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  1. Overview The iniBuilds A350 Airliner comes with a plethora of liveries made by our in-house artists for you to faithfully re-create your preferred Airlines experience. These liveries are available for download via the iniManager directly into your sim's Community folder. IniManager - Installation & Setup New Users Download the latest version of iniManager from https://inibuilds.com/pages/inimanager-v2 Log in using your iniBuilds Store account. Set your MSFS 2024 / 2020 Community Packages Folder paths: a. Default Location: Press the 'Scan Now' button to run an automatic scan for the default Community folder path. b. Custom Location: Press the '...' button to manually navigate to your custom Community folder path. Done! You may now download your desired products and liveries. Existing Users Ensure you have the latest version of iniManager from https://inibuilds.com/pages/inimanager-v2 Go to the iniManager 'Settings' page by clicking on your name on the top left corner. Verify your MSFS 2024 / 2020 Community Packages Folder paths are defined correctly under the 'Configure Sim Path' section: a. Default Location: Press the 'Scan Now' button to run an automatic scan for the default Community folder path. b. Custom Location: Press the '...' button to manually navigate to your custom Community folder path. Done! You may now download your desired products and liveries. IniManager - Liveries Management Accessing Liveries Open the iniManager Select the 'Liveries' from the sidebar Select the 'A350 Airliner FS24' or A350 Airliner FS20' Find your desired livery from the list. You may use the 'Filters' or 'Search Liveries' section at the top-right corner. Installing Liveries Click the 'Install' button on the desired livery. Read the disclaimer and press 'I Understand' button. Wait for the download to complete. You can see the status of your download via the Active Downloads icon on the top right corner. Done! You may now close the iniManager. Uninstalling / Updating Liveries Click the 'Uninstall' or 'Update' button on the desired livery. Done! You may now close the iniManager.
  2. Hello, Sorry to hear your experiencing issues! Please try clearing your scenery indexes and try again. It obviously shouldn't look that way. To do that locate your folder by following the path below: MSFS 2020 MSFS 2024 Then delete the contents inside but leave the folder intact. The indexes will rebuild on next load of FS. This should solve the issue.
  3. Hello, Unfortunately we are not able to give a precise date as the process to get a product on the marketplace greatly differs from being able to upload it straight to our own store. We submit a product to MS/Asobo and it goes through a submission process. How long that takes is entirely up to them.
  4. Hello, Myself and a colleague have tried (both compatible and premium version) to reproduce this and to no avail. Have you tried a complete reinstall?
  5. SYSTEM OVERVIEW The Surveillance (SURV) system consists of the following system that perform surveillance functions: Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast - Traffic (ADS-B Traffic) Transponder (XPDR) Weather Radar (WXR) system Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS) This FAQ will cover the WXR and TAWS features of the SURV system. For TCAS, ADS-B Traffic and XPDR systems, see: SURV - CONTROLS AND INDICATORS The SURV system functions can be controlled via SURV Panel on the Pedestal SURV Page on the on the MFD (Click to enlarge image) 1. SURV Panel on the Pedestal For the purpose of this guide, we are only interested in the WXR SYSTEMS and G/S Mode pushbutton of this panel. G/S Mode Pushbutton: Toggles the GPWS (Mode 5) function which monitors for excessive descent below the glide slope. A white OFF light is on when this is switched off. WXR SYS1 / 2 Pushbuttons: Toggles the primary SURV system responsible for interpreting Weather Radar Antennae data. (Click to enlarge image) 2. SURV Page on the MFD For the purpose of this guide, we are only interested in the WXRand TAWS CONTROLS sections of this page. To access the SURV page on the MFD, Select SURV from the MFD Page Options List at the top left corner of the MFD, OR Press the SURV shortcut key on the KCCU (Click to enlarge image) CHANGING WXR MODES - MFD SURV CONTROLS PAGE WXR/PWS toggle: Toggles the Weather Radar (WXR) and Predictive Windshear System (PWS) between AUTO and OFF. When set to OFF, the respective system display, warnings and audio alerts are disabled. TURB toggle: Toggles the Turbulence Detection (TURB) system between AUTO and OFF. MODE toggle: Toggles the radar function between Weather display (WX) and ground mapping (MAP).* GAIN toggle: Toggles between AUTO or Manual (MAN) gain control for the WXR.* ELEVN/TILT Option List: Toggles between AUTO or Manual (MAN) control of elevation (ELEVN) mode or WXR tilt (TILT)* * = Not available in sim currently due to limitations of the sim weather API. (Click to enlarge image) CHANGING TAWS MODES - MFD SURV CONTROLS PAGE TERR SYS toggle: Toggles the terrain awareness and display (TERR) functions between ON and OFF. When set to OFF, the respective system display, warnings and audio alerts are disabled. GPWS toggle: Toggles the Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) functions between ON and OFF. G/S MODE toggle: Toggles the GPWS (Mode 5) function which monitors for excessive descent below the glide slope. When set to OFF, the respective system display, warnings and audio alerts are disabled. FLAP MODE toggle: Toggles the GPWS (Mode 4B) functions which monitors for appropriate flaps configuration at low altitude in landing phase. When set to OFF, the respective system display, warnings and audio alerts are disabled. (Click to enlarge image) RESET ALL SURV MODES TO DEFAULT SETTING - MFD SURV PAGE When clicked, the DEFAULT SETTINGS button automatically sets all the WXR, TAWS, TCAS and XPDR settings to their default position on both MFDs. A confirmation dialog is necessary to confirm selection. For WXR and TAWS sections, when pressed, WXR/PWS system is set to AUTO TURB function is set to AUTO MODE function is set to WX GAIN function is set to AUTO ELEVN/TILT Option List is set to AUTO TERR SYS mode is set to ON GPWS system is set to ON G/S MODE system is set to ON FLAP MODE system is set to ON (Click to enlarge image)
  6. Your planned SimBrief flightplan may be imported directly into the FMS via the INIT page. This flightplan can also be loaded onto the On-board Information System (OIS) display to view the Operational Flight Plan (OFP). Please follow below steps for setting up and using this feature. Setting Up SimBrief Import Verify you have set-up your Simbrief Pilot ID (numbers only) on the FLT OPS MENU > OPTIONS > 3RD PARTY settings page. Click on the SIMBRIEF USER ID text field and then use the On-Screen Keyboard. (Click to enlarge image) Importing into OIS You can import your Simbrief Flight information on the OIS through the FLT OPS MENU > FLT OPS STS page. Click on the SIMBRIEF IMPORT button on the top-right corner to populate the fields below and add your Operational Flight Plan (OFP) to the OIS. Click to enlarge image) Importing Route into FMS You can import your route on the FMS through the INIT page via the CPNY F-PLN REQUEST button. (Click to enlarge image) After a few seconds, the button status will update to RECEIVED CPNY F-PLN. Click this and select INSERT * from the drop-down to complete the uplink. The fields on this page will auto-fill and you will see a white AOC RTE UPLINK message at the bottom confirming successful import. (Click to enlarge image) (Click to enlarge image) Lastly, you may also request a wind up-link from Simbrief by clicking on the CPNY WIND REQUEST * button as shown in above screenshot.
