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So it seems it does not have to do with using Fsuipc either or not, so ..??
And another flight today with "falling out of the sky", after a 2 hours flight from 4 hours so frustrating and a totally unusable airplane at this stage with this issue.. Please look what happens, otherwise it is a very good airplane but with such a problem it`s not useable ! cheers 🤒
Shure, i have... cheers 😉
@ Heya! We are tracking this issue already and probably have a fix for it in the next version, if it is the same one. The you use FSUIPC by chance? No, i am not using FSUIPC at all, so this could not be the only reason why this "falling down the sky" happens - unfortunately.. cheers 😉
Did a second flight ( same as above ) and this went well, all was beautiful, ILS capture ect., ect.. The difference between the two flights was that the 2nd flight started on the runway. In the first one the cargo was loaded with GSX and when the pushback with GSX was finished I loaded the saved flight "Ready for Takeoff" to completely start the aircraft. But I don't know if that could be the problem. Just to reply back..
Same to me with my second flight ( should go 2,5 hours ) my first was a Passenger flight this went well, my second a Frighter flight and i stepped away about 5 mins and as i came back the plane allready falls into the water and i could not do anything to keep on flying.. Also i see short stutters on the ground (also in the air but far less) for example when simply driving to the gates ( every some seconds ) and when loading the GSX vehicles jerk, but this is the plane's fault because this doesn't happen with the other planes. Seems to me the code needs some optimization.. cheers
Thank you, missed that..🤒 cheers 😉
So yes, how ? Flightplan loaded within the EFB, how i get em into the FMC ? Thanks..
Heavy to say, i was pushback from gate 2 and on outside view ( not drone camera ) from the plane i turned my camera around and as far as the background airport buildings came in it was stuttering somehow, got that more often on other places at the airport; as bockround comes i got short stutters.. My settings are moderate, LOD90 Render 60 so defently not overpushed. cheers 😉
At zooming around from outside i get some short stutters around and i do not have this at your KLAX. And KLAX is huge in comparsion with NZQN.. Maybe you could do some optimations there ? Would be fine you guys could look at NZQN in case of this.. cheers 😉
Yes here too,confirm, very bad bumps - at start with a PMDG 739 a bump took me half out of the runway.. My passengers screamed loudly at this point 😅 In use V.1.01 cheers 😉
OK ,My third ILS approach worked, but that has nothing to do with the set of the right KM/H. I had set this speed also with the other approaches but there at some point as far as i set full flaps the nose of the plane goes rapidly down and grounded me.. What i changed was the weight, and way too much heavier, the whole middle part was used ( 180000kg ? ) before i had only a truck loded, so could it be if you are loaded too lightly which affects the stability of the flight attitude in some cases ? I will do more tests but this shows up for me - at this third flight at apporach i could set full flaps witout the nose diving issue.. cheers 😉
I will look into this, not shure anymore what my speed was, your 277 means 277KM/H what is 150knots with full flaps ? cheers 😉
Guys, had a lot of problems to hold her correct on the ILS path, the annunciator shows i am on the path but she loses them all the times. On the ILS way down the plane does often very big hits up and down and this results that i am mostly to deep long before the runway, could there be looked at ? Maybe something to do with the flight model file, because the rudder and pitch inputs are reakting very, very hard.. This bird is hard to land therefore we should have a good capturing and flight on the ILS path - IMO. cheers 😉
Could be a bit louder IMO. cheers 😉
If i pop up the 2d panel on my second screen with the PFD,EICAS ect. and go to the outside plane view the panel does not update. From inside the plane yes but not from outside so hope this can be fixed with the next update.. Just don`t know if this is a Asobo thing or something other, to say PMDG737NG had the same thing but this is now fixed with there last update. Hope you inibuild guys can do that aswell with your A310 🙂 cheers 😉
Same to me, pending is gone but SB Plan loading still not possible ? cheers 😉
Sorry it does not work for you, i did load a plan a couple of minutes back and it worked fine. My MSFS is under C Drive but my Community and Official is on Drive D but this means my MSFS package Folder is C Drive so could be the reason - but not shure about that.. cheers 😉
There is still one Option i am using at the moment: You can download the Simbrief Downloader that gives you the Option to save the last Flightplan for all Developer that set up in there, inibuild aswell. There you can set the location where to save the plan, for example in my case: c:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\packages\microsoft-aircraft-a310-300\work\flightplans\ for the store Version. If you dont see that flightplan folder there just create that folder and save the flightplan in there, i did this and it is working now, so hope it helps you aswell.. Just to say that this desaster with not seeing the pilot page in the inimanager should be fixed and i am not shure if the plan load work over the FMC; if not this should be go under a fix aswell - long time problems now.. 🤔 cheers 😉
Nope sorry, after i opened the manager the second time the pilot window again is total emty - did not hold long 🤔 So what is goeing on here, i am bit confused because it worked before, until this issue is coming in..??
Had the same problem so this worked for me.. cheers
Or it does only not work for those people where the regular compile ( me included ) not work like it should seeing that if you have no compiled files in this directory : c:\Users\XXXXXX\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\packages\microsoft-aircraft-a310-300\ - this is the path for the Store MSFS Version. Can anybody confirm that it works ( simbrief import ) over the FMC with not have those compiled files in this directory ? If so i am complitly wrong, so any reply report would be fine about that.. One other thing - I have seen people say weather radar is functioning but when I turn it on I get what looks like a test pattern and no sweeps. Did you turn around that WX Knob ? ( and to make shure you have clouds around ) had this first too, but turning that knob to the second hold from right did the trick for me. cheers 😉
OK found it my self ! To all who wants to try, it does work for me: From the inibuild store download the iniManager and install. Finish all your setting after opening the manager, simbrief with your username or ID, i use the username because it is asked within the FMC In there go to Pilot support and there at pilot support export flightplan, should show your last created The planfile gets DL and is stored in your Official/OneStore/microsoft-aircraft-a310-300\Data\FMS plans\ For example this is my Path: d:\MS Flugsimulator 2020\Official\OneStore\microsoft-aircraft-a310-300\Data\FMS plans\ Go to your FMC and put the plan in there, for example: Plan is safed as OERKOJAI.fpl so put in OERK/OJAI, that should do it.. Hope this helps and Happy Flying ! cheers
Do can you explain how to do it ? If you download the plan where to store so the FMC find it ? What you have to do to load the plan into the FMC ? cheers
Hi guys, same thing happens to me, put in my simbrief username pressing Simbrief and getting this: PENDING* The simbrief.ini is in the right location and says my username ?? 🤒 cheers