Altitude and Speed.
  15. I will try this in the morning! Thanks @Helibrewer and @Nico - Gumby
  16. Yep. Steers fine just the animation is fubar.
  17. A search for A300-600 FCOM will provide you endless opportunities for reading enjoyment, including deep dives into the FMC. The A310 has the same FMC as the A300-600. Airbus A300 FCOM - Documents - Avsim.su (avsimrus.com) theairlinepilots.com/forumarchive/a310/a310vol1rev40.pdf You won't find or get any better documentation than you can find yourself.
  18. I see the same thing here are my bindings through AAO. I have experimented with Repeat on/off and on with FAST, MED and Slow. This is set to my trim button on my HC Alpha yoke (left horn)
  19. What controls are you using from the rudder? Since you are on Rudder Controls tiller, if you are making a crosswind landing and adding rudder after a crab to straighten up, that is also turning the nose wheel. You also could have some noise in your joystick or pedals (depending on what you use). I don't see this at all, but my tiller is not attached to my rudder.
  20. Well, the trim is jumpy no matter what speed I use for repeat.
  21. Hmm, so after you read the LVars you can export them? I did not know this. Granted I never looked for it either. I was fixated on something similar by changing the A310 to INI prefix on a set of scripts I already had.
  22. Heli, you continue to amaze. What what vodoo did you do to get this to...us.
  23. This plane deserves an option to use Navigraph FMC data. For that matter, so does the A310. I get using the included navdata also for the Xboxers, but it is dumbing down the majority for the benefit of the minority.
  24. I don't even notice it in your pics. Can you circle what you are speaking of or maybe a video link would be better. I have spent and normally spend all my time in the cockpit, so I don't see these things.
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