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  7. Close the simulator if it is running. Navigate to your your FS20 WASM Folder: Steam: MS Store: Delete all the contents of this folder. This folder and its contents will be re-generated next time you load into a flight with the aircraft.
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  8. SYSTEM OVERVIEW The Brake To Vacate (BTV) function optimizes the autobrake deceleration on landing in order to reach the selected runway exit point/ manually entered landing distance. The system takes into account the selected runway condition/braking action in its calculations. Once armed, the system works autonomously to delay braking in order to reduce brake wear, optimize the runway occupancy time (ROT) and improve passenger comfort. SETTING UP BTV In order for BTV to function, it needs information such as your stopping target stopping distance and runway condition. This information can be provided by 2 ways: via Exit Selection on the ANF (airport moving map on ND), OR via Manual Distance Entry Instructions on how to set up BTV using each method is shown below. 1. Exit Selection on the ANF [*Navigraph Only] Step 1: Choose Landing Runway on FMS Press the F-PLN shortcut key to go to the FMS F-PLN page At the bottom left corner, select your DEST airport and select the Landing RWY - you can also select your APPR and STAR on this page, however the BTV system only requires the runway at minimum to function Choose TMPY F-PLN and then INSERT TMPY to confirm the selection. (Click to enlarge image) Step 2: Set ANF to your DEST airport Whilst on the ANF display, the currently displayed airport map can be changed via the ARPT SEL function page as follows: Change to PLAN mode via the ND Mode Selector Knob Change the range to ZOOM via the ND Range Selector knob Move the KCCU cursor to the ND screen by - Clicking anywhere on the ND screen, OR - Clicking the ND key on the KCCU Click the double-arrow Additional Function Button at the bottom-right corner of the ND Select the (A) ARPT SEL tab Choose from the (B) FMS AIRPORTS list to display your Destination Click the (D) DISPLAY AIRPORT button to make it the active displayed airport. (Click to enlarge image) Step 3: Choose the Braking Action / Runway Condition Pull the RWY COND/BRAKING ACTION KNOB-SELECTOR to bring up the RWY CONDITION / BRAKING ACTION matrix on the SD (this knob is located just above the landing gear lever) Rotate the selector clockwise (or anti-clockwise) to choose between the various RWY CONDITION / BRAKING ACTION options After a few seconds, the selected option is validated automatically Push the knob selector to hide the RWY CONDITION / BRAKING ACTION matrix on the SD (Click to enlarge image) Step 4: Choose target Exit via ANF Click-and-drag to center the map on your desired exit Click the interactable taxiway icon on the runway (interactable elements have a blue border around them) Select SET BTV EXIT from the options list (You can also UNSET BTV EXIT from the same options list to remove your selection) Once a target Exit is chosen, A blue line will appear along the landing runway to the selected exit showing the chosen BTV target exit, AND On the top left corner of the ND, you will see the chosen RWY (and its LDA), BRAKING CONDITION and EXIT as well as the corresponding Runway Occupancy Time (ROT)(in seconds) and TURNAROUND time (in minutes) for MAX REV or REV IDLE usage respectively. (Click to enlarge image) 2. Manual Distance Entry Step 1: Choose Landing Runway on FMS Press the F-PLN shortcut key to go to the FMS F-PLN page At the bottom left corner, select your DEST airport and select the Landing RWY - you can also select your APPR and STAR on this page, however the BTV system only requires the runway at minimum to function Choose TMPY F-PLN and then INSERT TMPY to confirm the selection. (Click to enlarge image) Step 2: Open the LANDING function page Change to PLAN mode via the ND Mode Selector Knob Change the range to ZOOM via the ND Range Selector knob Move the KCCU cursor to the ND screen by - Clicking anywhere on the ND screen, OR - Clicking the ND key on the KCCU Click the double-arrow Additional Function Button at the bottom-right corner of the ND Select the (A) LANDING tab Enter the BTV Exit (B) DISTANCE from threshold for your target (This information can normally be obtained from the Airport Ground / Information Charts) Step 3: Choose the Braking Action / Runway Condition Choose the (C) LDG PERF CODE that is most suitable to the reported landing runway condition / braking action. You can bring up the RWY CONDITION / BRAKING ACTION matrix for reference by, Pull the RWY COND/BRAKING ACTION KNOB-SELECTOR to show the matrix on the SD (this knob is located just above the landing gear lever) Rotate the selector clockwise (or anti-clockwise) to choose between the various RWY CONDITION / BRAKING ACTION options Push the knob selector to hide the matrix on the SD (Click to enlarge image) BTV ARMING & ENGAGEMENT The BTV autobrake mode arms when the following conditions are met: A BTV exit is selected OR BTV distance is entered manually, AND A/BRK pushbutton is pressed Once successfully armed, The A/BRK pushbutton will be lit up green The PFD FMA will show BTV in blue (Click to enlarge image) The BTV autobrake mode engages on landing if any one of the conditions is met: immediately after ground spoilers extension if the NLG is on ground; OR 5s after ground spoilers extension if NLG is not on ground (Click to enlarge image) BTV DISARMING & DISENGAGEMENT The autobrake disarms if any one of the conditions is met: The A/BRK pushbutton is pressed again, OR The selected landing runway on the ANF is modified, OR The BTV exit is deselected, OR The FMS runway is changed to a runway that is different from the selected landing runway, OR A go-around is performed below 600 ft. The reversion occurs during the go-around, when the aircraft climbs above 600 ft. The computation is based on the minimum between the radio altitude, and the aircraft height above the runway threshold. The autobrake disengages if any one of the conditions is met: The aircraft ground speed reaches the BTV disconnection speed (approx. 10 kt), OR The flight crew uses the brake pedals, OR The flight crew presses the A/THR instinctive disconnect pushbutton, OR The ground spoilers retract or disarm. When autobrake disengages the the following happens: A single chime audio indicator sounds The MASTER CAUT lights comes on The AUTO BRK OFF memo appears on the PFD and WD.
