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Everything posted by Crabby
It may be, but I am willing to pay to not have my sim wholly controlled by others.
Good. You do you. Just don't get upset when the issues continue. The consequences are on you.
I have more information on the Neo from the internet in the form of the FCOM. To each their own. Some people want information and get it, others want information.
I gave you a suggestion on fixing this and other problems. You don't want to listen. That is pretty brash. Glad you like my banner.
Yea, sorry. I have seen a lot of issues with the TCA for some reason. I use the T16000 for my airbus joystick. I have the TQ too but use only the HC Bravo. I use the T16000 TQ for things like my tiller. I don't understand all the TCA issues across various planes. The T16000 is the same system except the cosmetics and the reverse levers.
Guys, if you have profiles, including the default ones in the sim itself, you need to look through all of them to see if there is a binding issue. I have no profiles with anything in them as I chose to move all my control bindings outside of the sim. I use the HC A and B and use the LVars for things like the MCU buttons and knobs. You can't do that in the sim profiles the same way, but this smells like a binding conflict.
You mean like the PDF manual located in the resources folder of your airplane installation? And yes, it is not in depth, but at least has flows and a checklist and it tells you how THE PRODUCT works, however like others, there is no detail deep dive. That is what the internet if for.
Where do you see anything that indicates I work for INI? No, I will not set my HC Bravo to IAS mode without Axis and Ohs running. I don't care about what happens when it does not run as all of my in sim profiles are blank, as they deserve to be with how wonky and limited they are. I am telling you that mine works. Users would not buy AAO for the "sake of one aircraft", but for the sake of their entire sim experience. I will guarantee you that I do things on ALL my aircraft that you cannot do without AAO. For example I do not have to have to remember what profile to use, AAO does that for me. Choices come with consequences, either right now or later. The more complex aircraft get the less useful the in sim controller assignments will be (btw, I can use those too with Axis and Ohs, if needed/wanted). Finally, my comment is evidence based as evidenced by how well my controls work with the A300 and every other aircraft I use.
Well, it is digital and since it is Airbus they have a habit of not doing things that can't be done. I know you can tune 108.00 or 109.00 in the 737 but that operation is to de-tune the nav radios, so they don't receive anything. Maybe since the ILS is separate from the nav radios this is the way Airbus did the ILS tuning. It would make sense. It could be a bug, but I would not jump to that conclusion yet without more information. The important thing right now is you can tune a valid ILS channel today.
1. Well I don't know how as a computer scientist you couldn't figure it out. I am just a lowly EE. Maybe my Googles are better. 2. You brought up your extensive knowledge/experience with the PMDG as a way of saying "I should know how to do this so something is wrong" 3. Airbus and Boeing have been reticent to allow detailed publications with their permission since not too long after 9/11, reasons are obvious. 4. A quick search for FCOM in this forum would have revealed answers too. Maybe that won't work for computer scientist too. 4. If you don't want to learn how to fish, here are some fish: Caution, it may not be apparent but the A300-600 and A310 operators sometimes had combined FCOMs because the systems are nearly identical, like the 757/767 or the A320 family. I literally searched the term A300-600 FCOM in Google. https://www.avsimrus.com/f/documents-16/airbus-a300-fcom-57679.html https://www.theairlinepilots.com/forumarchive/a310/a310vol1rev40.pdf
Just to add, there are only 40 ILS channels.
To my knowledge there are no ILS frequencies that end in .00 "ILS frequencies are between 108 and 111.95, with numbers after the decimal point starting with odd numbers, and ending in 0 or 5, like 108.15, 108.30, etc. " So you can have 111.10 or 110.15 but not 110.00
Probably user mistake. I have never seen this happen, frankly on any aircraft I have of this level.
1. Set you own views. 2. ILS works, you have to set the FDs from NAV to ILS on the glare shield 3. This is not a "PMDG machine". The aircraft is from Airbus, the plane is an A300 not a 777. The systems and logic are different. 4. The documents including flows and checklist are in your aircraft folder under resources. If you have the plane you have the docs. 5. More detailed docs are available online with a simple Google search. I have used it for several flights now. I got the FCOM long before it was released and read through it to get a head start.
I changed them yesterday. Hit the LSK next to the current restrictions shown and fill in the fields needed.
This has to be an assignment issue. I use Axis and Ohs and have never seen this. My MSFS controller profiles are all blank except for a few view commands assigned to hat switches.
Already discussed on this board.
