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Everything posted by Crabby

  1. As a last ditch effort, go into your in-sim bindings under the mouse and see what you may have assigned to the button on the mouse you are clicking. Remember, you may not have assigned something, but Asobo could have. If that shows nothing, I am out of options based on my sim.
  2. Can't replicate. Check all of your bindings, especially if using the in-sim profiles. I use AAO, so I would not see that issue.
  3. I don't know what was done wrong or what was thought was done right. All I know Is I can enter speed and altitude restrictions at waypoints and modify them as I need. That is why I said doing SOMETHING wrong.
  4. Yep, flew that yesterday to see whats up.. At most, I use Navigraph so I have to manually add the waypoints and restrictions, but it flew it without a problem. That is how I state it is not a bug. If it was a bug, I would see the same thing you do. So, either I have a better bug free version of the plane, or the bug does not exist. In 21 flights, I have not had a single issue with navigation on any SID/STAR/Route/ILS/RNAV APP.
  5. After the scenery updated? You have already shown it is a scenery problem, not an A300 problem.
  6. Key binding? Noisy pots on controllers? There could be a multitude of reasons this happened. Impossible to tell with the description and information provided. The only thing I can say for sure is that on my system, with my controllers, with my bindings, the WAY I do my bindings, in 20 flights between V1.00 and V1.02, I have not seen this even once.
  7. Again, doing something wrong. Yesterday I was inbound CYYZ and got a descent to and maintain 17000 which was different from the SID. I selected the RLSK by the waypoint and typed 17000 in the scratchpad, then hit the altitude box and insert. Worked fine.
  8. Very rarely these days. Back in the old days you could tune an NDB into an AM radio station for guidance (If you knew where the antenna was). Most of the time, you will only use an ADF/NDB on an ILS approach that has one associated with the approach, like an in conjunction with the OM.
  9. If you were on an ILS approach, why were you still in NAV mode? You should have been on the ILS flight directors and in LND mode. You would not have reached your missed approach point in NAV mode. You guys are doing something wrong.
  10. Well, can't assist then. Mine and others are working fine. Can't be a bug if that is the case. It will be on those seeing this to capture the triggers. I would suggest getting in direct contact with ini Support with proof of purchase. This appears to be over the heads of mere product users.
  11. Not all RNAV departures have an initial RNAV let. Out of KCLT there is the BARMY4 RNAV SID. Depending on the runway you take off on you will fly a heading. For example from 18C you will fly heading 183 to 1260 feet then 183 thereafter or the heading assigned by ATC. At some point you will be either vectored to or cleared direct to MESHY. There will be no initial automated route to MESHY, just basically a straight out climb. If you try and hit NAV, it won't work and if you look at the FMC it will say MANUAL. Make sure departures like this are not the source of any "problems" you are seeing.
  12. Yep, if I am with ATC on departure, I fly the SID with LVL CHG. Profile does not, by design/technology, fly the restrictions on climb. With no ATC, I just use profile mode.
  13. Crabby


    Something is weird somewhere. Mine has not had a CTD even in v1.0.0 Granted, I keep my community folder lean and mean. At any given time there are only two airports, one aircraft and one livery active.
  14. Ok, but you said PFD. 1. Detune the ADF units. In other words, change the frequencies so they are not receiving an active frequency. This is as simple as spinning the knob just a digit. 2. Unless you have a PFD/FD failure, you should be "flying the needles" (the flight directors) on an ILS approach.
  15. Are you not flying the flight directors for an ILS approach?
  16. Do you mean the Nav Display (ND). The PFD is the artificial horizon and speed tape.
  17. 5.3. TACT MODE KEY Allows access to the current flight phase page (climb, cruise, etc.). Changes made to the strategic modes on this page effect performance only in the current flight phase.
  18. In the mean time, take a look here. Emi knows what he is doing. Watch the whole playlist.
  19. I have seen a few posts with similar reported behavior. I cannot replicate it. NAV(LNAV) has been spot on for me on procedures and route. Without looking over your shoulder (video) from FMC/MCU inputs and actually flying, this will be hard to help out on.
  20. I wish I could say I remembered this from the FCOM, however, what really happened is I was taxiing out at KRNO and noticed that my CG was not displaying. I got in a hurry and skipped the flow. So, no traffic on VATSIM at the moment, I shut down the engines on the taxiway and filled in the INIT page 2, restarted the engines and took off. Before doing that, I kept trying to go to INIT page 2 and of course it would let me. Only gained access by shutting down the engine.
  21. Well, it is not turning itself. The A/P is not engaged. Please make a full description of what you think is going on, however don't reference what the plane is doing when it happens if the A/P is off. Reference what you are doing when it happens.
  22. Are your engines started when this happens? If you forget this page before you start the engines, you don't get a do over after they are started.
  23. Apparently not, at least not automatically. You can always enter the SID/STAR waypoint/restrictions manually. That is what I do when I see something like this. I would also drop a note to the scenery developer because, based on what you are seeing, the issue is on their end to fix.
  24. Your navaid/procedure problem is probably caused by the use of Navigraph in the simulator. This particular plane can only draw that information from the sim database. You have two choices: 1. Add the procedure waypoints and restrictions manually. I do this. 2. Remove Navigraph from the simulator (not from the aircraft that use it). You can do this with the first entry of the Navigraph application. From the FCOM regarding profile mode and spd When PROFILE mode engages: – The SPD/MACH window is dashed (speed/Mach is controlled by the FMS, the FMS target speed is indicated on the PFD speed scale by the blue index), – The TRP AUTO key illuminates (TRP thrust limit is controlled by the FMS). – In climb or descent the TRP TARGET window displays the FMS-computed target thrust. The A/THR modes associated to the PROFILE mode are: – P.THR in climb and for descent initiation, to maintain the FMS target thrust, – P.SPD in cruise to maintain the FMS target speed or in descent if speed or altitude constraints have to be achieved, – RETARD during idle descent. PROFILE mode arming/engagement is indicated on the FMA and by the illumination of the PROFILE pushbutton switch. The operating envelope of the PROFILE mode is from 1500 ft AGL at takeoff to: – GS capture (GS*), for a precision approach, or – The Final Approach Fix (FAF) or the Final Descent Point, for non-precision approach. PROFILE mode is not allowed for use on final approach (i.e. after the FAF or the Final Descent Point or 1000 ft AGL, whichever is earlier). In PROFILE mode, the speed is controlled to remain between VLS (Green Dot, if in ECON mode) and below VMAX. 7.12.2. Disengagement The PROFILE mode is disengaged by pulling the SPD/MACH knob which results in a manual reversion from managed modes to selected modes: – LVL/CH mode in climb or descent, – ALT mode in level flight.
  25. Crabby


    I did a search for this issue on Google to see where it was reported. Based on the search results, if I were you, I would contact ini Support with your proof of purchase details to see if they can help.
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