  9. The A350 Airliner comes with a variety of quality of life features such as Pause at Top of Descent (TOD), Auto Step-Climbs and Time Compression to make long haul / away-from-keyboard (AFK) flying more accessible for simmers. SETUP - OIS SIMULATION SETTINGS All of these features can be set up via the On-board Information System (OIS) simulation options page, which is accessed from FLT OPS MENU > OPTIONS > SIMULATION. (Click to enlarge image) AFK MODE The AFK Mode is a conservative setting to be used with Time Compression when you are leaving your simulator unattended. Setting this to: YES: Pauses your simulator in case of autopilot disconnection during active Time Compression. NO: Will not pause your sim in case of autopilot disconnection during active Time Compression. PAUSE AT TOD The Pause at Top of Descent (TOD) pauses your simulator at a set distance before the FMS computed TOD point. To enable the feature, PAUSE AT T.O.D: Select YES to arm this function PAUSE TOD DIST (nm): Enter the desired value for where you want the pause to engage (Default 30 nm, Max 100 nm) To unpause the simulator, Click the RESUME FLIGHT button on the OIS notification (Click to enlarge image) AUTO STEP CLIMB The Auto Step Climb feature automatically climbs your aircraft at the pre-defined steps that you have setup on the MFD FMS. The Auto Import Step Climb feature automatically uplinks the planned steps from your Simbrief OFP for validation against FMS calculations. The step alts which are deemed valid are then input automatically on the F-PLN / VERT REV / STEP ALTS page. (Click to enlarge image) TIME COMPRESSION The Time Compression feature allows you to shorten your flight time by increasing the simulation rate by upto 4x. This is useful for completing longer flights in a shorter time. The TIME COMPRESSION option when set to, AUTO: Automatically manages the simulation rate (up to the MAX COMPRESSION rate set) OFF: Resets the simulation rate to 1x. The MAX COMPRESSION option when set to, UP TO 2X: Limits the simulation rate to a maximum of 2x. UP TO 4X: Limits the simulation rate to a maximum of 4x. The active simulation rate is shown via a green notification at the top of the OIS.
  10. DIR TO FUNCTION - OVERVIEW On the A350, the Direct To (DIR TO) waypoint function can be accessed via Multi-Function Display (MFD) FMS DIR TO page, OR Navigation Display (ND) DIR TO page You may create a direct flight leg from the aircraft's present position (P.POS) to Any FMS Flight Plan waypoint, or Any FMS Navigation database waypoint, airport or navaid, or Any FMS Pilot stored Latitude/Longitude (LL), Place/Bearing/Distance (PBD), Place-Bearing/Place-Bearing (PB) waypoint There are four options for creating the direct flight leg DIR TO (DIRECT), or DIR TO with abeam waypoints (DIRECT WITH ABEAM), or DIR TO with inbound course (CRS IN), or DIR TO with outbound course (CRS OUT), or DIR TO VIA ND A. Waypoint Selection Method Move the KCCU cursor to the ND by using the KCCU ND shortcut key or clicking anywhere on the ND Click on target Waypoint / Airport / Navaid to bring up the Revisions List Select the FROM P.POS DIR TO * option Choose the desired flight leg option (DIRECT / DIRECT WITH ABEAM / CRS IN / CRS OUT) Select INSERT DIR TO* (or ERASE DIR TO* to cancel selection) (Click to enlarge image) B. Aircraft Icon Method Move the KCCU cursor to the ND by using the KCCU ND shortcut key or clicking anywhere on the ND Click on user aircraft icon and select the DIR TO option Click on target Waypoint / Airport / Navaid (or anywhere on the screen to create a pilot LL waypoint target) Choose the desired flight leg option (DIRECT / DIRECT WITH ABEAM / CRS IN / CRS OUT) Select INSERT DIR TO* (or ERASE DIR TO* to cancel selection) OR (Click to enlarge image) DIR TO VIA MFD FMS A. MFD Direct To Page Method Move the KCCU cursor to the MFD by using the KCCU MFD shortcut key or clicking anywhere on the MFD Press the KCCU DIR shortcut key Click the drop-down button and choose the target F-PLN waypoint from the DIR TO list OR Click the DIR TO waypoint field and use the KCCU to type in the target - Navigation database waypoint, airport or navaid, or - FMS Pilot stored LL, PBD, PB waypoint Choose the desired flight leg option (DIRECT / DIRECT WITH ABEAM / CRS IN / CRS OUT) Select INSERT DIR TO* (or ERASE DIR TO* to cancel selection) (Click to enlarge image) B. MFD F-PLN Page Method Move the KCCU cursor to the MFD by using the KCCU MFD shortcut key or clicking anywhere on the MFD Press the KCCU F-PLN shortcut key Click the target F-PLN waypoint from the list Click the FROM P.POS DIR TO option from the waypoint revision list Choose the desired flight leg option (DIRECT / DIRECT WITH ABEAM / CRS IN / CRS OUT) Select INSERT DIR TO* (or ERASE DIR TO* to cancel selection)
  11. You can create and store Latitude/Longitude (LL), Place/Bearing/Distance (PBD), Place-Bearing/Place-Bearing (PB) waypoints on the FMS as FMS Pilot Stored Waypoints via the following methods MFD DATA/WAYPOINT Page DIR TO Page (LL / PBD waypoints only) ND DIR TO Aircraft Icon Method (LL waypoints only) Entry Formats LAT: where DD= Degrees (0 to 90), MM.M= Minutes (0 to 59.9) and X= Hemisphere (N or S) XDD°MM.M, or DD°MM.MX or XDDMM.M LON: where DDD= Degrees (0 to 180), MM.M= Minutes (0 to 59.9) and Y= East/West reference (E or W) YDDD°MM.M or DDD°MM.MY or YDDDMM.M VIA MFD DATA/WAYPOINT PAGE To access the MFD DATA/WAYPOINT page click DATA from the MFD pages menu and then select WAYPOINT from the drop-down list. The DATABASE WPTS tab opens by default. (Click to enlarge image) To create a new LL, PBD or PB waypoint, Click the PILOT STORED WPTS tab Click the NEW WPT button Enter the target WPT IDENT Enter one of the Waypoint Position Entry Fields - Latitude/Longitude (LL), or - Place/Bearing/Distance (PBD),or - Place-Bearing/Place-Bearing (PB) Click the STORE WPT button (Click to enlarge image) On the PILOT STORED WPTS tab you can see your newly created WPT and its relevant information. Here you may also DELETE STORED WPT: To delete the currently displayed pilot stored waypoint DELETE ALL STORED WPTS: To delete all listed pilot stored waypoints (Click to enlarge image) VIA ND DIR TO - AIRCRAFT ICON METHOD (LL WAYPOINTS ONLY) To create a Pilot stored LL waypoint, automatically at the co-ordinates of the KCCU cursor, Move the KCCU cursor to the ND by using the KCCU ND shortcut key or clicking anywhere on the ND Click on user aircraft icon and select the DIR TO option Click anywhere on the screen to create a pilot LL waypoint target This feature is useful for creating custom waypoints around a particular obstacle or for temporary weather avoidance. (Click to enlarge image)
  12. The Nose Wheel Steering is usually conducted using the tiller located on the side console. The tiller is bound to the 'NOSE WHEEL STEERING AXIS'. For simulation purposes, this can also be linked to your rudder axis for ease of use. This is done on the On-board Information System (OIS) display aircraft settings page which can be reached via FLT OPS MENU > OPTIONS > AIRCRAFT. OIS AIRCRAFT OPTIONS Set the RUDDER CTRL TILLER option to YES to couple the Rudder Axis to the Nose Wheel Steering Axis. (Optional) Set the AUTO TILLER DISCO option to YES to automatically de-couple the Rudder Axis to the Nose Wheel Steering Axis when N1% > 70% for better directional control on the runway. (Click to enlarge image)
  13. For proper function of the OIS Sound Setting volume sliders and enjoy full breadth of implemented sounds, it is recommended to disable the Headphone Simulation setting from Options > General Options > Sound menu. (Click to enlarge image)
  14. Hi there! Once launching the iniManager, navigate to the HOME page and all the way down on the left, you'll find the liveries tab. The A350 tab will be added sometime this week and you can start installing liveries from there. In addition to that, the same liveries will be available for download on this forum too. LIDO charts are only available on MSFS2024. Navigraph "maps" will be usable on MSFS2020 yes, but you must have Navigraph for that. Yes, however some aspects of it are limited to MSFS2024, such as the visual damage done to the aircraft. There will be no cabin for the MSFS 2020 version of the aircraft. We have modeled the windows+their frames so users can still set up wing-views. By being signed up to our newsletter. You can do that at the bottom of this page: https://inibuilds.com/ The plane, yes, the liveries we are unsure how the marketplace will work. However, the plane will not come to the marketplace at the same time as our own store since there's a submission process that has to go through MS/Asobo before it is purchasable through there. Yes.