The truth is not rude. Offense cannot be given only taken. That said.... The developers cannot just willy nilly provide manuals. For example, PMDG started as an in-depth manual company, basically publishing an FCOM, hence their name Precision Manuals Development Group. That was then. A lot of crap happened, and Boeing does not allow them to provide the detailed manuals from before. What you got with the current iteration of the 737 pales in comparison to what I got on FSX. Today many developers are concentrating more on videos for instruction and provide limited documentation. Why? Many of the copyright owners don't allow it (think Boeing and Airbus for example) and because though everyone bellyaches about needing a 2000-page manual, the number of people who read it even once is close to zero. Look over the forum here, how many questions do you see (many times in the wrong forum) that immediately jump out as RTFM problems? Things like, "what happened my slides deployed when I opened the door at the gate?" Being a novice at flying does not mean someone cannot learn to be more self-reliant on finding information. If I had had the internet at my fingertips as a young man, I would own the world. However, it seems like most people use it to post food porn on Facebook. Now all that being said, did you at least do the search I suggested? I know it works because I have an FCOM. If it worked, have you begun reading it?
I get it. Not expensive is different from free or at no cost. I never mentioned anything about frame rates. However, for an example a few weeks ago I did a very unscientific estimation of how much I would have spent on liveries had I uses Xbox as I was contemplating prior to the release of the sim. It would be easily a hundred dollars to acquire what I currently have, and I would be paying for packs that I would only use one or two liveries.
Both of the above replies also show the need to troubleshoot the complex base software that we use. When I troubleshoot, I always assume system, sim, addons other than aircraft, then aircraft. I log everything I do to the sim in a spreadsheet, and I log my crashes and performance issues and the solution. Since the day MSFS was release, I have had exactly 18 CTD's. All but one was the direct result of a freeware livery or airport and in most cases I was not even using them. Troubleshooting has become infinitely more complicated due to the dump everything into the community folder. You can end up with hundreds of addons in there and not even know what you added two years ago. If you are on PC and not using Addons Linker from flightsim.to you should. I have zero physical files in my community folder. Everything is a symbolic link. I take about two minutes before I fire up the sim to activate the two airports I am using, the aircraft I will use and the livery I will use. That's it. That is all that is my community folder besides 5 or six folders like GSX and Navigraph. This makes troubleshooting relatively easy.
Well, I am very happy and do not see any of the issues that so disappoint you. So, if it works for me and many others (hundreds on VATSIM yesterday), I think you need to look at your system first.
Another suggestion would be to use google and find a wealth of information. Try something like A-300-600 FCOM for example.
You should always select the runway/approach first. This allows the FMC to filter out STARS not authorized for that runway.
As stated above, the best thing any simmer can do is stop using the MSFS controller profiles. 1. They make a ton of "suggested and helpful" settings for you that results in a myriad of duplicate entries across all your controllers (keyboard and mouse included). 2. While maybe (I stress maybe) it is good enough for the majority of default planes, they are nowhere powerful enough to take advantage of even a rudimentary study level aircraft. 3. The MSFS update process can, has and will at some point set all your in sim profiles back to default. This is especially true if you participate in the betas. If it hasn't happened to you, just wait. 4. You are responsible to remember that that profile you set up for the A300 is not active because you last flew the B737. You are on takeoff roll and nothing works because you forgot to change. I recommend Axis and Ohs. I recommend this because it is what I use and know. SpadNext does the same things. The interfaces are different, and you will have one camp tell you how much better the one is over the other. Just get one of them and use it. I have tried both, began using Axis and Ohs first though and that is more familiar and comfortable to me. I am sure that if I started with SpadNext that would be my choice. 1. They work with every aircraft, past, present and future. 2. They remember what profile goes with what plane down to the level of the livery (no more thinking, thinking is dangerous for most people) 3. There are ton of folks smarter than us who gladly make and publish profiles that you can load and go so you don't even have to know what you are doing (dangerous too though, learn what you use) 4. Your controller profiles are outside of the sim and the wonky and required update process can't touch them. 5. You won't have MS/Asobo telling you how you want your controls to work. Take control. If you read this and other forums, there are three reasons for most issues. 1. You don't know what you are doing. Never read the manuals or searched online for other information. 2. You don't have control of your sim. You blindly allow the sim to control you. (Xboxers are somewhat exempt to this as they have no control, but that was their choice). 3. You think all issues are caused by the developers and compare one developer's plane to another even though they are different planes. No plane is released in finished form today and thank God for that. In the good old days, when we got a plane that was it. It worked the way it did and that was the end of the story. No beta team can catch every use case, every system set up, every desire ("I want my aircraft to include midgets in the cargo hold putting on a circus for desert penguins"). In short, get AAO or SpadNext and take control.