  15. Throttle Calibration Page (OIS) Before you fly, you must calibrate your throttles via the On-board Information System (OIS) display Options > Throttle Calibration Page. (Click to enlarge image) Reverser on Axis Option Verify whether your hardware has a reverse thrust on an axis or not then choose the appropriate option. 'REVERSER ON AXIS' is set to NO: The bottom most position of your hardware axis (0%) will be assignable to the IDLE detent position. You may have to bind 'HOLD' / 'TOGGLE REVERSE THRUST' sim control binding to an additional button / input on your hardware to use reverse thrust. This option is recommended for majority of the more commonly used hardware equipment (including Xbox Controllers). 'REVERSER ON AXIS' is set to YES: The bottom most position of your hardware axis (0%) will be assignable to the MAX REV detent position for thrust reverser operation. You can additionally define separate IDLE and IDLE REV detent positions. This option is recommended for hardware such as the TCA Airbus Throttle Quadrant. (Click to enlarge image) Global Deadzone Option You may define a 'Global Deadzone %' for all detents or input an individual 'DZ%' manually for each detent during the Throttle Calibration Process which we will cover below. The present deadzone % boundary is also shown visually on the axis diagram to the right via white lines above/below your present AXIS % value. These lines indicate that the assigned detent will activate whenever AXIS 1 & AXIS 2 % values are within the two white lines. The larger the number, the further apart the white lines will be meaning the the detent is engaged for a larger range of hardware axis movement. 'USE GLOBAL DEADZONE' is set to YES: Use this option if you want all the detents to have the same deadzone value automatically after you complete the Throttle Calibration Process described below. Enter a number in the 'GLOBAL DEADZONE %' text box immediately below (Default is 2.5%). The value entered will be applied to all detents (MAX REV / IDLE REV / IDLE / CLB etc.) whenever you click any of the detent buttons. 'USE GLOBAL DEADZONE' is set to NO: Use this option if you want some of the detents to have a different deadzone value when you complete the Throttle Calibration Process described below. Enter a number in the 'DZ %' text box immediately below the detent buttons. The value shown will be applied ONLY to whichever detent button (MAX REV / IDLE REV / IDLE / CLB etc.) you click. You can then change this value and click a different detent button, and it will apply the shown value as the deadzone for that detent. (Click to enlarge image) Throttle Calibration Process You may begin the calibration process by physically moving your hardware axis to your desired position, then clicking the desired detent button (e.g. IDLE/CLB etc.) on the OIS to assign the shown AXIS 1 & AXIS 2 % to that respective detent. Example #1 - Reverser On Axis = NO To define the IDLE detent on hardware without reverser on axis: (Click to enlarge image) Move your hardware axis physically to its idle position (e.g. AXIS 1 & AXIS 2 will typically read 0%) Set your desired 'GLOBAL DEADZONE %' or Deadzone (DZ%) for the current detent. Press the 'IDLE' detent button on the OIS. A green notification at the top of the screen ('Calibration: Idle Set') will confirm the IDLE detent is set to your present hardware axis position. Repeat the same process for each desired detent from IDLE to TOGA. Example #2 - Reverser On Axis = YES To define the CLB detent on hardware with reverser on axis: Move your hardware axis physically to the desired position ( e.g. AXIS 1 & AXIS 2 may read ~50% on TCA Airbus Throttle Quadrant on its physical CLB detent but may vary per your hardware) Set your desired 'GLOBAL DEADZONE %' or Deadzone (DZ%) for the current detent. Press the 'CLB' detent button on the OIS. A green notification at the top of the screen ('Calibration: Climb Set') will confirm the IDLE detent is set to your present hardware axis position. Repeat the same process for each desired detent from MAX REV to TOGA. (Click to enlarge image)
  16. Loadsheet Page (OIS) Before you fly, you must set your Zero Fuel Weight (ZFW) and Fuel Load (FUEL) via the On-board Information System (OIS) display LOADSHEET Page. You can do this manually or through Simbrief import. We will go over both methods below. The LOADSHEET Page page can be accessed via the FLT OPS MENU or directly by clicking the (A) LOADSHEET navigation menu button. (Click to enlarge image) Changing Weight Measurement Units (LBS / KGS) The aircraft weight measurement units (LBS / KGS) are changed on the OIS Settings Page which can be reached via FLT OPS MENU > OPTIONS > OIS SETTINGS. Select your desired unit by clicking on its respective button. (Click to enlarge image) Manual Entry ZFW: Click the (C) ZFW Entry Box and then use the On-Screen Keyboard to enter the desired value. When done, select the (E) SET ZFW button to apply the entered load to the aircraft. FUEL: Click the (D) FUEL Entry Box and then use the On-Screen Keyboard to enter the desired value. When done, select the (F) SET FUEL button to apply the entered load to the aircraft. You will see a notification at the top of the OIS Display indicating the status of various actions. Simbrief Import Simbrief ID: Verify you have set-up your Simbrief Pilot ID (numbers only) on the FLT OPS MENU > OPTIONS > 3RD PARTY settings page. Click on the SIMBRIEF USER ID text field and then use the On-Screen Keyboard. (Click to enlarge image) ZFW / FUEL: Return to the LOADSHEET page and click the (B) SIMBRIEF IMPORT button at the top right corner. This will auto-fill the ZFW and FUEL values in the fields below. Then click the (E) SET ZFW and (F) SET FUEL buttons respectively to apply the imported loads to the aircraft. (Click to enlarge image)
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  17. Before your first flight, you must set your preferred navigation database (Navdata) via the On-board Information System (OIS) third-party options page which can be reached via FLT OPS MENU > OPTIONS > 3RD PARTY. (Click to enlarge image) Sim Default Navdata The A350 Airliner will use the internal 'Sim Default' navdata as the default option, similar to all our previous airliners for MSFS. This means it will update whenever the sim navdata is updated by Microsoft, but also that the data may be affected by installed Scenery or other 3rd Party packages (e.g. Navigraph sim base via Navigraph Hub) installed in your sim Community or Official folders. This type of sim navdata conflict presents itself occasionally as missing SID/STAR/APPROACH completely or parts thereof, or outdated runways, or missing ILS data for auto-tuning of NAVAIDs page etc. Navigraph Navdata To workaround the conflicts listed above, active subscribers have the option to use external navdata provided by Navigraph directly that works independently of the installed Scenery or other 3rd Party packages. Once set-up, this navdata must be updated directly via the same OIS menu whenever a new AIRAC cycle is available. Connect to Navigraph First you must connect to your Navigraph account by Scanning the shown QR Code, OR Navigating to https://navigraph.com/code and enter the code shown on the OIS. After you have completed the authentication steps the OIS will update to show the additional 'UPDATE DATA' and 'RESET NAVIGRAPH' options. (Click to enlarge image) Change Navdata Source You can swap between 'SIM DEFAULT' and 'NAVIGRAPH' navdata by simply clicking on its respective button under the NAVDATA option. This can ONLY be done on the ground without the engines running. Update Navigraph Data After selecting 'NAVIGRAPH' navdata as the active source, click on the 'UPDATE NAVDATA' button to download the latest from Navigraph directly. You will see the button status change to 'DOWNLOADING' and see a green 'Navigraph Navdata Updated' notification at the top of the screen once completed. Reset Navigraph After an A350 Airliner product update it is recommended to reset your credentials and refresh your Navigraph token to avoid issues with Charts, Enroute Map or FMS Navdata functions. It is also sometimes necessary as a troubleshooting step. Simply click the 'RESET CREDENTIALS' button and it will disconnect from Navigraph, returning you to the connection screen with a QR code to allow you to re-connect your Navigraph account.
  18. You can access your Charts and Enroute Map on the On-board Information System (OIS) display via the 'TERML CHART' and 'ENROUTE' tabs respectively at the bottom of the display. (Click to enlarge image) Connect to Navigraph First you must connect to your Navigraph account on the third-party options page which can be reached via FLT OPS MENU > OPTIONS > 3RD PARTY. You can connect by Scanning the shown QR Code, OR Navigating to https://navigraph.com/code and enter the code shown on the OIS. (Click to enlarge image) After you have completed the authentication steps the OIS will update to show the additional 'UPDATE DATA' and 'RESET NAVIGRAPH' options. (Click to enlarge image) Terminal Charts These can be accessed via the 'TERML CHART' tab at the bottom of the display. At the top left corner you can input any 4-letter Airport ICAO Code to access its chart if there are any available. Once you have imported your Simbrief Flightplan into the OIS FLT OPS STS page, the DEP and ARR fields will be auto-filled. Click on the airport to access the list of available charts. (Click to enlarge image) The charts are colour coded by category. You can filter the desired category from the bar at the bottom of the display. Click on a chart name on the list to load it. You can move the chart around by holding down left mouse click and moving the cursor, OR navigation arrows at the top right corner of the display You can also zoom the charts and reset to original zoom via the buttons at the top right corner. You may pin your desired charts to the clipboard by clicking the 'PIN' icon next to charts on the list. You can access your clipboard by pressing the 'PIN' icon from the filter bar at the bottom. You can toggle NIGHT MODE for supported Charts by using the toggle button at the bottom right corner of the screen. Enroute Map The Enroute Map can be accessed via the 'ENROUTE' tab at the bottom of the display. This allows you to see you current aircraft position, overlaid on a 'Standard' world map. (Click to enlarge image)
  19. Hoppie Network is seamlessly integrated into the Multi-Function Display (MFD) ATC Communications (ATC COM) pages and functions to allow users to conduct the following tasks: Request Digital ATIS (D-ATIS) Communicate with online ATC (VATSIM/IVAO) Connect to Hoppie Network Firstly, enter your Hoppie Logon Code on the On-board Information System (OIS) third-party options page which can be reached via FLT OPS MENU > OPTIONS > 3RD PARTY. You can enter this manually via the On-Screen Keyboard OR by pasting it into the field by clicking on the text field and then pressing Cntrl+V key on your keyboard. (Click to enlarge image) Connecting to a Station Press the ATC COM shortcut key on the KCCU to access the MFD ATC COM pages. Then go to the 'CONNECT' page. (Click to enlarge image) To connect to a station, Select the network (VATSIM or IVAO) Select the station ID in the 'NOTIFY TO ATC' field (Choose from list OR type manually through the KCCU) Click the ' NOTIFY ' button to send a connection request to the station. The status will update with a green 'NOTIFIED TO YYYY at XXXXZ' where YYYY is the station ID, and XXXX is the current ZULU time in the sim. (Click to enlarge image) Once a station is connected successfully, the 'NOTIFY' button will be greyed out and green 'ACTIVE ATC: YYYY' status will be shown on the MAILBOX. (Click to enlarge image) Requesting D-ATIS Press the ATC COM shortcut key on the KCCU to access the MFD ATC COM pages. Then Select D-ATIS tab to go to the D-ATIS page. Enter a 4-letter ICAO Code in the airport entry field to request either DEP/ARR atis for that airport. You can display D-ATIS for upto 3 airports at a time. (Click to enlarge image) Click the SEND REQUEST button to request D-ATIS via the Hoppie Network. You will then receive: METAR: if an ATIS station for that airport is offline, the latest published METAR will be received. (e.g. GVAC below) ATIS: if an ATIS station for that airport is online, the latest DEP or ARR ATIS will be received, (e.g. EGLL below) (Click to enlarge image) You can update the ATIS individually by pressing the respective 'UPDATE OR PRINT' button or UPDATE ALL to grab the latest information. Making ATC Request In order to build a request message, you can use the predefined templates accessible via the REQUEST page. The empty fields contained in the templates indicate where you can enter complementary information. These fields must be filled in when they contain amber boxes. The flight crew can use up to 5 templates in a request message. (Click to enlarge image) To make a message, Select the desired template from the REQUEST MENU Select the desired option from the REQUEST SUB-MENU Fill in any fields with amber boxes as these are mandatory. Click 'XFR TO MAILBOX' button to confirm the message and send to ATC. Or you can click the 'TRASH' icon to delete the current template (Click to enlarge image) To send the message, Move your cursor to the 'MAILBOX' by pressing the MAILBOX shortcut key on the KCCU if it is not there already. Click the 'SEND' button. After a few seconds the message background will turn green and when successful the status will update to 'SENT'. The message will then disappear and the MAILBOX will return to the 'ACTIVE ATC' status page. (Click to enlarge image) (Click to enlarge image) Receiving an ATC Instruction Whenever you receive an incoming message/instruction from the connected ATC, you will be notified in the following ways: The blue ATC MSG button on the glareshield will flash continuously. The ATC MSG aural alert will play. You can reset this by pressing the in the blue ATC MSG button. The MFD FMS messages section at the bottom of the screen will display a white 'RECEIVED STATIONS' alert. The ECAM will show a green ACARS MSG memo The MAILBOX will show you the most recently received message, with the possible replies (e.g. ACCEPT/REJECT) next to it. To reply to the ATC message or instruction, Click the desired reply (e.g. ACCEPT) to confirm it, then click 'SEND' to transmit the reply to ATC. The selected option and message will turn green and when transmitted successfully the status will update to 'SENT'. The message will then disappear and the MAILBOX will return to the 'ACTIVE ATC' status page. (Click to enlarge image) Disconnecting from a Station Press the ATC COM shortcut key on the KCCU to access the MFD ATC COM pages. Then go to the 'CONNECT' page. (Click to enlarge image) To disconnect from the station, click the 'DISCONNECT ALL' button. (Click to enlarge image) Once a station is disconnected successfully, the 'NOTIFY' button will be white again and the MAILBOX will clear out. (Click to enlarge image)
  20. You can run Take-off and Landing Performance calculations on the On-board Information System (OIS) display itself via the T.O PERF and LDG PERF pages respectively. TAKE-OFF PERFORMANCE PAGE The amber boxes denote mandatory data that must be filled in to COMPUTE a take-off performance calculation. (Click to enlarge image) CONDITIONS DATA This data can be filled in manually or automatically by clicking the SYNC button at the bottom. The SYNC button will fill in the amber mandatory fields with the following data Latest METAR for the selected Departure airport Current Aircraft Gross Weight You can customize the remaining conditions per best fit for your conditions RWY COND: DRY or WET A-ICE: OFF, ON (ENG), ON (ENG & WING) CONF: 1+F, 2 or 3 for your Flaps configuration. You should try running different configs in case you fail to find a result on your first choice. AIR COND: ON (STD) or OFF depending on whether or not you intend to keep Packs ON during takeoff. You should try a Packs OFF departure when extra engine performance is necessary (high altitude, temperature or weights) THRUST: FLEX (STD) or TOGA. Consider using a TOGA takeoff when extra engine performance is necessary (high altitude, temperature or weights). DEPARTURE DATA You must select your DEP airport (ICAO Code) and runway to obtain the TORA, ELVN and other data necessary to compute Take-Off performance. You can enter this Manually via the on-screen keyboard, OR Via an import from your FMGS data (SYNC FMGS) if the INIT has been completed and a DEP selected, OR Via an import from your Simbrief OFP (SYNC SIMBRIEF) RESULTS Once all the amber mandatory fields are filled in and you see <OK> next to your DEP airport and runway selection, click the COMPUTE button to obtain a takeoff performance result. The key information you will need from this V-SPEEDS: V1 / VR / V2 THRUST: Flex Thrust Temp MTOW (PERF): The maximum takeoff weight for the presently input CONDITIONS data. STP MARGIN: The remaining distance between the end of the runway and the computed stopping position of the aircraft You can press the SEND TO FMGS button to send this data directly to the FMS PERF page. (Click to enlarge image) On the FMS PERF page, you will see a yellow CONFIRM TO SPDS* button which you can press to complete the OIS Take-off performance data uplink. (Click to enlarge image) LANDING PERFORMANCE PAGE The amber boxes denote mandatory data that must be filled in to COMPUTE a landing performance calculation. (Click to enlarge image) CONDITIONS DATA This data can be filled in manually or automatically by clicking the SYNC button at the bottom. The SYNC button will fill in the amber mandatory fields with the following data Latest METAR for the selected Arrival airport Estimated aircraft landing Gross Weight from the FMS You can customize the remaining conditions per best fit for your conditions RWY COND: Choose the current runway condition from DRY / WET / COMPACTED SNOW / DRY SNOW / WET SNOW / SLUSH / STANDING WATER / ICE COLD AND DRY. These will affect your landing distance / braking action. CONF: FLAPS 3 or FULL. The FLAPS 3 settings allows you to carry more energy into your approach and is recommended in case of reported windshear and/or severe turbulence VPILOT: This is the extra speed margin you intend to use over your VAPP. Usually used in windy conditions. LDG TECHNIQUE: MANUAL or AUTOLAND. Manual landing figures based on threshold speed of Vls. Autoland figures based on threshold speed of Vls + autothrust increment (5kts). BRK MODE: MANUAL or MEDIUM REV: YES or NO. This refers to use of reverse thrust. ARRIVAL DATA You must select your ARR airport (ICAO Code) and runway to obtain the LENGTH, ELVN and other data necessary to compute Landing performance. You can enter this Manually via the on-screen keyboard, OR Via an import from your FMGS data (SYNC FMGS) if the INIT has been completed and a ARR selected, OR Via an import from your Simbrief OFP (SYNC SIMBRIEF) RESULTS Once all the amber mandatory fields are filled in and you see <OK> next to your ARR airport and runway selection, click the COMPUTE button to obtain a landing performance result. The key information you will need from this VAPP: This is your computed approach speed for the calculations. LDA: This is the total Landing Distance Available for the selected runway per the database. FACTORED LD: This is your demonstrated landing distance for the given configuration and weather conditions with some additional safety margins. It is essentially your "legal" landing distance. You want this to be less then STOP MARGIN/ LD: The remaining distance between the end of the runway and the computed stopping position of the aircraft using the Landing Distance. STOP MARGIN/ FLD: The remaining distance between the end of the runway and the computed stopping position of the aircraft using the Factored Landing Distance. (Click to enlarge image)
  21. SYSTEM OVERVIEW There are three Radio Management Panels (RMPs) in the cockpit that are situated on the pedestal. In the sim, these units allow you to Tune VHF Frequencies (COM RADIOS) Tune VOR and ILS Frequencies (NAV RADIOS) in STBY RAD NAV mode Enter the Squawk (SQWK) code and squawk IDENT Adjust volume for voice communication or NAVAID identification TUNING COM RADIOS (VHF PAGE) The VHF page is used for tuning the active and standby VHF1/2/3 frequencies which control the sim's COM1/2/3 radios respectively. Press the (1)VHF shortcut key to reach this page. The active COM frequencies are displayed on the left. The standby COM frequencies are displayed on the right. To dial a frequency, first please select the desired (2) Right-Line Select Key (RSK). When the digits are blue, surrounded by a blue box, use the (4) keypad to type in your desired frequency. To swap the active frequency, click on the desired (3) Left-Line Select Key (LSK). The (5) digital display shows the Receive and Transmit status of the various VHF radios. An active (A) Receive status is shown by the Megaphone icon, and the active (B) Transmit status is shown by a green highlight. To switch the active radio, push the Transmit button (green when active) and pull the Receive knob (blue when active) for the desired radio: (6) VHF1 Transmit and Receive (7) VHF2 Transmit and Receive (8) VHF3 Transmit and Receive (Click to enlarge image) TUNING STBY NAV RADIOS (NAV PAGE) The NAV frequencies (LS,VOR, ADF) are normally controlled by the NAVAID page on the MFD FMS. To manually control frequencies via the RMP, first go to the NAV Page by pressing the (1) NAV key. Then select (5) Standby Radio Navigation (STBY RAD NAV) key. Select the desired (3) Right-Line Select Key (RSK) to access the LS or VOR pages respectively. To input frequencies click on the desired (2) Left-Line Select Key (LSK). Then use the keyboard (4) to type in your desired frequency. On the VOR Page you can additionally enter the CRS by clicking the appropriate (3) Right-Line Select Key (RSK). To listen to any NAVAID, turn the (6) NAVAID selector knob to your desired NAVAID (ADF 1/2, LS, VOR 1/2 or MKR) and then pull the relevant reception knob (blue when active). (Click to enlarge image) CHANGING TRANSPONDER CODE / SQUAWKING IDENT (SQWK PAGE) The SQWK page is used for changing the active transponder code (SQWK) and to squawk IDENT when requested by ATC. Press the (1)SQWK key to reach this page. To change the SQWK, use the (2) keypad to type in your code. When the (4) Digits are blue, surrounded by a blue box, they are editable. Once the input is accepted it will turn green. To change the SQWK code again you need to switch to another page (e.g. VHF) then back to SQWK page. To squawk IDENT, press the (3) Left-Line Select Key (LSK). The status below will update to TRANSMITTING IDENT whilst doing so. (Click to enlarge image)
  22. SYSTEM OVERVIEW The Surveillance (SURV) system consists of the following system that perform surveillance functions: Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast - Traffic (ADS-B Traffic) Transponder (XPDR) Weather Radar (WXR) system Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS) This FAQ will cover the TCAS, ADS-B Traffic and XPDR features of the SURV system. For WXR & TAWS systems, see: SURV - CONTROLS AND INDICATORS The SURV system functions can be controlled via SURV Panel on the Pedestal SURV Page on the on the MFD (Click to enlarge image) 1. SURV Panel on the Pedestal For the purpose of this guide, we are only interested in the TCAS section of this panel. ABV pushbutton: Toggles the TCAS ABOVE display mode where traffic between -2700ft and +9900ft relative to the aircraft are shown. It is lit green when active. BLW pushbutton: Toggles the TCAS BELOW display mode where traffic between -9900ft and +2700ft relative to the aircraft are shown. It is lit green when active. TA ONLY pushbutton: Toggles the Traffic Advisory Only (TA ONLY) display mode where all Resolution Advisories (RA) are inhibited. It is lit white when active. (Click to enlarge image) 2. SURV Page on the MFD For the purpose of this guide, we are only interested in the XPDR and TCAS CONTROLS sections of this page. To access the SURV page on the MFD, Select SURV from the MFD Page Options List at the top left corner of the MFD, OR Press the SURV shortcut key on the KCCU (Click to enlarge image) CHANGING XPDR MODES - MFD SURV CONTROLS PAGE SQWK Entry Field: Click to enter your desired squawk code using the KCCU MODE toggle: Toggles the Standby (STBY) mode where the XPDR does not transmit to any other station. Note: The TCAS display mode and TCAS mode options are disabled in the XPDR STBY mode. ALT RPTG toggle: Toggles the altitude data transmission (ALT RPTG) to other stations ADS-B RPTG toggle: Toggles the broadcast of your ADS-B data. (Click to enlarge image) CHANGING TCAS MODES - MFD SURV CONTROLS PAGE (A) TCAS Mode Option List: Toggles between the various TCAS modes as follows, - TA/RA: Both Traffic Advisories (TA) and Resolution Advisories (RA) are active. - TA Only: Only Traffic Advisories (TA) are active. - STBY: Standby (STBY) mode where the TCAS does not perform any function, nor trigger any alerts Note: The TCAS Mode Options list is disabled in the XPDR STBY mode. (B) TCAS Display Mode Option List: Toggles between the various filters for traffic display on ND as follows, - NORM: Only traffic between -2700ft to +2700ft relative to the aircraft is shown - ABV: Only traffic between -2700ft to +9900ft relative to the aircraft is shown - BLW: Only traffic between -9900ft to +2700ft relative to the aircraft is shown Note: The TCAS Display Mode Options list is disabled in the XPDR STBY mode. ADS-B Traffic toggle: Toggles reception of ADS-B traffic data by the TCAS. (Click to enlarge image) RESET ALL SURV MODES TO DEFAULT SETTING - MFD SURV PAGE When clicked, the DEFAULT SETTINGS button automatically sets all the WXR, TAWS, TCAS and XPDR settings to their default position on both MFDs. A confirmation dialog is necessary to confirm selection. For TCAS and XPDR sections, when pressed, TCAS Mode is set to TA/RA TCAS Display Mode is set to NORM XPDR Mode is set to AUTO ALT RPTG is set to ON ADS-B RPTG is set to ON ADS-B TRAFFIC is set to ON (Click to enlarge image) CHANGING ND TRAFFIC DISPLAY - ADS-B - MFD SURV TRAFFIC PAGE On the SURV Page, switch to the TRAFFIC tab at the top to receive a list of ADS-B traffic in range of the aircraft (upto 90 maximum). FLD ID DISPLAY ON ND toggle: Toggles the TRAF targets on ND between ADS-B and normal TCAS target display mode (Click to enlarge image) ACFT list: Shows the list of aircraft in range and their relevant ADS-B callsign BRG/RNG: Shows the Bearing and Range of the target from your present position REL ALT: Shows the relative altitude of the target from your present altitude (Click to enlarge image) You can click on any ACFT from this list to bring up the additional information regarding the target. (Click to enlarge image)
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  23. A350-900 Click the image to add the airframe to your SimBrief! A350-1000 Click the image to add the airframe to your SimBrief!
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  24. SYSTEM OVERVIEW The Keyboard and Cursor Control Unit (KCCU) is part of the Control and Display System. They are directly connected to all the display units for normal operations and for reconfiguration purposes. There are two identical Keyboard and Cursor Control Units (KCCUs) on the pedestal: ‐ One KCCU for the Captain (CAPT) side FMS/ND ‐ One KCCU for the First Officer (F/O) side FMS/ND You can use the KCCUs to: ‐ Display the various FMS pages on the MFD ‐ Enter and modify data on the MFD FMS pages ‐ Perform some flight plan revisions on the ND. - Interact with the MAILBOX (Click to enlarge image) The important KCCU controls for the FMS are: (A) The ESC key Cancels the current field edition, or The field returns to the last valid value. Closes a pop-up window or a menu. (B) The CLR INFO key Clears the message that is currently displayed in the FMS, ATC COM, or SURV message area. (C) The Direction UP/DOWN ARROW keys. Work similarly to the KCCU scroll wheel to scroll through a page or changes the selection in an option-list. Example, on F-PLN page, move between waypoints line-by-line. Also used for stepping between waypoints when on ND PLAN mode for flight plan preview. Example, on DEPARTURE or ARRIVAL pages, required for scrolling between dropdown options-list to select the Runways, SID/STAR/APPR etc. (D) The FMS shortcut keys Used as an alternative way to switch between the various MFD FMS pages. Moves the cursor back to the MFD, if the cursor was previously on another display. DIR: Displays the FMS DIRECT TO page on the MFD PERF: Displays the FMS ACTIVE/PERF page (on the panel that corresponds to the active flight phase) on the MFD INIT: Displays the FMS ACTIVE/INIT page on the MFD NAV AID: Displays the FMS POSITION/NAVAIDS page on the MFD C/L MENU: Displays the CHECKLISTS page on the MFD F-PLN: Displays the top of the flight plan on the FMS ACTIVE/F-PLN page on the MFD DEST: Displays the bottom of the destination flight plan on the FMS ACTIVE/F-PLN page on the MFD SEC INDEX: Displays the FMS SEC INDEX page on the MFD SURV: Displays the SURV CONTROLS page on the MFD ATC COM: Displays the ATC COM REQUEST page on the MFD (E) The ND, MFD and MAILBOX keys ND: When pressed, moves the cursor to the onside ND MFD: When pressed, the cursor moves to the onside MFD. MAILBOX: When pressed, moves the cursor to the mailbox (F) The ENT key - Edits an entry field: The cursor is positioned in the field, and is ready for a new entry When data is entered, another click validates the entry, and the cursor moves to the field or button that is most likely to be used next - Edits an option-list: The option-list opens, and the first option is selected You may use the scroll wheel or the direction arrow keys, to change the selected option, if required Another click validates the selection, and the cursor moves to the field or button that is most likely to be used next - Activates the highlighted button. (G) The Scroll Wheel Works similarly to the Direction UP/DOWN arrow keys. Changes the selection in an option-list Scrolls through a page (e.g. F-PLN page or message list CURSOR OPERATION - MOVING BETWEEN DISPLAYS Each KCCU displays a different cursor. In the real aircraft they would be individually controlled by their respective Cursor Control Device (CCD) trackball, however for simulation purposes they will simply follow your mouse cursor within the respective boundaries of the currently active CAPT/FO display. Captain (Left) and First Officer (Right) Cursors The cursor is moved between the MFD, ND and MAILBOX displays by one of the following methods: via KCCU: Click the ND, MFD or Mailbox key to move the cursor to that display respectively. via Mouse: Click once anywhere on the display to make it the active cursor display (Click to enlarge image) INTERACTIVE ELEMENTS When the cursor is moved over an interactive element of the display unit, a light blue box appears around this element. You may then left-click on your mouse to begin the interaction such as allow text input or open the relevant page/drop-down menu for that element. For example on the MFD FMS Page, the 'ACFT STATUS' button below is highlighted to indicate you can click it to open the 'ACFT STATUS page'. (Click to enlarge image) For example on the ND, the waypoint 'DIMKI' is highlighted to indicate it can be clicked top open the drop-down menu of various FMS functions for that waypoint. (Click to enlarge image) DATA INPUT - KCCU OR KEYBOARD When you click on a data field, you will see a light blue flashing cursor box within the data field meaning you can use the alpha-numeric keys on the KCCU to enter the desired values. Click the ENT key on the KCCU to confirm the input or the ESC key to exit the field. To activate KEYBOARD INPUT, press the Left Ctrl key on your keyboard once. You will see an amber KEYBOARD INPUT ACTIVE message at the bottom to confirm activation. Then you can use your hardware keyboard for data input. Press Enter on your keyboard to confirm the input. The KEYBOARD INPUT mode will de-activate automatically after. To manually de-activate KEYBOARD INPUT, you can press Left Ctrl key again once. Then click the ESC key on the KCCU to exit the field. LIST OPTIONS SELECTION - ARROW KEYS OR SCROLL WHEEL When an option-list opens, the first option is selected. You may choose the other options on the list by one of 2 methods below: Cursor Selection: Hover your cursor over the desired option and left click to confirm selection. KCCU Selection: Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys or the SCROLL WHEEL to navigate between all of the options on the list. Then click the ENT key to confirm the selection. (Click to enlarge image)
  25. You can manage your external integrations such as Navigraph via On-board Information System (OIS) third-party options, page which can be reached via FLT OPS MENU > OPTIONS > 3RD PARTY. (Click to enlarge image) (Click to enlarge image) Reset Navigraph After an A350 Airliner product update it is recommended to reset your credentials and refresh your Navigraph token to avoid issues with Charts, Enroute Map or FMS Navdata functions. It is also sometimes necessary as a troubleshooting step. Simply click the 'RESET CREDENTIALS' button and it will disconnect from Navigraph, returning you to the connection screen with a QR code to allow you to re-connect your Navigraph account. Re-Connect to Navigraph Then you can re-connect to your Navigraph account by Scanning the shown QR Code, OR Navigating to https://navigraph.com/code and enter the code shown on the OIS. After you have completed the authentication steps the OIS will update to show the additional 'UPDATE DATA' and 'RESET NAVIGRAPH' options. (Click to enlarge image)
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